ISSN 0121-5167
printed version



Submission Guidelines

Estudios Políticos will consider for its publication original articles, this imply that the manuscript has not already been published in whole or in substantial part elsewhere. The editors will give preference to articles that are the result of academic research, and literature reviews on political thought that make a contribution to the understanding of political issues in contemporary societies. These should follow high standards in theoretical clarity, in the employment of methodologies and a correct use of grammar.

1. Call for Papers Calendar. First call for papers: February 1 to March 1. Second call for papers: August 1 to September 1.

2. Format. The article should be in Microsoft Word 97-2003 format, 12 pt., Times New Roman font, with 3 cm. margins on all sides, double spaced, and aligned to the left, foot notes included with the exception of tables and diagrams. The article should not be longer than 7,500 words. If the article includes diagrams or tables its extension should not exceed 31 pages.

3. Authors Information. Authors should send a brief curriculum vitae with the following information: Last degree achieved, the name of the university where the author obtained it, city, country and year. It should also establish if the article is part of an institutionally formalized research, a thesis or an essay. If it is part of a research, the information should include the name of the project, the institution that sponsors it, and the registration code (if it has one). If the article is the result of a thesis or dissertation the information should include the degree achieved, year, and the main title of the thesis or dissertation. The complete position of the author or authors—name of the institution, city, country, full title of the position, and name of the research group to which this or these belong. Author's Full name, nationality, date of birth, identification number and type of ID, published books and articles, degrees achieved and the name of the institutions that awarded them, fields of specialization, e-mail, and postal address.

4. Abstract and Keywords. After the title and the author's name abstract and keywords should follow. The abstract should not be indented, it should be written in third person and present tense. It should include the question that the article aims to address, the argument claimed by the author, its theoretical and methodological framework and its main conclusions. The author can also underscore the most original aspects of the proposal in contrast to previous studies on the subject. The abstract should be between 120 and 180 words.

Keywords should be between 4 and 6. They should reflect the main subjects and concepts in the article and should be in accordance with specialized thesauri. Title, abstract and keywords should be translated into English.

5. Citations. Citations should follow the APA style with in-text citation. They should include: Author's last name, year of publication and page, as appropriate:

• To compare or consult information that has not been provided in a citation: In a parenthesis indicate the author's last name, and the year of publication. Ex.: (Montoya, 1997).

• Direct quotations: In a parenthesis indicate the author's last name, the year of publication, and the page number. Ex.: (Montoya, 1997, p. 143).

• If quotations are less than 40 words they should be written in the same paragraph or line in quotation marks, followed by the information of the source in accordance with the direct quotations form. Ex.: "Nothing and nobody exists in this world whose very being does not presuppose a spectator" (Arendt, 2002, p. 42).

• If direct quotations are 40 words or longer, place them in a free-standing block preceded by a colon (:), intended 1 cm. from the left margin. Ex.:

Some people have a really good sense of who they are, their likes and dislikes, and why they do what they do, whereas other people are plagued by considerable self-doubt and confusion, buffeted around by external pressures and evaluations. Colloquially, the former are said to have a strong sense of self, whereas the latter are said to have a weak sense of self. [...] Our view is that it entails at least three components (Kernis et al., 2008, p. 1297).

• If a sentence already includes the author's last name only the year of publication should be included in parenthesis. Ex.: As Quintana rightly claims (2006), the idea of a new life, of one separated from any context, the idea of a zôe, a dispensable but not an expendable one, will also serve, as stated above, as a basic presupposition for the Hobbesian theory of sovereignty.

• If the article has more than two authors, all the authors should be listed the first time the source is cited. Ex.: By 2000 the drug trafficking business generated in the region an estimated of $ 3.3 trillion, which represents 3.1% of its Gross Domestic Product (Klein, Day and Harriot, 2004). In following quotations only the first author should be included and other last names from the authors are replaced by "et al." Ex.: (Klein, et al., 2004). If the article has more than 6 authors "et al." is used from the beginning.

• References to the Bible and the Quran should be also in-text, but they are not included in the reference list. In-text quotation: (Title. Version. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher. Year of publication. Book name: Chapter number and verse number), Ex.: (Holy Bible. Translated from the Latin Vulgate by José Manuel Petisco. 9 ed. Madrid: Apostolate of the Press, 1964. Wisdom 18: 5-25).

• According to the Colombian Technical Norm NTC-5613, personal communications, unpublished observations, field notes, workshops and interviews, are quoted only when they provide essential information that is not registered in public sources. Since they do not provide retrievable data they should not be included in the reference list. Ex.: Dr. Luis Serra (personal communication, June 20, 2008) noted in his work...

