ISSN 0124-4035
printed version

ISSN 2145-5112
Online version

ISSN 2145-5112
Online version


Scope and policy

Desafíos is an academic publication focusing mainly on political science, international relations, and urban studies. It welcomes articles from both national and foreign authors. The Journal is open to the reception of unpublished research articles and reviews that focus on the thematic lines linked to the above-mentioned disciplines and, in general terms, to social sciences and humanities in a wide range of theoretical, epistemological and methodological perspectives.

Review process

The manuscript reviewers selected by the Journal can be either internal or external to Universidad del Rosario, and both national or foreign. In any case, each manuscript having successfully gone through the initial filter of the editorial team is going to be reviewed by at least one (1) academic peer who is external to Universidad del Rosario. Precautions will be taken in order to avoid the risk of any conflict of interest from the reviewers with respect to the authors. If any doubt arises, a change of the academic peers will take place. The names of the authors and reviewers will remain completely anonymous during the process.

The reviewers will be able to suggest modifications to the original manuscript. In order to provide their evaluation, they need to follow the evaluation form provided by the Journal. The reviewers will have the option to (1) accept the manuscript as is, (2) to accept the manuscript with a number of suggestions seeking to improve it, or (3) to reject the manuscript. The final decision regarding the publication of the article belongs to the Journal's editorial team.

Form and preparation of manuscrips

The editorial team of Desafíos -published by the Center for Political and International Studies (CEPI in Spanish) of the Schools of Political Science and Government and International Relations of Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá, Colombia)- receives manuscripts which are then subjected to external (peer) review in accordance with the categories established by Colciencias and applicable to the journal, subject to the formal requisites described below.

  1. Article based upon scientific and technological research. A paper that presents detailed original results of research projects. Usually structured in four major parts: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  2. Article for Reflection. A paper that presents research results from the author's analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective about a specific topic and based on original sources.
  3. Review article. A paper resulting from research where findings from either published or unpublished investigations on a scientific or technological field are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, with the aim of divulging advances and development trends. It should present a thorough bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  4. Letters. Short articles focusing on a specific area of knowledge that may, or may not, aim to disseminate results of research processes. Usually, they include a limited number of bibliographic references.
  5. Review. This is a type of document that seeks to evaluate and analyze recent publications in the areas of knowledge concerning the Journal's focus (political science, international relations, political philosophy, political sociology, political economy, etc.). N.B.: The main purpose of a review is to carry out a critical assessment of the analyzed publication, not to provide a summary of it. This means that the author is required to assess the contribution of the publication to scientific knowledge in a particular sphere or subject of the social sciences. Both the identification of the publication's context and a critical assessment of its contribution to the progress of an academic field, constitute key elements of a review published in Desafíos. (Note: reviews are not taken into account for the purpose of indexation.)

Formal Prerequisites

  • Unpublished and original articles must be in Spanish, English, or French, in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 space, in the range of 8.000 to 12.000 words.
  • An abstract of the article not longer than 200 words must be included and 3-5 keywords must be assigned. If the article is written in Spanish, it must have its abstract and respective 'keywords' in English. If the article is written in English, it must have its abstract and respective 'keywords' in Spanish.
  • Every chart or table used should be accompanied by a short title referring to its contents and its full source must be included. (If the source is from the Internet, indicate the page link electronic address).
  • Articles should include, in a footnote on the first page, the institutional affiliation according to the following model: author name, department, institution, city, department/state/province, country, Email. Note that any person who has contributed substantially to the paper must be acknowledged. It is inappropriate to acknowledge institution directors or department heads as authors if they have contributed only marginally.
  • It is necessary to send with the article an author's CV including: Qualification (PhD, Masters and undergraduate degrees) from different universities; recent relevant work and academic experience; and articles published in indexed academic journals during the last two years.
  • The review should be of books published during the previous two years to deliver them. They may be written in Spanish or English. They should have a maximum length of 2,000 words.
  • References throughout the article should be cited within the text in brackets and in abbreviated form, according to the rules of the American Psychological Association (APA).


Arendt, H. (1951). The origins of totalitarianism. New York: Harcourt Brace.

Book chapters:

Parker, C. G. (2012). Religión, cultura y política en América Latina: nuevos enfoques. En C. G. Parker (Ed.), Religión, política y cultura en América Latina: nuevas miradas (pp. 13-73). Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Journal Articles:

Launay, S. (2012). Démocratie représentative et démocratie participative. Remarques pour une comparaison de la Colombie et du Venezuela contemporains. Desafíos, 24(1), 155-173.

Electronic sources:

Uribe Escobar, J. D. (2006). Evolución de la educación en Colombia durante el siglo XX. Recuperado el 4 de febrero de 2014 de

Each manuscript will be subjected to review by the editorial team, to an anonymous peer review, and to any formal changes required for adjusting the manuscript to the publication rules. For any additional questions, please contact:

Sending of manuscripts

Unedited articles arising from research activity are to be prepared in a word processing programme compatible with the following formats: Microsoft Word, RTF, Open Office or WordPerfect. To present articles for consideration by the Journal it is preferable that the Editorial Management System be used- available at:

The article and authorization may also be sent to the Universidad del Rosario carrera 6 A No. 14-13 Edificio Santa Fé, oficina 217, or by email to the following email addresses:

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© 1999 Universidad del Rosario

Universidad del Rosario
Grupo de Estudios Políticos e Internacionales, Facultad de Estudios Internacionales, Políticos y Urbanos de la Universidad del Rosario.
Cra 6 A No. 14-13, Edificio Santa Fe, Segundo Piso, Oficina 217, Bogotá, D. C., Colombia.
Teléfono: (57)+601+341 4006. Ext. 276