ISSN 2011-3080
online version



Scope and policy

The Revista CES Psicología (CES Psychology journal) is published by the Faculty of Psychology of the University CES (Medellin, Colombia), It provides academic and scientific submissions in the psychology field and other related knowledge such as social and human science, as well as health sciences. In order to communicate and enrich the experiences and knowledge in these areas, The CES Psychology journal submits every six months, in electronic and free format, the results of investigations, reviews, case reports, reflection, critical articles, papers and translations, as well as research and development summaries to the academic and scientific community, and all of those who are interested in these topics.

The journal has an Editorial Board and a Scientific Committee, in order to assure quality, visibility, and impact of the published articles.

All submissions should be original and unpublished, they as submitted have not been published or accepted for publication, nor are being undergoing review process for publication elsewhere, either in whole or substantial part. Also, if the article is approved for submission, copyright (print and /or electronic version, internet included) will be Exclusive property of The CES University. These agreement conditions must be signed and returned by the article's author or authors. Once it is published in Revista CES Psicología (CES Psychology journal), it could be edited by other media, as long as clarification is provided podrá ser editado en otro medio, siempre y cuando se realice la debida aclaración.

The received articles will be subjected at first, to the Editorial Board to analyze if they fulfill with the journal submission requirements. If so, the manuscript will be submitted to consideration of two experts in the concerned subject of the article. The peer evaluation will be under a type blind revision, in order to keep the anonymity of authors and reviewers. According to reviewers' recommendations, the Editorial Board decides if the article continues in the submission process. In case of being accepted, respective suggestions will be sent to the authors, with the purpose the article will be adjusted to the journal requirements. It liability of the authors submit the articles to all suggestions and recommendations made by the assessors, if they disagree, they must support their decision stating good reasons, otherwise, the Editorial Boars will reserve its decision on remaining the article in the revision and consideration process for a future publication. Finally, the Editorial Board will validate the adjustments made to the articles, and consequently, approve its publication.

Criteria for supporting the evaluation of the works are:

  • Contribution of new theoretical and practical acknowledge referred to the submitted subject.
  • Rigor to expose the subject
  • Clear and coherent exposition.
  • Carrying out of all editorial policies of the journal.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Contributions can be written is Spanish, English, Portuguese or French.

The works should be submitted in one of the following formats, which have been defined by Colciencias:

Scientific and technological research article. A document that the original results of completed research projects. They are structured in four main bodies: Introduction, methodology, results and conclusions or discussions.

Reflection article. Document resulting from a completed research from an analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective of the author. It is about a specific topic and taken from original sources.

Theoretical Discussion Papers. A document derived from research, in which published or non-published research results in a scientific or technological field are analyzed, systematized, and integrated in order to inform readers of the latest advances and developmental tendencies. It generally presents a careful revision of literature with at least 50 references. This paper normally includes: Introduction, theoretical framework, results, conclusions or debate.

Short Articles. A brief document that presents original results of a scientific or technological research study, and generally requires prompt dissemination.

Case Reports. A document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to disseminate the methodological, therapeutic and theoretical experiences considered in a specific case. The report includes a systematic and commented literature review of similar cases. Also, it is important to provide a detailed description of the case and the discussion.

Topic Review article. A document resulting from a critical revision of literature related to a specific topic or subject.

Reflection articles not resulting from research. A document resulting from the critical revision of a specific topic. Summaries of research and development projects. Summaries of completed or ongoing researches, and also projects that have not been presented as articles.

Translation. Translations of classical texts, news or transcripts of historical or particular interest documents in the journal publication domain.

Letters to the editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions with regard to documents published previously in the journal which, at the discretion of the Editorial board, provides a significant contribution to the discussion of the subject on the scientific community.

Comments and critiques on publications. Critical synthesis on a recent publication (printed or electronic), that provides a significant contribution on the scientific community.

Notes about topics of scientific, ethical and professional interest. Information about events concerning to the psychological field.

Articles should be prepared in accordance to the style manual APA publication (Publication Manual of American Psychological Association), in the current version at the moment of submitting the manuscript.

Further Information:;

Submission requirements:

Title: It should inform, in maximum 15 words, the specific issue on which is the work is focused or the variables under study. It should be written in the native article language as well as in English and Spanish.

Abstract: Description of no more than 120 words, (960 characters, punctuation and spaces included), that presents the most relevant aspects of the article, such as the objective of the study, the procedures, the main findings and the conclusions as is the case of articles that result from a research. In the case of Reflection and Revision articles not resulting from research, objectives, theoretical and methodological concepts, and/or analyzed conceptions and main conclusions must be considered. It should be written en the native article language as well as in English and Spanish.

Keywords: Main terms that describe the topics of the article. APA Thesaurus of Psichological Index terms should be consulted. These words should be presented in the native article language, as well as in English and Spanish.

Introduction: it presents briefly the conceptual and theoretical foundations as well as the previous works about the subject, that allow placing the reader into the research problem, the revision and /or the reflection and its approach. Also, it should provide the research objective.

Method: This is only required for articles resulting from research. It provides a description of the methodological aspects of the study, such as participants, material and procedures.

Results: Summary of data collection in the case of articles resulting from research.

Discussion: Evaluation and interpretation the results. In the case of articles not resulting from research results and discussion are not presented, it is generally provided a concluding section.

References: List of sources of information cited in the article. The reference format should be done in accordance to the style manual APA publication (Publication Manual of American Psychological Association).

All submissions should present proper composition, excellent grammar and accurate spelling.

Send in a separate sheet an introduction of the article's author or authors, with the basic information about their academic background, their relation to academic or research groups, contact details and recent publications.


Sending of manuscripts

The submission must be sent through the Open Journal System- OJS:

Acknowledgement of receipt will be report by the journal through electronic mail or a letter to the author in charge of mailing. The author can ask information about the manuscript status through,

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