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Database : article
Search on : DE LA HOZ, FERNANDO PIO [Author]
References found : 2 [refine]
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 Rodríguez-Burbano, Lady, De La Hoz, Fernando Pio and Leal-Castro, Aura L. Costo de neumonía nosocomial no asociada a ventilación en el Hospital Universitario de Santander 2007-2009. Rev. salud pública, Mar 2013, vol.15, no.2, p.180-191. ISSN 0124-0064

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 Alvis-Zakzuk, Nelson Jose et al. Inequalities on mortality due to acute respiratory infection in children: A Colombian analysis. Biomédica, Dec 2018, vol.38, no.4, p.586-593. ISSN 0120-4157

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