ISSN 0121-4470
printed version

ISSN 2500-8013
online version



Scope and policy

MOMENTO Journal of Physics aims to disseminate original unpublished results of basic and applied research on diverse areas of Physics, as well as short reflection and revision articles about the current state of the most active Physics problems.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

MOMENTO Journal of Physics publishes articles of scientific and, as well as short, reflection and revision articles.
According to the document "General guidelines for updating the Index of Serial Scientific and Technological Publications in Colombia" (Colciencias, 2002), the following definitions apply:
"Article of scientific and technological research. Document presenting in detail the original results of completed research projects. The generally used structure contains four important aspects: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
Reflection article. Document presenting results of research completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
Review article. Document resulting from a finished research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field in science or technology, in order to account for the advances and the development trends. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
Short article. Short document that presents original or preliminary results of a scientific or technological research, which usually require an early dissemination."
Articles are published written in Spanish and English and must be submitted preferably in format (download the format in or in Microsoft Word (download the format in
The articles to be published must include the generally accepted structure for articles in scientific magazines with the following basic characteristics:

  • Title. Must be written in Spanish and English, in capital letters, without formulas or abbreviations. Must be precise and in agreement with the subject to develop with a length no more than 130 characters. Titles, abstracts and key words should be organized in accordance with the language in the article. So, if the article is written in Spanish the title must be first in Spanish and then in English. If the article is written in English, the title is written also in English and then in Spanish, Same applies for abstracts and key words.
  • Authors names. The given name, the initial letter of the middle name if any, and the first last name must be included for each author. Give the author affiliations with super indexes and the correspondence author's email. (only one author).
  • Abstract in Spanish and English. (250 words maximum)."It should contain the main objective, most important findings and conclusions of the work."
  • Keywords (maximum 5 words). "Use of specific or disciplinary thesauri according to the content of the subject manuscript and not included in the title of the work".
  • Development of the article (Experiment, Results and Discussion, Conclusions) It is recommended that these sections be brief and balanced.
  • Bibliographic References. Only those references cited in the bibliographic section should be mentioned and they must be numbered in the main text in consecutive order and in between square parentheses. These references must follow the American Physical Society ( format; The use of BibTEX is recommended. If the names of the magazines are not included in the Journal Titles and Abbreviations or in, should be included complete. The Latex and Word formats have examples of citing articles, books, conferences, web pages and congress memoirs. Works accepted for publication not yet printed, are cited as ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION.  In the case of files sent in Microsoft Word, write after the year, if possible, the web address or the link for each cited reference. In general citations should contain: the surname and the initials of the name of all authors separated by commas, followed by the name of the journal, year, volume and pages. If the publication has DOI, it should be included.

Some examples of citation are shown:
Articles. Campos OR, Crocomo WB, Labinas AM. Neotrop Entomol. 2003;32:133-138. Doi:
Books : Darnell J, Lodish H, Baltimore D. Biología celular y molecular. 5 ed. Barcelona: Editorial Labor S.A.; 1988. p. 255-256.
PhD thesis (or similar)
Becerra MT. Influencia del disturbio antrópico sobre las comunidades de pequeños mamíferos debosque seco tropical (tesis de maestría). Bogotá: Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias,Universidad Nacional de Colombia; 1999. p. 78-96 o 96 p. (según sea el caso)
Dictionaries and similar reference books
Stedman's Medical Dictionary. 26th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 1995. Apraxia; p. 119-20.
Zonas de vida o formaciones vegetales de Colombia, [mapa de vegetación]. Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi, Subdirección Agrológica; 1977.
Unpublished material
In press
Leshner AI. Molecular Mechanisms of Cocaine Addiction. N Engl J Med. En prensa. 2015.
Documents in electronic format
Adjustment according to Vancouver standards (always including data of the type of support, date of the appointment (for online documents), availability and access (for online documents)).
Morse SS. Factors in the Emergence of Infectious Diseases. Emerg Infect Dis [serial online] 1995 Jan- Mar. Available in: Cited: 5 Jun 1996.

- Figures and tables must be numbered in consecutive order and must contain on the lower part a title or explanatory text. The figures, besides, must be sent separately with good resolution (300 pixels per inch) in either jpg, pgn, tif or gif formats. When graphing different series of data, use, when possible, different symbols (see examples in Latex or Word formats). The paper articles will be printed in black and white; however, the online material will be in color.
- Units, abbreviations and symbols: The International System of Units is mandatory (m, Kg, s, K), using only terms generally accepted. It is necessary to explain the unknown abbreviations when used for the first time. Special care must be exercised when writing symbols in order to make them clearly identifiable with the author, use of formulas, special characters etc.
-It is recommended to reduce the number of footnotes, especially those referring to other notes in the same document, and not to use them for bibliographic references.
-Acknowledgments to persons or entities, publication permits etc, should be placed at the end of the text, before de bibliography.
-It is necessary that the authors full names and their degrees of schooling (already achieved) be supplied through e-mail, as an especial additional requirement for completion of our database.
-An additional requirement is to fill in the formats "MOMENTO Originality Statement Responsibility for Authorship and Conflict of Interest" and "MOMENTO Format Transfer Copyright" and send them by email or attach them to the additional documents in the OJS system.

-The contributions must not be over 20 pages long.


Declaration of Ethics

For publications in MOMENT Revista de Física, the code of ethical conduct proposed by the Ethics Committee of Publications (COPE): for scientific journal editors is taken as the code of ethical conduct.


Sending of manuscripts

Each manuscript is submitted to an evaluation process by peers (Peer Review) chosen by the Editorial Committee. The content of the articles should not have been published, totally or partially, in another magazine.

The Editorial Committee could reject, suggest changes or even carry out modifications to the literary style without altering the scientific contain. The final version of the articles accepted for publication should be revised by each one of the authors. The evaluation time is at least one month. The accuracy of the information in the manuscripts, including figures, tables and bibliographical citations is the complete responsibility of the author or the authors.

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Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Física de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede Bogotá).
Facultad de Ciencias.
Departamento de Física.
Bogotá, Colombia.
Carrera 30 No 45-03. Edificio 404.
Teléfono 316 5000 ext. 13009