ISSN 1900-3803
printed version


Scope and policy


The Journal of the Campus Research Director at Libre University, Cali, ENTRAMADO, is a semiannual publication in which local and international researchers, teachers, and students express themselves through their intellectual production, arising from scientific or technological research, thus giving rise to articles of research, reflection, bibliographic reviews which follow a rigorous research methodology with significant contributions to particular areas of knowledge, their thought in various disciplines, with articles selected by the editorial committee and duly reviewed by anonymous academic peers with a recognized track record (double blind review). It is classified as a multidisciplinary journal which covers multiple aspects related to social and human sciences, engineering, health sciences, agricultural science, and various fields of knowledge of a scientific nature.

  • ENTRAMADO accepts original, unpublished articles for their publication, namely, articles that have not been previously published in any other scientific journal (either in printed or in electronic form). Exempted from this rule are unpublished translations of articles written in foreign languages other than Spanish, provided that their content is deemed fundamental for an issue. At the time of submitting an article, the authors guarantee that their manuscripts are not in the process of being reviewed by any other academic journal. They also guarantee that their article will not be submitted for publication until both the peer reviewers and the Editorial Committee at ENTRAMADO issue their final approval.

  • Articles will be received in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

  • The Editorial Team may make use of plagiarism detection system and self-plagiarism (crosscheck, turnitin, writecheck, copionic, plagium ...) for checking the originality of submissions received.

  • It is the responsibility of the authors to obtain the necessary permits for reproducing copyrighted material (e.g. images, pictures, etc.), which must be attached to the documents submitted for consideration.

  • It is critical that authors state whether their articles are the outcome or development of ongoing or completed research - the source of all articles must be investigative in nature1. Authors are to provide, in the title, a reference to a footnote with the name of the project, dates of initiation and completion, and the names of the sponsoring entity and executing entity.

  • The Editorial Committee will review the articles based on criteria of relevance and coherence and contribution to knowledge and will make a decision as to whether they are suitable for publication.

  • They will also be initially reviewed to ensure that they meet the requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors. In case they do not meet these guidelines, then the articles will be returned to the authors for them to make the necessary adjustments. After selection, the articles undergo a double-blind (i.e. the author does not know who the reviewers are and viceversa) anonymous review by two academic peers based on ENTRAMADO's article evaluation guidelines. If an article is given a favorable and an unfavorable review, it will be forwarded to a third reviewer whose opinion will be final. In that case, the Editorial Committee will be responsible for resolving any controversies that might arise regarding the reviews and determining which articles are published. The decisions made by the Editorial Committee cannot be appealed. The authors agree to make the formal adjustments suggested by the reviewers or the director of the journal.

  • If an article is objected or rejected upon peer review, the peer-assessment results will be communicated to the relevant authors.


The authors are held accountable for their articles and, therefore, articles published in the journal do not reflect the principles or policies of either Libre University or the Editorial Committee.

  • The authors shall sign and attach a consent to their submissions (model document for guarantees and transfer of copyrights to Entramado - these guidelines are found on the last pages of the journal), stating that Entramado and, hence, also Libre University in Cali are entitled to reproducing the articles in the printed or electronic version of the publication without receiving any kind of monetary compensation or consideration on the part of the University. Articles are deemed to be the authors' contribution to the dissemination of knowledge or technological, cultural, and scientific development in the community or in this country. These guidelines are found on the last pages of the journal. After publication, articles can be reproduced without the need for an authorization, provided that the author's name, article title, year, volume, number, and page range are referenced, including ENTRAMADO as the source.

The publication operates according to the Creative Commons (CC), "Some rights reserved" in the Attribution- Non-Commercial-Share Alike mode. For the CC licenses, the principle is creative freedom. This system is not opposed to authorship rights, but rather complements them. We are conscious of the importance of the rights of the author in our culture. Creative Commons provides a system which automates the search for "common" content or content under CC license. In that way, when a work is licensed, the creator establishes general conditions which are digitally incorporated into the work, in such a way that a search engine can identify them and chose the most appropriate one.

reative Commons License

Entramado is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International.

