ISSN 2145-7719
versión online



Scope and policy

The journal CES DERCHO reflects all those juridical opinions of the academic sphere from the research field; it constitutes a space for excellence to share scientific and formative opinions that contribute to the articulation of the juridical knowledge and related sciences. It is a place to debate, confront, learn and share different opinions product of one the most important sources of knowledge, which is research.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The journal CES Derecho accepts as printing material the following type of documents:

Scientific and Technological Research Article. Document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains four important parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection Article. Document that presents results of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, about a specific topic, resorting to original sources.

Review Article. Document of a finished research where the analyzed, systematized and integrated, research results published or unpublished, on a field of science or technology, in order to give account of the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references.

Short Article. Brief document that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific and technological research, which generally requires an immediate diffusion.

Case Report. Document that presents the results of a study over a specific situation in order to make known the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a systematic commented review of the literature about similar cases.

Topic Review.Document resulting from the critical review of the literature about a specific topic.

Letters to the Editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions over the documents published in the magazine, which at the judgment of the Editorial Committee, constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the subject on part of the scientific community in reference.

Editorial. Document written by the Editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or an invited researcher about relevant subjects for the magazine.

Translation. Translations of classical or current texts or historical document transcriptions or of a specific interest in the magazine´s publication domain.

Reflection Document not originated from a research. Essay on a socio juridical free topic, not necessarily related with the execution of a research around the topic in question.

Bibliographical Review. Critical report about the content and characteristics of a book or any other publication, which involves an evaluation component.

Talks adapted to Scientific Article. Document prepared with scientific parameters proper of a printable article, which gives account of a research presentation.

General Aspects.

The article should be sent in Times New Roman font of 12 points, with interline spaces of 1.0 point, letter size sheet.
In case there are charts or figures included in the text, these should be submitted in PDF, JPG, PNG or GIF digital format. In any case, the charts and figures will be construed as part of the author´s intellectual production, unless that he makes the respective citation. In case it is necessary to have an authorization for the publication of these, the author will do the diligence.
Note: The research articles should include a description of the research problem, the objectives of the same, the method used, the sources and those partial or final results achieved.
Note: The review articles should answer to a serious, detailed and critical study within a scientific research, on a specific topic. They have as only purpose the review or examination of the bibliography published and recognized that points to a certain perspective of a specific research topic. The reviser poses with the type of work, a questioning that intends to resolve, collecting data to analyze and display from them a conclusion. This class of articles must contain the register of at least 50 different bibliographical citations.

The classification of review articles is limited to:

Exhaustive review articles: articles of commented bibliography that revolve around a central question.

Articles of descriptive review: bibliography referred to changing topics that update the reader.

Review articles about cases: include the bibliography that has been adapted in face of a juridical specific case.

Titles and Subtitles

 The title of the document serves to summarize briefly the main idea of the article and it should not exceed fifteen (15) words. In a footnote, the author should include the type of article to which it refers the document within the proposed categories like printable articles; these are scientific and technological research article, reflection article, review article, short article, case report, topic review, reflection document not originated from a research, bibliographical review. If the article makes part of a research, the author should specify the name of the project, the line of research, the group to which he is signed-up and the entity that financed the research.

Meanwhile, the subtitles reveal the structure of the document, that is to say, those main or important subdivisions of the text. That is why the subtitles should guide about fundamental issues, that the article deals with and they should not be more than three (3) or four (4).



First subtitle
First part of the subtitle

Citation and footnotes.

Whenever the author pretends to complement or deepen on a point of interest of the article, he should do it by notes that must be located at the foot of the page. If it deals with textual citation, they should differentiate two types: those with more than three lines should be indented on the left and have a separate paragraph; the others that are part of the text will simply be with quotation marks.

In case it is bibliographical citation, it will be within the text and they must contain the name of the author, the year and page numbers.

For example:
(Rodriguez, 1978, pg. 424-427)

Other examples:

Two authors: (López y Arango, 1970, pg 33); more than two authors: (Uribe et al, 1997, pg 66);

More than two books of the same author, from the same year: (Díaz, 1998a,1998b);

Books of several authors in the same citation: (Rodríguez, 1978; López and Arango, 1970: 33; Uribe et al, 1997).

Bibliography and Bibliographical References: these are included at the end of the text and listed in alphabetical order.



Books and articles included in books


Aisenson, A. (1989). Corporalidad y persona. México, Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Barta, R. (1997). El salvaje artificial (2ª ed.). México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y Era.

Chaumeil, J.P. (1991). “El poder vegetal”, G. Reichel-Dolmatoff (ed.), Rituales y fiestas de las américas. 121-177. Bogotá, Edicones Uniandes.

Zambrano, C.V. (1997). “Remanecidos. Vírgenes y santos en el macizo colombiano”. Revista Colombiana de Antropología. 35 (1), pg. 271-299.

Articles, thesis and unpublished writings or presented in seminars, symposiums, etcetera.


Hernández, E. y M. López. (1993). Etnobotánica de la medicina páez en el Cabuyo, Tierradentro. Undergraduate unpublished thesis, Universidad del Cauca.

Jordán, D. (1990). Matrimonio, perversión y poder. Unpublished Doctoral Disertación, Nueva York University.

Electronic Articles

These examples may be consulted in the page: APA which Website is:

Periodic Publications:


Internet Articles based on a written source

In the case of a magazine that you have consulted only in electronic or digital version, you should then mention the title (electronic version).

VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). “Role of reference elements in the selection of sources by psychology undergraduates” (Electronic version). Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, pg. 117-123.
If you are preparing the reference of an article from Internet that may have changed, you should add the date in which you obtained the document and the URL.
VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). “Role of reference elements in the selection of sources by psychology undergraduate”. In: Journal of Bibliographic Research, Vol. 5, No. 117. October 13, 2001. Digital version available in:

Articles in an electronic publication

Fredrickson, B.L. (2000). March 7. “Cultivating positive emotions to optimize elath and well-being”. Prevention and Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from

Articles in internet bulletins

Glueckauf, R.L., Whitton, J., Baxter, J., Kain, J., Vogelgesang, S., Hudson. (1998) July. “Videocounseling for families of rural teens with epilepsy” – Project update. Telehealth News, 2 (2). Digital version available in:
Yuseng, W. (2005). ¿Qué hace al mundo inestable? Digital versión available in: (September, 2014).

Non-periodical documents in internet.

Documents without reference of author or date


GVU´s 8th WWW user survey. n.d.August 8, 2000. Digital version available in:

 Documents available in the website of a university program or department

Chou, L., McClintock, R., Moretti, F., Nix, D.H. (1993). Technology and education: New wine in new bottles: Choosing pasts and imaging educational futures. Retrieved August 24, 2000, from Columbia University, Institute for Learning Technologies. Digital version available in:

Note: the other guidelines will be as prescribed by APA norms, sixth edition, used for submitting articles.

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

Following the national regulations, the executive and editorial teams work hard to ensure the compliance of the rules. That is why there is a close and continued concern about enforcing the legislations and precepts relating to copyright, ethics:


Sending of manuscripts

The article intended to for publication should be sent to the journal CES DERECHO logging into the following link and filling in the corresponding data or otherwise send it to the following e-mails:

[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

Creative Commons License
Todos los contenidos de esta publicación, salvo que se especifique de manera contraria, están publicados bajo una licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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