ISSN 0123-1294
Printed version

eISSN: 2027-5358
Online version



Basic Information

Educación y Educadores is a journal for all researchers who want to explore the subject of educational theory and teaching knowledge in greater depth.

Educators Education is an institutional journal published by the Universidad de La Sabana School of Education. Accordingly, it adheres to the education project (EP) of the university and circulates important contributions in multiple areas and at different levels of educational theory and practice, all of which are the product of rigorous research and study by the academic community of education professionals.

It is an open publication actively involved in systematically shaping and reinforcing teaching as the science of the task of education, helping to find dignifying and humanizing solutions in the diverse educational scenarios found in society.

Regular Recurrence: four month


Information Services

The articles published in Educación y Educadores are indexed or summarized by:

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  • Google Académico



© Universidad de La Sabana



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© 2008 Universidad de La Sabana, Facultad de Educación

Universidad de La Sabana
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Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia
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