Ethics & publication good practices



The list of authors should include only those persons who have contributed intellectually to the development of the article. The declaration of authorship accurately reflects individual contributions to the work. The authors agree to take collective responsibility for the article presented and published. Entramado Journal declines any responsibility for any disputes regarding the authorship of the works published in the Journal.

Sources of funding

Authors should declare both the funding sources and potential conflicts of interest.

Obtain permits

Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to partially reproduce material (text, tables, figures) of other publications. Permission must be sought from both the author and the publisher of the material.

Redundant or duplicated publication

The Journal does not accept previously published material and will not consider for publication manuscripts that are simultaneously submitted to other journals, or redundant or duplicative publications, that is, articles that substantially superpose another already published one, whether printed or in electronic form. It is necessary to cite and include the references of these previous publications in the new manuscript. Authors should be aware that not disclosing that material submitted for publication has been totally or partially published constitutes a serious breach of scientific ethics.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Each article must contain the following items:

A page with a presentation of the article.

  • Title in both Spanish and English. It must provide a summary of the main idea of the manuscript in a simple manner and in an appropriate style. It must be no longer than 15 words. The title must provide a first footnote stating the nature of the article or basic information about the project or research work that gave rise to the article and sources of funding in no more than 50 words.

  • Brief author's bio. This section includes academic background, organization, job title, research group memberships, and e-mail for contact purposes.

  • Analytical abstract in both Spanish and English. The abstracts are not to exceed 230 words in length. Summaries must be written in the third person. They must include: objective, methodology, and the most important result or recommendation that arises from the work. Abstracts should not contain references. No abbreviations or equations are to be used.

  • Keywords in both Spanish and English languages From at least 5 to no more than 10 words.

  • Classification/Rating: COLCIENCIAS2 and JEL3 for all articles.

Body of the article

  • Introduction. It provides the background, the purpose and the methodology of the research work. It also discusses the central theme of the article.

  • Theoretical framework. It includes a literature review that justifies the research, where the results of studies that validate the relevance and necessity of the research are discussed.

  • Methodology. It presents and justifies the chosen methodology. Then it goes on to provide a detailed discussion of the methodology and presents the results of applying the methodology.

  • Results. Presents the main results of the application of the methodology in an understandable and necessary way to assess the validity of the research.

  • Conclusion. It emphasizes the most important aspects of the article, but it is not a summary of the article. It focuses on recommendations and constraints and proposes future lines of research.

  • Bibliographic references. Bibliographic references must be provided following the ICONTEC standards (see NTC 56134, and NTC 44905, July 2008).

  • Annexes.

Footnotes. Footnotes will show only explanatory information. They will be numbered consecutively and will contain no graphics.

Textual citations. This is material cited from another source. A short textual citation (with fewer than 40 words) is incorporated in the text and enclosed in double quotes. Citations longer than 40 words should be placed in a separate block of text, without quotes, with smaller font size. In any event, the author, the year, and the specific page of the text cited should be present, and the complete reference should be included in the list of references. The quotes must be faithful; that is, there should be no modifications made to the text, even if words are misspelled. It should not be underlined or italicized, and in cases where the author wishes to add emphasis, he or she may italicize the text and then add the words "[italics added]" in brackets. The page number should be added only in cases of textual citation (including graphics and tables).

Guidelines for presenting bibliographic references: for one work per author are incorporated in parentheses (surname, year of publication) in the body of the text. If the author's name is part of the narrative, only the year of publication of the article is included in parentheses. When the date and surname are part of the sentence, they are not placed between parentheses.

Examples for citing a work by one author in the text:

  • In a study of social representations (Valencia, 2009)...
  • Valencia (2009), in his research of social representations
  • En 2009, Valencia, in his research of social representations ...