Each quote from interviews, focus groups, among others, must be supported by an informed consent, otherwise the source will be assigned a pseudonym.

6. Footnotes. These are mainly used to clarify some information or to provide additional data; they are used to quote personal communications, unpublished observations, legal documents and legal regulations, and historical or archival sources. Legal documents and archival sources are the only ones that are also included in the reference list.

7. Reference List. The citation of references should be done at the end of the article under the title "Bibliographic References." These should include only the sources that support the research, were employed for the preparation of the work, and were cited in the article—unlike the list of references that include references used for further analysis on the subject. According to APA standards, the list of reference should be done following these criteria: full name, alphabetically by the first letter of reference; works by the same author should be arranged chronologically, and double-spaced. If there are several works by the same author in the same year, they should be differentiated from each other adding a letter in alphabetical order to the year of publication. Ex.:

5. Uribe de Hincapié, María Teresa. (1998a)...

6. Uribe de Hincapié, María Teresa. (1998b)...

7.1 7.1 Printed Matter

7.1.1 Books

- Last Names, First name. (Year). Title. City: Publisher.

- Mannheim, Karl. (1956). Essays on the Sociology of Culture. New York: Routledge.

Including Editor (ed.), coordinator (coord.) o compiler (comp.)

- Last Name, First Name. (ed.) or (eds.). (Year). Title. City: Publisher.

- Lalander, Rickard O. (ed.). (2006). Venezuelan Politics and Society in Times of Chavismo. Stockholm: Institute of Latin American Studies.

7.1.2 Anthology or Collected Works

- - Last Name, First Name. (Year). Chapter Title. In: Last Names, Name and Last Name, Name. (ed.) or (eds.). Book Title (pp. xx-xx). City: Publisher. Ex.:

- Lewin, K. (1999). Personal Adjustment and Group Belongingness. In: M. Gold (ed.). A Kurt Lewin Reader: The Complete Social Scientist (pp. 327-332). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (Original work published 1941)

7.1.3 Articles in Journals

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Article Title. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), pp. xx-xx.

- Restrepo, Jorge; Spagat, Michael and Vargas, Juan Fernando. (2004b). The Dynamics of the Colombian Civil Conflict: A New Data Set. Homo Oeconomicus, 21 (2), pp. 396-428.

7.1.4 Newspaper Articles

- Last Name, First Name. (Year, month day). Article Title. Newspaper Title, pp. xx-xx. Ex.:

- Meier, B. (2013, January 1). Energy Drinks Promise Edge, but Experts Say Proof Is Scant. New York Times, p. 1.

7.1.5 Lectures Unpublished Contributions to a Symposium

- Last Name, First Name. (Year, day, month). Lecture Title. Event. Lecture conducted from Sponsor, City.

- Goddard, Terry. (2001, 17 de octubre). Phoenix today. MCCCD Honors Forum Lectura Series. Phoenix College, Phoenix AZ.

7.1.6 Conference Papers and Proceedings Published in a Book

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Paper Title. In: Editor or compiler (eds.) or (comp.), Event. (pp. xx-xx). City: Publisher.

- Naranjo, Gloria. (2004). El desplazamiento forzado en Antioquia. In: Uribe de Hincapié, María Teresa (ed.), Soberanías en vilo y ciudadanías mestizas. First Congress: Nation, Citizen and Sovereign. (pp. 102-147). Medellín: La Carreta.

7.1.7 Unpublished Works

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Title. Unpublished manuscript.

Thesis or Dissertation:

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Title. (Unpublished thesis or dissertation). Institution or University Name, City.

- López Vélez, María Omaira. (2000). Violencia y derecho humanitario en Antioquia. Una mirada de género al conflicto político armado. (Unpublished Thesis). University of Antioquia, Medellín.

7.1.8 Legal Regulations

Should be taken as legal regulations: laws, ministerial orders, decrees, resolutions, and, in general, any administrative act that generates obligations or rights. These should be cited both in-text and in footnotes, according to the Colombian Technical 5613:

- JURISDICTION (country, department, State or municipality, in capital letters). RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT OR ENTITY (capital letters). Designation (Law, Order, Decree, etc.), and number or code of the legal regulation. (Date of the legal rule: day, month, year). Name of the legal rule (if available). Title of the publication officially listed. Place of publication, Year of publication. Number or code. Pages. Ex.:

- COLOMBIA. CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC. Act 1430 (29, December, 2010). Through which control tax and competitiveness standards are established. Official Newspaper. Bogotá, D.C., 2010. # 47937. pp. 1-168.

