ISSN 2027-5137
printed version



Scope and policy

Historia Y MEMORIA has the purpose of disseminating unpublished essays and articles resulting from research projects in any historiographical field. Its publication criteria is based on a system of peer review; ensuring academic validity and preservation of research-based knowledge production. As a guarantee of the publication process, peer evaluations must be impartial, reliable and apply ethical criteria.

Publication includes several moments in the editorial process. These all of these moments form a whole, even though they are presented as separate; for this reason, it is essential that all intervening agents act with ethical criteria in able to guarantee intelectual property, authenticity and quality in publications. In the following pages we will briefly describe some of these aspects, related to the responsibilities of editors, Editorial Coordinator, peer evaluators or assessment committee, and obligations of authors:


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Historia Y MEMORIA journal accepts three types of papers linked to research processes, as follows:

  1. Types of articles
  2. 1.1 Scientific and technological research articles. This kind of articles presents original results of research projects. The structure of the paper generally contains four excerpts: introduction, methodology, findings and conclusions.

    1.2 Reflection article. This article presents the author's research results on a specific topic, from an analytic, interpretive or critical perspective. The development should be based on original sources.

    1.3 Review article. It is the result of a research study which analyzes, systematizes and integrates published or unpublished research findings, of a specific field of science or technology, in order to account for its progress and historiographical trends. It is characterized by the presentation of a careful bibliographic revision of at least 52 references.

  3. Article Content
  4. The article should contain: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (methodology), Development of the work, Conclusions and Bibliography.

    Abstract: This is an analytical summary that presents the objectives of the article, its content and results. The maximum length should be 200 words, in Spanish and other languages as English, French and Portuguese. The journal will introduce an English summary for all submitted articles.

    Key words: are 4 to 6 words that describe the content of the document. Key words must be in Spanish and the languages accepted by the journal. The magazine will introduce key words in English.

    Introduction: should include the methodology used in the research development.

    Development of the work: Papers should not exceed 18 pages in letter format (8.5 x 11 inches), single spaced and using Century Schoolbook font size 12. Footnotes must be in the same page, in font size 10. Quotations of four lines or more must use long citation format, single spaced, font size 11 and using indented margins of 1-1. THEY SHOULD NEVER USE ITALICS, ONLY IF THESE ARE USED IN THE ORIGINAL TEXT OR IF THE AUTHOR INDICATES THEIR INTENTIONAL USE IN A FOOTNOTE. Long type quotations (4 lines or longer) must appear without quotation marks at the beginning and end, and be set apart from the previous text. If the quotation starts in the middle of a sentence, brackets [...] should be placed at the beginning, the same as at the end, or between the sentence, if the sentence is cut. For example:

    [...] estos hombres -decía- son los más tenaces, más obstinados (...) la voluntad del pueblo está contra nosotros, pues habiéndoles leído aquí mi terrible intimación, exclamaban que primero pasarían sobre sus cadáveres, que los españoles los vendían y que preferían morir a ceder [...]

    Tables, graphs, illustrations, photographs and maps should be referenced and explained in the text. Likewise, they should be entitled, sequentially numbered and accompanied by their captions and source(s). Each image with its corresponding information must be placed after the paragraph where it is mentioned. The images should be submitted in high quality digital format. It is the author's responsibility to obtain and submit permission for publication of the figures that so require it, to the magazine. Footnotes should use Arabic numerals.

    Conclusions and Bibliography: At the end of the article the bibliography must be included, in Century Schoolbook font size 11.

  5. Article Evaluation Process
  6. 3.1 Once the article is received, the Editorial Board assesses whether it contains the basic requirements demanded by the journal, as well as its thematic relevance for publication in a journal of historical character.

    3.2 Articles will be evaluated by two anonymous peer reviewers, that will issue their concept to the Editorial Committee for its approval. Whether the article is approved with or without modifications, or definitely denied, results of the evaluations will be communicated to the author.

    3.3 The comments of peer-reviewers and the Editorial Board, should be taken into account by the author, who will make the requested adjustments. These modifications and corrections to the manuscript must be made by the author in the period determined by the Editorial Board.

    3.4 After receipt of the amended article, the author will be informed about approval and publication of the paper.

  7. Article submission

The journal has a semesterly periodicity. Articles will be published in two sections of the journal: the "Special Section" according to the central topic of each call for papers; and the "Free Topic Section", where articles of different topics will be received all year round.

