ISSN 1794-1237
printed version

ISSN 2463-0950
online version



Scope and policy

The text reading of the Revista EIA is of primary interest to professionals, teachers and students in higher education who wish to update and go into in depth engineering subjects, especially those resulting from research.

Revista EIA encourages scientific discussions as a means for the production of refined knowledge.

The editorial reflects the views of the Institution, of the Editorial Committee, or the Directorate. The concepts expressed in the articles belong to their authors.

At least two peers, external to the Editorial Committee, and usually also outside the School, give their expert opinion on each paper submitted to judge.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


a) The text must be typed in a single column, 12-point Times New Roman font.

b) The paragraphs should be justified, leaving space between each other.

c) Do not allow more than one space between words; leave a single space after a period, a comma, a semicolon, a colon, or a parenthesis.

d) In Spanish texts avoid using the passive periphrastic voice (verb to be + past participle), as is used frequently in English, where you say, for example, “The mixture is prepared at 20 °C”.

e) Do not include page breaks or section breaks.

f) Choose correctly between dash and hyphen. Dash is longer (—), it is used in couples for connecting the previous and subsequent words, similarly to the parentheses. Hyphen (-) is used between words and numbers to which is attached, i.e. without placing spaces, such as technical-scientific, the period 2009- 2015.

g) Avoid footnotes; if they are very necessary, they should contain only explanations or complements for the work, without affecting the continuity of the text, providing additional information that the author considers necessary to include.

h) When using acronyms and abbreviations, should first be recorded the complete equivalence, followed by the corresponding abbreviation or acronym between parentheses, and beyond that point write the respective abbreviation or acronym.

i) The equations are built in the processor included in Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman font.

j) The symbols in the equations that represent constants, variables, and functions, in Greek or Roman letters must be in italics; mathematical symbols and numbers are not in italics, but in normal letter. Symbols should be identified immediately after the equation or at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order.

k) The words or phrases from the text that you wish to highlight, occasionally go in italics, not bold.

l) Figures should be named and referenced in the article, in strict order. The title of the figures is typed at the bottom as an ordinary paragraph out of the picture. Photographs are cited and numbered as figures. The text of the figures is typed in 12-point Times New Roman font; they should not be capitalized.

m) There are not charts but tables, without images, whose title goes at the upper part, as an independent paragraph outside the table.

n) Decimals must be separated with a comma (,) and not with a period (.), and the thousands and millions, with a period. It is accepted the use of decimal point in the case of English speaking authors, avoiding mixture of commas and periods for separating decimals in the paper.

o) Units, dimensions, and symbols should be used from the International System, SI.

p) Color are used in figures (graphics or photographs) when it is considered necessary for readability and comprehension of the reader.


Within the body of the article, you must use the Harvard citation style with the author’s surname and year of publication written in parentheses. For example, a paper published by the authors Robert Adams, Jane Baker and George Curtis in the year 2008 should be cited as Adams, Baker and Curtis (2008). If the same set of authors is cited more than one work by year, use lowercase letters (starting with “a”) after the number of years to distinguish the references in the list at the end. If more than three authors, the citation givenin the text should be used only the first surname followed by the abbreviation et al. For instance, a paper published by the authors Robert Adams, Jane Baker, George Curtis and Carolina Duque in the year 2009 should be cited as Adams et al. (2009). The list of references should be placed at the end of the work after the section Conclusions. The references are arranged alphabetically by surname initial of the first author of the paper concerned. The authors should carefully check that all the citations in the text appear on the list of references. The list should include only references that were cited in the body of the text, the tables or figures. This means that in the list should not appear other references, although the author has consulted them during the preparation of the paper. The text within each bibliographic reference should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font.

Citations referring to books and journals are included at the end of the article, as follows:

a) References should include, the surname and given name of the authors, separated by comma, the
title of the work in italics, place of publication, publisher, year of publication and reference pages. Example:

Kuhn, Thomas S. La revolución copernicana. Barcelona: Ariel, 1996. 384 p.

b) Provide references of journals in the following order: surname and first name of the original authors, the title of the article in quotation marks, the name of the journal or newspaper in italics, volume, year of publication and reference pages. Example:

Urbina Fuentes, Manuel y Sánchez Almanza, Adolfo (1993). “Distribución de la población y desarrollo en México”. Comercio Exterior, vol. 43, No. 7 (July), pp. 652-661.

c) If a reference is taken from the Internet should write the name of the site’s URL and the date of consultation. Example:

Cruz Noguez, Carlos Alonso; Murià Vila, David y Camargo Pérez, José. Método para calcular las rigideces y los amortiguamientos dinámicos de grupo de pilotes de fricción. Revista de Ingeniería Sísmica [online] 2007, (077): [consulted on January 26, 2009] Available in: ISSN 0185-092X.


Sending of manuscripts

1) Revista EIA accepts unpublished works in Spanish, English, or French.

2) The articles must not exceed 25 pages on letter-size, one and a half spaced, with 3 cm symmetrical margins, 12-point Times New Roman font. The title of the article must be in English and Spanish, not exceeding 20 words.

3) The article should include an abstract, not exceeding 200 words, in English and Spanish, and a list of 4 to 6 key words, also in English and Spanish.

4) The data from each co-author should include full name, the highest title of college undergraduate or graduate, e-mail, position and institution where they work, addresses and telephone numbers. Besides, include the identification document and date of birth, in order to entering the information on the platform of Publindex from Colciencias.

5) If there are several authors, each one must make a written approval to the publication of the article in Revista EIA.

6) Send article electronically, typed in Microsoft Word.

7) Being a reviewed publication, the Editorial Committee approves its publication based on the concept of two or more specialized peers.

8) In recognition of their contribution, two printed copies of the issue in which the article is published are sent to each author.

9) The proposed article will be sent to:

10) The postal address to obtain a copy of an article is:

Revista EIA
Antioquia School of Engineering
Calle 25 Sur 42-73 Envigado, Colombia.
Phone: +57-4-3393208

11) The site for consultation of any of the previous editions is

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Calle 25 Sur 42-73
Envigado, Colombia
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