ISSN 1692-8156
printed version



Scope and policy

The articles published by International Law are the result of different researches and investigations developed by lawyers and academics of the area.

Besides the main articles section, the review also has a section called 'Recent developments' where the authors analyze relevant decisions of the international law.

In the 'bibliographic section' are published summaries and reviews of different books related with the topics developed by International Law.

Finally, 'International agenda' is a section where the reader can find some brief chronics about important international and regional events, such as conferences and presentations. 

Peer review: As the Journal is subjected to peers evaluation, Editors will appoint anonymous peers to assess the article, and on the basis of their evaluations, and taking into account scientific criteria, Editors will decide on merits for publication. Editors reserve the right to either accept the article as submitted; request changes thereto or condition its publication to the introduction of modifications that are satisfactory to Editors and/or anonymous peers, or reject it.

Target audience: Lawyers, researchers, academics, students and, in general, scholars of social sciences


Form and preparation of manuscripts

A RTICLES A ND G ENERAL M ANUSCRIPTS: Articles shall be sent to the Journal's editor electronically along with two hard copies. They shall be double-spaced, 21.5 x 27.5 cm . Paper format (sheet size), Times New Roman (12) font, 3 cm . margins. As the Journal is subjected to peers evaluation, Editors will appoint anonymous peers to assess the article, and on the basis of their evaluations, and taking into account scientific criteria, Editors will decide on merits for publication. Editors reserve the right to either accept the article as submitted; request changes thereto or condition its publication to the introduction of modifications that are satisfactory to Editors and/or anonymous peers, or reject it.

The evaluation of articles by academic peers will be informed in writing and in case of acceptance for publication, the issue in which the article will be published will be informed if possible. The Journal is published every six months.

For the Journal, the reception of one article presupposes that it has neither been published nor accepted for publication in any other journal or that it has been published as a previous version, as a working paper or at the World Wide Web. As well, it presupposes that at the expense of authors and/or third parties, only the title, the abstract, keywords and the Journal's hyperlink may appear at the World Wide Web.

When sending an article for evaluation, its author accepts the assignment of copyrights to the Journal, both for the print and the electronic publication.

Editors favor the publication of articles featuring the results of academic research or with a strong theoretical basis as well as the product of theoretical or critical approaches to the state of the question.

Articles described above cannot exceed 35 pages. Editors may accept other types of articles as notes, communiqués, lectures, summaries, reviews, which cannot exceed 15 pages.

As the Journal is an international publication, articles in languages and idioms other than Spanish are accepted. Articles have to include an abstract in the original language, in English and in Spanish (along with the title in the original idiom); they also have to indicate the nature of the document (whether is a product of research, particular study or revision of a determined subject matter), the general purpose of the document (whatever the manuscript seeks), the research methodology adopted and the main conclusions not exceeding 200 words in length. They will include also keywords describing its contents, preferably 4 or 6 keywords in the languages above mentioned.

The title of the article shall be followed by the author's name, and the latter shall be followed by an asterisk whereby a footnote will be indicated and that shall include the author's academic degrees, current affiliations, entities he or she participates in, city, country and e-mail address.

The submission of the article shall be accompanied by a special card indicating article title, author or authors, institution authors belong to, academic degrees, publications either in volumes or in journals, full address, phone number, fax number and electronic address.

Bibliographical references and other types of references shall be footnoted and its listing shall be continuous throughout the extensión of the manuscript.

References shall be presented following the corresponding area international rules of citation (generally The Bluebook AUniform System of Citation shall be followed) will be observed:

a) Books: initials or name, title of the book in italics, volume or issue, page (s) (only numbers) and next (all in parenthesis) edition, publishing house, place of publication and date. Example:

Ian Brownlie, Public International Law, 1, 64-66 (6a. ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford , 2003).

b) For contributions in collective books (chapters, lectures, etc.): initials or name, last name, title of the chapter, lecture, etc., in italics, "in" title of the manuscript in italics, pages (only numbers)

and next (all in parenthesis): initial or name, last name, followed by Ed./Coord., publishing house, place of publication and year. Example: A. Coudet, Direct Foreign Investment in Undeveloped Countries, in Foreign Investment, 123-176 (G. Crane, Ed., Yale University Press, New York , 2003).

c) For magazine articles: initial or name, last name, title of the article in italics, magazine volume (only the number), title of the magazine in italics, numbers, pages in which the article appeared (only numbers), pages cited (if it's the case), year in parenthesis.

Titles in English shall be referenced with initials in capital letters. Example: Kevin P. Gallagher & Melissa B.L. Birch, Do Investment Agreements Attract Investment?, 7 Journal of World

Investment and Trade, No. 6, 47-56, 52 (2006).

d) For working papers: initials or name, last name, title in italics, pages and next (all in parenthesis): entity, "Working Paper", followed by number, year in parenthesis. Example: S. Slovsky, International Political Economy 75-86 (The World Bank, Working Paper R-423, 2002).

e) For mimeographed works, initial or name, last name, title in bold case and between quotes, and "mimeo" in parenthesis along with the date. Example: F. Lans, "Undeveloped Countries" (mimeo, 1987).

f) For treaties and other international agreements: treaty name or agreement name, article (if it is the case), date, official publication.

g) For international jurisprudence, resolutions or other international documents the parameters of citation of official publications shall be strictly observed, respecting all elements and order thereof.

At the final part of the article, the bibliography and other sources will be indicated in alphabetical order following the author's name or by title, observing footnotes citation guidelines.

Textual citation of more than five lines shall be included by using lower case, indented and in quotes. Cites shall keep a balance as to contents and extension with the manuscript as a whole.

Indents shall be used at the beginning of each article, even that following the cites, but indents shall not be used in the paragraph following the title.

Titles hierarchy shall be the following: Roman and italics with initial; capital letter in italics; bold Arabic number.

The journal's cornices shall be in small caps with initials, bold case, and they shall be single spaced.

Highlights shall be made in italics, even if in citations they appear underscored or in bold case, and the expression "original underscored" shall be added (if that is the case).

Acronyms shall be written in small caps without initials.

R ECENT D EVELOPMENTS: This Section seeks to offer jurisprudential analysis, studies and recent legal developments, both of international organs and entities and of state institutions according to its relevance in international law related issues.

Analysis shall not exceed 2,000 words by virtue of which the author makes a critical approach to the text under review.

The contribution shall identify the institution that produced the document, date, means of publication, indication of volume, date of publication and other information allowing its direct data base search.

At this section, publication of summaries of international law jurisprudential and legal developments is also possible with a 5,000 word maximum extension to the extent it is relevant for future discussions.

B IBLIOGRAPHICAL S ECTION: The text under review shall be characterized by its novelty, scientific character, importance and contribution to the law as a whole.

The essay-review shall be 2,000 words in length.

I NTERNATIONAL AGENDA: This Section seeks to be a segment of analysis of main events (world forums, international meetings, ministerial conferences, etc.) where approaches and stances of participating entities are studied, as well as its impact and expectations generated, in the ambit of international trade, investment, human rights, international humanitarian law, environment, international cooperation, etc. Contributions on events shall be presented in the form of brief informative essays. Text shall not exceed 2,000 words. Regardless of its being brief, the manuscript shall be able to fully present stances and discussions, not limiting itself to the mere mention of lecturers and lectures.


Sending of manuscripts

Contributions shall be sent to:

Revista International Law
Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Calle 40 No. 6-23 Piso 6. Bogotá , Colombia

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© 2009

Facultad de Ciencias Jurídica
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Calle 40 # 6-23 Piso 6°, Bogotá, Colombia
PBX (57 1) 3208328 ext. 5202 - 5213