The article must be sent in a digital file without the author's name, and must preferably be in word format and include a presentation letter. Images and tables must be in JPG.

A summary of the author's curriculum and personal information will be included in an annexed file. The curriculum summary must contain author's studies, institutional affiliation, current work position, recent publications and research line(s). Personal information must include the home or work address.

All required documentation must be sent to the following electronic address:

Once the text has been approved for its publication, the author(s) of the text will grant Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia the use of proprietary copyright (reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution) for publication in the journal, by means of signing the "Authorization for Use of Intellectual Property Rights" document.

1. Citation guidelines

Historia Y MEMORIA Journal uses an adaptation of the Chicago Style Manual, 15th edition. In the following paragraphs we will provide examples of the differences between references in the footnotes and bibliography.



Name and Last Name, Title (City: Editorial, date), pp.

Example: Francois Javier Guerra, Las revoluciones hispánicas. Independencia americana y liberalismo español (Madrid: Complutense, 1995), 219-222.


Last names, Name. Complete title. City: Editorial, year.

Ejemplo: Guerra, Francois Xavier. Las Revoluciones hispánicas. Independencia americana y liberalismo español. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 1995.

Two authors


Name and Last Name and Name and Last Name, Title (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Alain Rouquié y Guy Hermet, Para qué sirven las elecciones? ( México: Fondo de cultura económica, 1982), 210.


Last Name, Name and Last Name, Name. Title. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Rouquié Alain y Hermet Guy. Para qué sirven las elecciones?. México: Fondo de cultura económica, 1982.

Four or more authors


Footnotes must include the complete name of the first author, followed by "et al" or "and others"; either option is valid.

Example: Antonio Annino y otros, Inventando la Nación: Iberoamérica en el siglo XIX (México: FCE, 2003), 232.


All of the authors may be mentioned in the Bibliography; nevertheless it is also valid to use "et al" or "and others".

Last name, name and others. Complete title. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Annino, Antonio; Von, Dusek y Guerra, Francois. Inventando la Nación: Iberoamérica en el siglo XIX. México: FCE, 2003.

Or: Annino Antonio y otros. Inventando la Nación: Iberoamérica en el siglo XIX. México: FCE, 2003.

Book chapter


Name Last Name, "Title", in Book title (City: Editorial, year), pp.

Example: Manuel Rojas Bolaños, "Las relaciones gobierno-partido en Costa Rica", en Gobiernos y partidos en América Latina: un estudio comparado (reimpr., México: CEPCOM, 2001), 185-222.


Last Name, Name. "Chapter Title". In Book Title. City: Editorial, year.

Example: Rojas Bolaños, Manuel. "Las relaciones gobierno-partido en Costa Rica" (capítulo IV). En Gobiernos y partidos en América Latina: un estudio comparado. Reimpr., México: CEPCOM, 2001.

Magazine article


Name Last name, "Article Title", Magazine Title vol: No (month and year): pp.

Example: Gabriel Zaid, "La fe en el progreso", Letras Libres 6: No.71 (noviembre 2004): 20.


Last Name, Name. "Article Title". Magazine Title vol: No (month and year): pages.

Example: Zaid, Gabriel. "La fe en el progreso" Letras Libres 6, núm.71 (noviembre 2004): 20-32.

Press article


Name Last Name, "Article Title", Newspaper Title, City, day and month, year, pp.


Last Name, Name, "Article Title", Newspaper Title, city, day and month, year.



Name Last Name, "Thesis Title" (B.A/M.A/Ph.D thesis, Univ; year), pp.

Example: José Orlando Ávila Rodríguez, y Carlos Eduardo Torres Cortés, "La violencia en el occidente de Boyacá durante el gobierno de la concentración nacional". (Trabajo de grado para optar el título de Licenciatura en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Chiquinquirá, 1986). 45, 50, 102.


Last Name, Name. "Thesis title". (B.A, M.A/Ph.D thesis; Univ; year).

Archive sources


"Document Title" (place and date, if applies), archive abbreviation, Section, Fund, vol./leg./t., year. The first time it is mentioned, the complete name of the archive is cited, with the abbreviation in parenthesis.


"Oficio enviado al Presidente la república", (Riosucio- Antioquia, 5 de febrero de 1911), Archivo General de la Nación AGN. Bogota Colombia. Sección República, Fondo Ministerio de Gobierno.


Complete name of archive (abbreviation). City-Country. Section (s), Fund (s).


