ISSN 1657-6276
printed version



Scope and policy

The Business School of Universidad del Norte offers the academic and productive sector new perspectives in the area of administration and the results of research in this area of knowledge.

The Editorial Committee will study each article starting with its internal and external arbitration process and will decide about its convenient publication. In some cases, the article will be accepted after some modifications and it may also suggest a more adequate form for a new presentation.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

The first page must contain:

  • - Title of the article: It must be short, specific and provide information.
  • - Name of author(s)
  • - Academic degrees and institutional affiliation.
  • - Address of the main author
  • - Origin of funding and/or support received
  • - Abbreviated title no longer than 40 pulsations (including characters and spaces), which must appear on the last line of the initial page.
  • The second page must contain: an abstract in Spanish and English no longer than one hundred and forty words. It must concentrate on objectives, study methodology, results and conclusions.

    All references must be consecutively numbered according to the appearance order in the text. For journal references, the following must be included in that specific order: Last name and initial of the author(s); if there are six (6) or less, all must be referenced; if there are more than six (6), only the first three should be mentioned and the add the abbreviation et al.; title of the article, name of the journal (in italics), publication year, volume (in italics) and number of the first and last pages of the referenced work.

    Graphs should be numbered consecutively and presented one per page, at the end of the text. The same process should be followed for figures which should have an independent numeration. Figures must be presented in white paper and black colour; photographs on brilliant paper. Each graph or figure must have its corresponding text clearly describing the material.

    Graphs, figures and photographs must be original from the author(s). If they are modifications or reproductions from other articles the corresponding editor's authorization is mandatory.


    Sending of manuscripts

    All articles must be sent to the Pensamiento & Gestión editor, an original and two copies. They must be digitalized and doubled-spaced (including references). A CD copy of the article must also be provided or sent to the editor's e-mail:

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    Tel.: 57 5 3509509