7.1.9 Archival Sources

For this type of references we have adopted the format of Historia Crítica journal.

- "Title of Material" (place and date, if it applies), Acronym for the Name of the Collection. Call number, Box number, File number, vol./leg./t., f. o ff. The first time the full name of the collection or archive should be cited with the acronym in parenthesis.

The information should not be provided in-text but on a footnote. Ex.:

- Full name of the collection (acronym), City, Country. Call number, Box number, File number.

7.1.10 Technical Report

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Title. (Report #. xxx). City: Publisher.

7.1.11 CD-ROM

- Author. (Date of Copyright). Title (Recorded by artist if different from original writer). On: Title of Album or production [Medium of recording]. Location: Label. (Recording date if different from copyright date)

7.2 Cybergraphy

7.2.1 Electronic Sources

- Last Name, Name. (Year of publication). Title of the Article. Name of the Website (URL). Retrieved from: Specify the address or Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

A DOI is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by the publisher of an electronic document used to identify its content and provides an stable linking thru an on-line location where the object can be found over the lifetime of the document.

- Teitel, Ruti G. (2007). Genealogía de la Justicia Transaccional. Centro de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Chile. Retrieved from:ía.pdh

For electronic documents the date when it was retrieved should not be included, the dot is not used after URL or DOI. Although not all electronic documents have DOI, if they do have must be included as part of the reference.

7.2.2 Online Periodical

Online Article and Weekly Publications.

- Last Name, First Name. (Year of publication). Title of the Article. Title of the publication, volume (issue), pp. xx-xx. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxx or doi: xx.xxxxxxx

7.2.3 Online Article of Daily Publication

- Last Name, First Name. (Year of publication). Title of the Article. Title of Publication. Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or doi: xx.xxxxxxx

7.2.4 Books

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Title. [Name of the on-line source]. Retrieved from or doi: xx.xxxxxxx

7.2.5 Online Book Chapter

- Apellidos, Nombre. (Año). Título del capítulo o entrada. En: Apellidos, Nombre (ed.). Título del libro (pp. xx-xx). Ciudad: Editorial. Recuperado de http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o doi: xxxxxxxx

7.2.6 Tesis en la Web

- Last Name, First Name. (Year). Title. (Undergrad Thesis, Master Thesis or Dissertation, Name of the university or institution). Retrieved from http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

8. Evaluation Process. Authors will be notified of the receipt of the article and its acceptance for publication in the journal. However, in no case manuscripts will be returned. Each article will go through a process of proof reading and will be peer-reviewed by two anonym evaluators.

Academic peers are chosen by the Editorial Board, according to criteria established by different databases of indexes and abstracts. Including: academic level (M.A. or Ph.D.), publications, among others. Upon acceptance of the request for evaluation, evaluators agree to submit their concept in a period not exceeding 30 days.

Based on the opinion provided by evaluators, the Editorial Board issues a final decision on the publication of articles and will send the comments made by evaluators to the author, who agrees to return the article within a period of two weeks. The author should make explicit the changes to the final version and the Editorial Board will review that they have been made properly. The Editorial Board also reserves the right to suggest modifications demanded by the formal dimensions of the journal or its editorial line. At the stage of proof reading no alteration of the content will be allowed.

9. Copyrights. Articles should be original, web-sites included, and should not be submitted to simultaneous review by other publications. Along with the article the author should send a signed letter—via e-mail or in a hard copy—in which the person certifies compliance with this requirement and the transfer of copyrights to Estudios Políticos, according to the format provided below:

Date, City

Dear Sir/Madam,

Estudios Políticos Journal

Universidad de Antioquia

By this letter I certify that the article "..." that I submitted to be considered for publication in your journal is original, has not been published in whole or in substantial part elsewhere, and is not under review by any other publisher or journal. Additionally, I notify you that it is my intention to transfer the copyrights of my article to Estudios Políticos.


Author's Name

Identification Number, institutional affiliation or other information you deem necessary.


Sending of manuscripts

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Instituto de Estudios Políticos, Universidad de Antioquia

Carrera 67 No. 53-108, Bloque 14, Oficina 207
Ciudad Universitaria
Medellín-Colombia A.A. 1226
Tel.: 57 (4) 219 86 91
Fax: 57 (4) 219 59 60

Web: Estudios Políticos Journal OJS; Instituto de Estudios Políticos