ISSN 0120-1468
printed version


Scope and policy

Writers who are interested in being published in Franciscanum should keep in mind that three types of articles are given priority, according to the nomenclature of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, «Colciencias», which is responsible for evaluating the quality of serial publications in Colombia:

  1. A Scientific and Technological Investigative Article. A document which presents in detail, the original results of finalized investigative projects. The general structure used contains four important aspects: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

  2. Reflexive Article.  A document which presents the results of a finalized investigation from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective about a specific theme containing original sources.

  3. Revision Article.  A document, which is the result of a finalized investigation, where the results of published or unpublished investigations about a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, with the aim of discovering the advances and tendencies of development. The document is characterised by presenting a careful bibliography of at least 50 references (Colciencias Colombia. Servicio Permanente de Indexación de Revistas CT+I Colombianas.

Occasionally, short articles, case studies, thematic revisions, translations, non-investigative reflective documents and publication reviews can be included, depending on the sections of the journal or the decisions of the Editorial Committee.

A book review is a document that, from an attentive lecture, presents to academic community a clear position about a current written work. It’s must include all information about the work, describing the content and demonstrate a critical and projective position.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

In order for a work to be published, it is necessary for the writing to be appropriate and unpublished.  The article should be laid out as follows:

  • Length: Between 12 and 30 pages
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12
  • Spacing: Single
  • Margins: 3 cm on each side

It should be presented with the title of the article, followed by the author's name (as a footer, a small biography should be included, which lists in the following order:  education, past and current work, institutional affiliation, investigative groups, e-mail address), a summary (of between 100 and 200 words) and five key words in English and Spanish.

The bibliography should be placed at the end of the article, following the guide of the «Chicago Manual of Style» for humanities journals. This will also be used for referencing in footers:

  1. For books with a single author:

    1. Footer reference
      Automatic reference number. Name and surname, Title (City: editorial, year), quoted page.
      Example: 5 Manuel Alejandro Prada Londoño, Lectura y subjetividad. Una mirada desde la hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur (Bogotá: Uniediciones, 2010), 127.

    2. Bibliography
      Surname, Name. Title. City: Editorial, year.
      Example: Prada Londoño, Manuel Alejandro. Lectura y subjetividad. Una mirada desde la hermenéutica de Paul Ricoeur. Bogotá: Uniediciones, 2010.

  2. For a chapter of a book:

    1. Footer reference
      Automatic reference number. Name and surname, «Title of the chapter», in Title of the book, ed. Name of the editor (City: Editorial, year), quoted page.
      Example: 6 David Gerardo López Galvis, «El tiempo como instancia crítica de la esperanza cristiana», en Cuestiones de Teología en el inicio del siglo XXI, ed. Fernando Garzón Ramírez (Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2008), 210.

    2. Bibliography
      Surname, name. «Title of the chapter». In Title of the book, edited by Name of editor, pages of the chapter. City: Editorial, year.
      Example: Galvis López, David Gerardo. «El tiempo como instancia crítica de la esperanza cristiana». En Cuestiones de Teología en el inicio del siglo XXI, editado por Fernando Garzón Ramírez, 195-212. Bogotá: Editorial Bonaventuriana, 2008.

  3. For an article in a printed journal:

    1. Footer reference
      Automatic reference number. Name and surname, «Title of the article», Name of the journal issue, volume (year): quoted page.
      Example: 8 Jaime Laurence Bonilla Morales, «Teología del pluralismo religioso: paradigma y frontera», Franciscanum 156, Vol. LIII (2011): 99.

    2. Bibliography
      Surname, name. «Title». Name of the magazine issue, volume (year), pages of the article. Example: Bonilla Morales, Jaime Laurence. «Teología del pluralismo religioso: paradigma y frontera». Franciscanum 156, Vol. LIII (2011): 75-104.

  4. For an online article:

    1. Footer Reference
      Automatic reference number. Name and surname, «Title of the article», Name of the journal issue (year): quoted page, accessed on month day, year, web address.
      Example: 10 Fernando Robles, «Epistemologías de la modernidad: entre el etnocentrismo, el racionalismo universalista y las alternativas latinoamericanas», Cinta de Moebio. Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales 45 (2012): 198, consultada en enero 15, 2013,

    2. Bibliography
      Surname, Name. «Title». Name of the journal issue (year): Starting page number and finally if it have. Accessed on month day, year. Web address.
      Example: Robles, Fernando. «Epistemologías de la modernidad: entre el etnocentrismo, el racionalismo universalista y las alternativas latinoamericanas». Cinta de Moebio. Revista de Epistemología de Ciencias Sociales 45 (2012): 169-203. Consultada en enero 15, 2013.

  5. For a web page:

    1. Footer Reference
      Automatic reference number. «web page title», Author or owner of the website, accessed on month day, year, web address.
      Example: 12 «Observatorio de la diversidad religiosa y de las culturas en América Latina y el Caribe», Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá y Federación Internacional de Universidades Católicas, consultada en enero 14, 2013,

    2. Bibliography
      Author or owner of the website. «Web page title». Accessed on month day, year. Web address.
      Example: Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá y Federación Internacional de universidades católicas. «Observatorio de la diversidad religiosa y de las culturas en América Latina y el Caribe». Consultada en enero 14, 2013. (Cf. «The Chicago Manual of Style Online», University of Chicago, accessed on December 16, 2012, 16a edition.

Sending of manuscripts

Reception, Judgment and Publication Process

  1. The author should send the article directly to the e-mail address, expressing their interest in being published in the Journal, along with their C.V. as a separate file.

  2. Once the article has been received, it will be presented to one or more judges or academic peers who will deliver their opinion on a sheet which establishes the criteria for evaluation. These opinions will then be relayed to the article's author. If there is a disagreement between the judges, it might be possible to send the article for a third review to make a final decision, and the Editor will have the final decision on its publication. «Double Blind» judging will be carried out, in which the author will not know the name of the judges, nor will they know the name of the author of the article which they are evaluating. The dates of receipt, evaluation and acceptance will appear at the end of every article.

  3. Once accepted, the article will then be revised on style, edited and published.

General Regulations

  • The content is wholly the responsibility of the authors.
  • Sending an article to the e-mail address of the Journal does not imply it will be published.
  • The reception, judgment and publication of the article does not imply any payment.
  • The service provided by the scientific committee, editorial committee and the judges does not imply any payment.
  • Texts which are accepted for publication can be circulated through virtual media.
  • The authors should meet editorial processes for each publication
  • Printing and posting times are unconnected with the editorial policies of the Journal.

Editorial Committee

The journal's editorial committee creates the editorial policies and supports the editing and publishing processes.

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee makes sure that the high quality of the products is permanently kept, with the aim of fulfilling the mission and the goals of visibility and national and international indexing.


The judge or academic peer is an expert in the specific themes that the authors of the articles have tackled. Their function is to check the quality of the particular article which was sent to them, so that the articles which are published in the journal are pertinent and make a contribution to philosophy, theology and other related fields.

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© 2007 Universidad de San Buenaventura - Bogotá-

Franciscanum. Revista de las Ciencias del Espíritu
Facultad de Filosofía y Facultad de Teología
Universidad de San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia
Carrera 8 H No. 172-20
Tel. (57-1) 6671090 Fax. (57-1) 6773003