"Letter to the President of the Republic," (Riosucio- Antioquia, February 5, 1911), Archivo General de la Nación [General Archive of the Nation] AGN. Bogota Colombia. Republic Section, Ministry of Government Fund.


Interview to Last Name(s), Name, City, complete date.

Example: Entrevista a Mejía, María Emma, Ministra de Educación Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá D.C., 5 de febrero de 2005.

Internet Publications

Name Last Name(s) and Name Last Name(s), eds., Complete Title (City: Editorial, year), (last consultation date).

Example: Revista de las Indias [online]. Universidad de Salamanca, Available from internet: htpp:// (15 jan 2005).

Note: After the first citation, the following proceed as follows: Name Last Name, two or three words from title,... 45-90. Do not use Ibíd., ibidem, or op. cit.

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement


1.1 Of the Editorial Committee

- To act in an objective, fair and balanced manner, without discriminating for reasons of gender, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs.
- To have no conflict of interest.
- To act, in case of misconduct by peer reviewers or authors.
- To establish data protection mechanisms for authors as well as peer reviewers.
- To take into account the claims presented by journal readers and authors, regardless of the date of publication.
- To maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted by authors, peer reviewers, and readers in relation to the published texts and the detected anomalies.
- To guarantee the quality of the published material, defend freedom of expression, defend and safeguard intelectual property.
- To determine the acceptance or rejection of an article; and to note any deviation in the editorial processes that affects journal ethics and quality.
- To promote and publish the correction of errors in case these appear by means of an Editorial Note.
- To ensure the anonymity of peer evaluators.

1.2 Obligations of peer evaluators

- To develop their evaluations in a fair, objective and balanced manner, without privileging their own or other interests of personal or corporative nature.
- To maintain the confidentiality of journal information.
- To committ to filling out the evaluation format in its totality based on the parameters offered by the journal.
- To advise the journal editor of any anomaly detected in the text.
- In reviewing an article, to declare any conflict of interest to the journal editor.

1.3 Obligations of authors

- To confirm that the material sent to the journal complies with internationally accepted ethical norms.
- To inform the journal about research funding, curricular and correspondance information, and to confirm that the article has not been simultaneously sent to another journal. (See Article and Author Information Form)
- To confirm that the article is an original work, resulting from a research process and complies with publication norms established by the journal. (See Copyright Waiver Form)
- To notify the editor immediately if any error is identified in the article.
- To cooperate with the editor in publishing an erratum in case required.


Actions having to do with non ethical behaviour will be verified according to the following procedure: identification, investigation, infringement, sanction.

2.1 Identification

- Misconduct and unethical behaviors can be identified by any person and must be reported to the editor and editorial coordinator in any moment.
- Persons informing the journal of misconduct must provide information and sufficient proof in order to initiate a formal investigation.
- All misconduct reports will be taken seriously and treated in the same manner until arriving at a successful conclusion.

2.2 Investigation

- The editor must initially consult and seek assessment from the Editorial Coordinator and Editorial Committee.
- All evidence must be collected and maintained confidential by and beyond the agents who must evaluate it.
- After reviewing and analyzing the case, the editor will emit a verdict that will lead to detection of infringement type and sanction establishment.

2.3 Infringement

Infringement is divided into two types: slight and severe.

2.3.1 Slight infringement: incorrect conduct not determined by an interest to cause damage to the journal or third parties.

2.3.2 Severe infringement: to act according to inappropriate and non-ethical conduct with the objective of deliberately harming the journal or third parties.

Plagiarism, undeclared conflict of interest, slander of persons or institutions, altering curricular information, or any other that attempts against intelectual property and against the internationally established ethical norms.

2.4 Sanctions

2.4.1 For slight infringement: warning notice to the author and/or peer reviewers about their non ethical behavior, that will lead to severe sanctions in case of being continued.

2.4.2 For severe infringement:

- The journal will publicly, and in complete detail, notify about this inadequate conduct in an Editorial Note.
- The Editor will inform the institutions funding the research about the severe infringement detected in the investigated article.
- The person who has committed infringement will be forbidden to submit articles to the journal for life.
- To inform the competent authorities for a judicial type sanction.


Sending of manuscripts

All required documentation must be sent to the following electronic address:

[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License


Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia

Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Doctorado en Historia
Edificio Administrativo piso 2°
Teléfono: (0057)87400683
Tunja - Boyacá, Colombia