Works by multiple authors. When a work has two authors, both must be cited each time that the reference occurs in the text. When a work has three, four, or five authors, all the authors are cited the first time that the reference occurs in the text. In subsequent citations of the same work, cite the surname of the first author followed by the phrase "et al." and the year of publication. When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author, followed by the phrase "et al." and the year of publication, starting from the first time that the reference appears in the text (nevertheless, in the list of references, the surnames of all the authors are listed).

Example for citing works with multiple authors in the text:

  • ... this dimension is related to the perception of a just result, taking the investment into account (Messick and Cook, 1983)
  • Ambrose, Hess, Ganesan, Silveti, and Carr (2007) explain the principal use of the concept of justice ... (first time that this is cited in the text).
  • o Ambrose et al. (2007) propose analyzing the consumer's attitude ... (Subsequent time that it is mentioned in the text).

In the event that two or more works by different authors are cited in the same reference, the surnames and respective publication years, separated by a semicolon, are written within the same set of parentheses.


  • The internationalization of companies is a theme which enjoys wide acceptance (Arias, 2004; Leonidou, 1995; McDougall, Shane, and Oviatt, 1994; O'Farrell and Wood, 1998).

ICONTEC standards and guidelines for bibliographic references or sources of information NTC 56134, and NTC 44905, July 2008


Author. Title. Subtitle. Subordinated Responsibility (optional). Edition (if not the first). City: Editor, year of publication. Page. Accompanying material (optional). Series (optional). ISBN (optional)

  • AYRES, Frank. Cálculo. Traducido por Yelka María García. 4. ed. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill, 2001. 596 p. (Serie compendios Schaum; no. 12). ISBN 958- 41-0131-5
  • SMITH, Gordon V. y PARR, Russell L. Market and cost approaches. En: Valuation of intelectual property and intagible assets. 3 ed. New York: Jhon Wiley, 2000. P. 175-214
  • IMPRENTA NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA. Diario Oficial No. 44084; 44093. Ley 594 de 2000 (julio 14): por medio de la cual se dicta la Ley General de Archivos y se dictan otras disposiciones. Bogotá: Imprenta Nacional de Colombia, 2000. 89 p.


Author (s) of the article. Title of the article. In: Title of periodical (underlined and followed by a colon). Date of publication, month and year (full month name). Number of volume. Number of delivery. Numbering, beginning and ending number.

  • ZAMORA GARZÓN, Gabriel. La especialización tecnológica: consideraciones sobre su naturaleza y requerimientos. En: Educación Superior y Desarrollo: órgano de difusión del ICFES. Julio-septiembre, 1984. vol. 3, no. 3, p. 10-20
  • DUNN, Scott. Secretos de Windows. En: PC Word. Abril, 2002. vol. 6, no. 98, p.56-64


Jurisdiction (country, department or municipality, in all caps). Ministry or entity responsible (in all caps). Designation and number of legal standard. Date of legal standard (day, month, year). Name of the legal standard, if any. Title in that officially appears. Place of publication. Date of publication. Number. Page.

  • COLOMBIA. MINISTERIO DE LA PROTECCIÓN SOCIAL. Resolución 03997 (30, octubre, 1996). Por la cual se establecen las actividades y los procedimientos para el desarrollo de las acciones de promoción y prevención del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS). Bogotá: El Ministerio, 1996. 16 p.

  • COLOMBIA. CONGRESO DE LA REPÚBLICA. Ley 100. (23, diciembre, 1993). Por la cual se crea el sistema de seguridad social integral y se dictan otras disposiciones. Diario oficial. Bogotá, D.C., 1993. No. 41148. p. 1-168


Responsible entity. Title. Code standard (if not part of the title). Edition. Place of publication. Editorial. Year. Page.

  • INSTITUTO COLOMBIANO DE NORMALIZACIÓN Y CERTIFICACIÓN. Sistemas de gestión de la calidad: fundamentos y vocabulario. NTC-ISO 9001. Bogotá D.C.: El Instituto, 2005. 36 p.

  • INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION. Documentation -Bibliographic References - Content, form and Structure. ISO 690:1987. 2 ed. Geneve, Suiza: ISO, 1987. 11 p.


  • WORLD WIDE WEB CONSORTIUM. W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative Holds Best Practices Training in Spain; Webmasters, Designers Meet in Madrid to Learn About Accessible Design. In: ProQuest [On-line database]. Web Page HTML version. New York: Business Wire, 2004. [cited January 02, 2005]. Available on the Internet: <> p.1

  • VANDERHEIDEN, Gregg. (2000). Fundamental Principles and Priority Setting for Universal Usability. In: Proceedings of Conference on Universal Usability (CUU) [on line] Web Page XHTML version 1.0 Transitional. (s.l.): Association for Computing Machinery, 2000. [cited June 15, 2004]. Available on the Internet: <>.

  • Universal Design. [on line] Web Page HTML version.4.0 Washington, DC: (s.e.), 2005. [cited March 11, 2005]. Available on the Internet: <>.


1 COLCIENCIAS CLASSIFICATIONS of scientific and technological articles/ papers:
1. Scientific and technological research article/paper.
2. Reflection article/paper.
3. Review articles/paper.

2 COLCIENCIAS CLASSIFICATIONS of scientific and technological articles/ papers:
1. Scientific and technological research article/paper. A document that discusses in detail the original results of completed research projects. In general, the structure of these papers consists of the following four major sections: introduction, discussion/methodology, results, and conclusions.
2. Reflection article/paper. A document that discusses the results of completed research from the author's analytical, interpretative, or critical perspective about a specific topic, providing references to original sources.
3. Review articles/paper. A document that results from completed research work which reviews, systemizes, and compiles the results of either published or unpublished research works in a given field of science or technology aiming at communicating progress and development trends. It is characterized by the discussion of a thorough review of at least 50 different bibliographic references.

3 For more information on the JEL Classification system, please check the following website:

4 For more information download the document NTC5613.pdf in

5 For more information download the document NTC 4490.pdf in

Sending of manuscripts

Sending the articles:

The TOTALLY REVIEWED work must be e-mailed to ENTRAMADO, addressed to: in two files, as follows:

  • One file in MS Word in the simplest format possible (no layout) using preferably an 11-point size font (i.e. Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman) and single spacing. If the work involves graphic materials such as drawings, photographs, slides, tables, charts, maps, etc. These must be directly incorporated to the text with all the accompanying textual information (numbering, quotations, figure captions, sources, etc.) to indicate the location for insertion of the materials. The length of each article must be from at least 20 to no more than 35 letter size pages, including illustrations, graphs, and charts.

  • The second one must contain the tables (in Word of Excel) and the graphics or diagrams (in Excel, Word, Power Point, jpeg, or tiff) in grey scale.

If it is sent via traditional mail, a laser-printed copy, accompanied by a CD, should be included, specifying the author's name and the file name.

Mailing address:
Universidad Libre - Cali
Dirección de Investigaciones
Att. Claudia Piedad Guerrero, Co-editora
Diagonal 37A No. 3-29 Cali, Colombia
Conmutador: (572) 5240007 Ext.2200 -2201
Código Postal 760043
Cali, Colombia

The following must also be attached to the submission whether mailed or e-mailed:

  • A completed article submission form
  • The author's CV form (completed by each author)
  • Template of guarantees and assignment of copyrights to Entramado Journal
  • Conflict of interest policy template

The application forms, author's bios, and template of guarantee and assignment of rights are available at the following website: html - Submenu "Author's Guide"

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Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

Universidad Libre - Cali-

Universidad Libre, Cali, Valle, Colombia
Diagonal 37A No. 3-29 Cali, Colombia
Conmutador: (572) 5240007 Ext.2200 - 2201
Código Postal 760043
Cali, Colombia