ISSN 0120-5609
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ISSN 2248-8723
Online version



Scope and policy

The Ingeniería e Investigación journal publishes scientific papers dealing with original and unedited scientific investigation and technological developments in the various disciplines related to engineering, contributing towards the development of knowledge, generating global impact on academia, industry and society at large, through an exchange of knowledge and ideas, and recognized quality standards.

The Editorial Committee reserves the copyright to printing any material and its total or partial reproduction, as well as the right to accept submitted material or reject it. It also reserves the right to make any editorial modification which it thinks fit. In such event, the author of the submitted material in question will receive the evaluators' recommendations for changes to be made in writing. If an author accepts them, the revised (or rewritten) article must be submitted with the suggested changes having been made by the date fixed by the journal to guarantee its publication in the programmed issue.

The articles in this journal can be reproduced with attribution. The collaborations that appear here do not necessarily reflect the thinking of the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad Nacional de Colombia. It is published under the responsibility of the authors. This publication is aimed at the academic community who are interested in research and development of knowledge in engineering. We invite the entire community to be part of the journal and participate as author, reviewer or subscriber.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscripts must be written in English acording to the journal's template (Max. length 6 pages). Once an article has been received by the journal, the corresponding author will be notified by e-mail and the peer-review process will be begun. Following this evaluation, authors will then be informed whether their article has been accepted. If accepted, an author must deal with the respective corrections recommended by the evaluators and the Editorial Committee's final opinion if it is to be published.


All articles being considered by the committee for possible publication in the Ingeniería e Investigación journal must consist of the following parts:

  • Title, abstract and keywords must be written in Spanish and English. The title must clearly explain the contents of the article in question, written in normal title form and be preferably brief. The abstract should contain around 200 words in Spanish and English, as well as including the methods and materials used, results obtained and conclusions drawn.
  • An Introduction must be given. It must describe the work's general purpose, including its main objective, referring to any antecedents and the scope of the work.
  • Conclusions must be drawn. This section must provide the implication of the results found and their relationship to the proposed objective.
  • Bibliographical references must be given (an explanation and example of how to set them out is given later on).

Other components which are considered optional are the following:

  • Acknowledgements. If these are made, then they should be brief and include mention of any essential support received for carrying out the work being reported.
  • Appendixes.

Scientific and technological research articles must also include:

  • Experimental development. This must be written giving sufficient details for the subject to be fully understood by readers, including descriptions of any procedures involved..
  • Results. These must give a clear explanation and interpretation of the findings. If it is necessary, a brief, focused discussion of how the results have been interpreted may be given.

It is asked that the bibliographical references for all articles are included at the end of the article, given in alphabetical order of fist authors surnames and mentioned in the text as follows: (Garry and Johnson, 2005, (and where possible) pp 2-4). The basic norms demanded for structuring the bibliography are shown by the following examples:

Articles published in journals:

Del Sasso, L.A., Bey, L.G. and Renzel, D., Low-scale flight ballistic measurements for guided missiles, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 15, N°10, Oct., 1958, pp. 605-608.


Turner, M.J., Martin, H.C. and Leible, R.C., Further development and applications of the stiffness method, Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, Vol. 1, J.F. Colman (ed.), New York, the Macmillan Co., 1964, pp. 203-266.

Segre, E. (ed.), Experimental Nuclear Physics, 1st ed., Vol. 1, New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1953, pp. 6-10.


Zudkevitch, H., Extraction and/or extractive distillation of low molecular weight alcohols from aqueous solutions., United States Patent, 4,428,798., January 1984.


Book, E. and Bratman, H., Using compilers to build compilers, Special Publications 176, Santa Mónica, Calif., Systems Development Corp., Ag., 1960, pp. 1-3.


Uribe, J., The effects of fire on the structure of Avianca building, Memoirs from the National Seminar concerning Tall Buildings, Bogotá, Colombian School of Engineering, September 1973, pp. 39-50.

Theses or undergraduate projects:

Patton, F.D., Multiple modes of shear failure in rock-related materials, a PhD thesis presented at the University of Illinois, Urbana, III, 1906.

Discussions and closing speeches:

Bryant, M.E., Discussion of transmission towers: design of cold-formed angles, by Edwin H. Gaylord and Gene M. Wilhoite, Journal of the Structural Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 111, N°3, March 1987, pp. 649-650.

Editorial policies

-Under no circumstances will be published two articles by the same author in one journal's issue. -Items that not satisfactorily meet the standards set in this document will not be received. -The letters of the articles must be signed by all authors of the article and if for some reason this is not possible, simply can be send an email from the author confirming participation in both the original article and corrected article according to the observations of peer reviewers.

The journal reserves the right to print, total or partial reproduction of the material, as well as to accept it or reject it. It also reserves the right to make any editorial changes it deems appropriate. In this case, the author will receive written recommendations of the evaluators. If accepted, will deliver the item with the suggested adjustments within the dates set by the journal to ensure its publication within the programmed issue.


Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal's e-mail address ( according to the journal's template (Max. length 6 pages). It must be accompanied by a letter addressed to the journal's editor, Dr. Oscar Fernando Castellanos Domínguez, stating that all authors involved in the work in question agree to it being submitted for consideration in the Ingeniería e Investigación journal.

Template and Letter example are available on the following links: Article Template, License Agreement

The letter of submission must include the personal data for each author such as: nationality, educational background, e-mail, telephone numbers for locating an author or their postal address and institutional affiliation, or in lieu the address of the webpage where an author may be consulted.

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© 2012 Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

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