ISSN 0123-3068
Printed version



Scope and policy

The BOLETÍN CIENTÍFICO del CENTRO DE MUESEOS of the Universidad de Caldas is a specialized journal, whose purpose is to disclose research results in NATURAL HISTORY related to similar biological sciences. The journal is published once a year with the following topics: Main articles (up to 30 printed pages) related to Mastozoology, Ornithology, Herpetology, Entomology, Botany, and Conservation.

Articles aimed at the conservation of biological collections or at diverse aspects of Museology in Natural History.

Short communications such as book revisions, acknowledgements of professional trajectory, course and event announcements related to Natural History.

Without exceptions, all articles presented to this journal should be original. They must not be published in another journal or electronic means.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

General Guidelines

The articles can be written in Spanish or English and will be published in their original language. However, articles that have been published in other journals will not be included.

The texts will be revised by at least one or two specialists and their concept will influence the director's decision regarding publication. The articles the strictly follow these indications will be favored.

The original, two copies, a CD copy of the text with letter size 12 or 14, letter size pages, with 3 cm margins on all sides and doubled spaced (including title, key words, abstract, texts, tables and bibliography) in MSWord format should be sent.

Whenever possible, all of the texts should have a title, abstract and key words in both Spanish and English, except in the acknowledgments texts. When the texts are research results on particular species that require witness samples of collections, it is important to indicate the place (museum, herbarium or institution, preferably one that is registered in the Alexander Von Humboldt Institute) where the specimens are deposited. The collectors, the capturing dates and the recollection sites should also be indicated.

In addition, when referring to conserved or deposited material from the Museum of Natural History of the Universidad de Caldas, the institution should be cited using the abbreviation (MHN-UC), which differentiates it from the material found at the Museum of Natural History, Universidad del Cauca (MHN-UCC), to clear up the confusion, since they have been used interchangeably in previous volumes of the journal.

Main articles Main articles and those related to the conservation of biological collections should have the following order: title, abstract and key words, authors' full names, institutional address and electronic mail address, introduction, methodology and materials, results, discussion, acknowledgments, bibliography, tables and graphs.

Abbreviations and style

The scientific names of the species should be written in italics. It is advisable to write the complete name the first time it appears in the text, but from then on it should be abbreviated.

Words should not be divided anywhere in the text. The metric system and its abbreviations must be used for all measurements, separating the decimal numbers with periods.


The name of the authors consulted in the bibliography and that are mentioned in the text, should be cited in capital letters and under the following specifications:

MARTINEZ (2000), if the author's name is part of the sentence, and (MARTINEZ, 2000)
if not.
(MUÑOZ, 1999, 2000) for two articles of the same author cited simultaneously.
(MUÑOZ, 1999a, 1999b) for two articles of the same author from the same year.
(ALBERICO et al., 2000; BERTH et al., 2001; CALLEJAS et al., 2002; JORDAN et al., 2003; SALAZAR et al., 2003), for two or more publications of different authors. They should be cited in alphabetical order, first, and then in chronological order. The diverse authors should be separated by semicolons.

When the reference corresponds to a citation of two authors, the last names should be connect by the "&" symbol, and if the publications belong to more than two authors, the last name of the first author goes in capital letters followed by "et al": (MUÑOZ, et al., 2001).

Unpublished information, personal communications, electronic mails, and recently accepted articles can be mentioned. In the last case, the acceptance letter should be sent to the director for its verification.

The bibliographical list mentioned a the end of the article should be in alphabetical order according to the last name of the authors, always in capital letters and then in chronological order, as in the following examples:

Journal article

PECK, S.B. & FORSYTH, A., 1982.-Composition, structure and competitive behavior in a guild of Ecuadorian rain forest dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Canadian J. Zool., 60 (7):1624-1634.

Book chapter

LÓPEZ, H. & MONTENEGRO, O., 1993-Non-flying mammals of Carpanta: 165-187 (in) ANDRADE, G.I. (ed.) Carpanta: Selva Nublada y Páramo. Fundación Natura, Bogotá.


HILTY, S.L. & BROWN, W.L., 1986-A Guide to the Bird of Colombia. Princeton Un. Press.


ÁLVAREZ, J.A., 1993-Butterfly (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) inventory, with ecological notes for two zones of the department of Risaralda, Colombia: Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Science Faculty, Bogotá. Whenever possible the name of the cited journals should be abbreviated and written in italics, additionally, the book titles should be written completely, without any abbreviations. When citing the Boletín Científico Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad de Caldas should be abbreviated as follows: "Bol. Cient. Mus. Hist. Nat. U de Caldas".

Short communications

These include novelties in Natural History, Bibliographical Revisions, Bibliographical Tributes, which can be written without subtitles (introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion).


They must be mentioned in the text, identified and enumerated consecutively with Arabic numbers. The heading must be concise and descriptive and must be placed above the charts. The abbreviations or symbols must be explained below the chart. The charts must be saved as part of the text and be separated on different pages after the bibliographical references. They must explained themselves, and not repeat what was mentioned in the text. It is essential that they are created with the Word menu "Insert Chart", with different cells (charts with values separated by the ENTER key or as figures will not be accepted).


They include graphs and photographs, which must be mentioned appropriately in the text. They must be identified and enumerated consecutively, using Arabic numbers. The title of the figure must be concise and descriptive and it should be placed underneath the figure.

It is important to make sure that each graph or figure is mentioned in the text. If figures, published or unpublished data originating from another source were used, they must contain the original source, and it must be referenced.

The units, letters, numbers and symbols must be clear and uniform in all the illustrations and of a size big enough for their legibility, even after the necessary reduction made for their publication. The titles and detailed explanations must be included underneath, and not in the illustrations themselves.

The points of the curves in statistical graphs should be represented with contrasting markers such as circles, squares, triangles or rhombuses (filled or empty). Additionally, the curves should be clearly identified, so that the excess of information does not jeopardize the understanding of the graph.

In the case of bar graphs, different filling effects must be used (dotted or horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines, etc.). The gray colors should be avoided since they hinder the visualization of the printed form, and bold letters should not be used in the figures.

In order to send the figures in digital form, they should be scanned in a resolution of minimum 300 dpi, or whenever possible, digitized by means of a camera.


Sending of manuscripts


Materials can be sent to:
Comité Editorial
Boletín Científico Museo de Historia Natural
Centro de Museos, Universidad de Caldas
A. A. 275, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia
Carrera 23 # 58-65 Sede Palogrande
Telefax: 8851374

The texts that do not follow the indicated norms will be returned to their authors with the appropriate comments for its publication. Each author whose article is published will receive a copy of the Boletín Científico del Museo de Historia Natural Journal, corresponding to the number in which it is included.

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© 2010 Universidad de Caldas. Centro de Museos.

Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Centro de Museos
Oficina de Revistas Científicas
Calle 65 No. 26 - 10. Manizales - Colombia
Tel.: (57) (6) 8781500 Ext. 11222
Fax:(57) (6) 8781500 Ext. 11622