ISSN 0124-4108
printed version



Scope and editorial policy

Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana is an academic journal that aims to publish research studies concerning dietetics, nutritional, and related specializations for an audience consisting of, primarily, Dieticians, Nutritionist, researchers, students and field professionals that make use of the knowledge presented in this journal in all the regions of Colombia and other Latino American countries. Only original articles that are not simultaneously submitted to other journals will be accepted, in English or Spanish.

Instructions for authors are based on the requirements of the Permanent Indexing Services of Colombian Scientific and Technological Journals of Colciencias, and of the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.,

The journal publishes the following types of articles, based on the classifications and requirements of the Administrative Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (Colciencias):

  1. Articles of technology and scientific research. Detailed Documents presented with original results of research projects.
  2. Review article: refers to research documents where results have been analyzed, classified and integrated the published (or unpublished) research, in order to give an account of developments and trends in the area of food and nutrition. Its objective is to analyze bibliography on a specific subject matter and place it in some specific perspective. It is characterized by a careful literary review of at least 50 references.
  3. Article of reflection: Documents that present research results compiled from an analytical perspective, and author's critical interpretation concerning a specific subject matter using original resources.
  4. Case Report: Document that presents results of a study on a particular situation in order to acknowledge the technical and methodological experiences considered on a specific case via instruction, source of aide and administration.
  5. Editorial. Document written by a member of the Editorial Board or a researcher invited to help guide on thematic matters of the journal.
  6. Biographical review: Document brief describing the contents and the characteristics of a book or other publication and offers an opinion about its content value.
  7. Letters to the director: Critical, analytical dispositions or interpretations of journal documents that constitute an important contribution to the subject discourse by the scientific community of references.
  8. Other: Track diet-related issues, news, opinions, notable reviews, academic and scientific events and chronicle.

Peer review Process

The receipt of a manuscript does not constitute an obligation on the part of the Editorial Board to publish it, nor does it constitute a commitment to the release date.

All manuscripts submitted to Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana are peer-reviewed in a double-blind process in which both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review. Evaluators are selected based on experience, reputation, and recommendation by their academic peers.

The manuscript evaluation procedure is as follows. When a manuscript arrives to Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana, a member of the Editorial Board analyzes the manuscript to verify compliance with the requirements of the Journal and to assess the quality of the article. The manuscript is then discussed with the Editorial Board, who may decide to reject it based on lack of interest or more specific deficiencies. If there are needed some changes, authors are notified. Manuscripts that meet the requirements of the Editorial Board are sent out for review by two national or international academic peer, who must give a written concept in the established format for this, through the platform Open Journal System. If there is disagreement between the first two reviewers, then the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. The expert reviewers make recommendations based on academic rigor, whether the manuscript meets the objectives of the Journal, and the overall quality of the manuscript. Finally, the reviewers make one of three conclusions: accept unchanged, accept conditionally, or reject.

Manuscripts accepted conditionally are returned to authors with a letter requesting the authors to make specific changes and to provide an explanation if specific suggestions are not be followed. The authors must send the new version using the platform within 10 (ten) calendar days since the date of notification. After receiving the revised manuscript, the editor inspects the changes and then either accepts or rejects the manuscript.

Relevant editorial changes will be made to accepted manuscripts. Following editing, the authors will receive galley proofs of the article, which should be carefully checked and returned observations to the Director within a maximum of 48 hours.

The manuscript is published online and in printed version.

Copyright notice

Manuscripts submitted for publication in Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana must not have been previously published or considered for publication elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors(s) agree that copyrights for their articles are automatically transferred to our journal, if and when the articles are accepted for publication. All manuscripts published in Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana may be freely reproduced. However, reproduction of an article requires a citation suitable.


Preparation and preparation of manuscripts

The manuscript is presented in the Word Processor text, letter size paper, double spaced, 12 cpi (characters per inch), Arial font, with no space between paragraphs and pagination is consecutive.

The length of the literary work should not exceed the 25 pages.

All items must be accompanied by a cover sheet (Format 01) with the following information:

Title. In Spanish, should be concise but informative. Do not exceed 25 words, bold and centered. Uppercase is used only in the initial letter or proper names.

Authors. List the names of the authors in the order and way they want to appear in the article, and their institutional affiliations, city and country.

Full address of the author responsible for correspondence, including phone number, fax, email address. Funding sources or financial support received for the research.

The manuscript should include the following sections:

  1. Title ini bold an centered.
  2. Summaries in English and Spanish. They is presented on the second page of the article, with a maximum of 200 words each. The summary is structured and includes the following sections: objective, methods and materials, results and conclusions.
  3. Key words in English and in Spanish. Specify five to eight key words that enrich and give a general idea of the content of the work for indexing systems, based on controlled vocabularies: Health science descriptors, in Spanish (DeCS) In English, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
  4. Text. The structure to be followed will depend on the article according to the following:

    Article of scientific and technological research


    Methods and materials

    Results and discussion


    Acknowledgements, funding sources (optional)


    (Studies using qualitative methodology must take into account general considerations for research articles, except for the results and discussion portions, which may be presented jointly due a potentially high degree of difficulty in separating them).

    Article of reflection


    Methods and materials

    Results and discussion




    Review article


    Methods and materials

    Results and discussion




    Case Report

    Presentation of case

    Nutritional management

    Evolution and impact of the intervention Conclusiones


  5. Tables and figures. Limit strictly to only what is necessary to illustrate the subject of the articles. These are located at the end of the text in the order that individually titled pages were mentioned. At the top of the page are the titles with Arabic numerals. Column headers are in bold and only the first letter is in uppercase. Use symbols in the following order: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡. The tables have only horizontal lines between the title and the text box; between it and the contents of the table and between content and sources. Vertical lines are not used.
  6. Figures can be in graphics or pictures, the latter should be of good quality and in black and white. The journal reserves the right whether or not to publish color figures.

  7. References. Citation of references in text is done in consecutive form in Arabic numbers in parenthesis and not in subscript, in the order in which it was first mentioned, at the end of an idea or cited text. The bibliographic references will be documented in its original language, based on the rules of the International Committee of Directors of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), known as standards of Vancouver.

Classic examples of references of different types of documents are attached.

Journal Articles

Vernon Y, Good nutrition for all: challenge for the nutritional sciences in the new millennium. Nutr Today. 2001; 6:6-16.

Taketani Y, Yamamoto H, Takeda E, Miyamoto K. Vitamin D and phosphate metabolism; relationship with aging-regulating gene. Clin Calcium. 2006; 16:53-8.

Campbell SE, Stone WL, Lee S, Whaley S, Yang H, Qui M, et al. Comparative effects of RRR-alpha and RRR-gamma-tocopherol on proliferation and apoptosis in human colon cancer cell lines. BMC Cancer. 2006; 17:6-13.

Journal Title Abbreviations:,

Books and Manuscripts

Shils M, Shike editors. Modern nutrition in health and disease. 10 ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2006.

Soprano DR, Soprano K. Role of RARs and RXRs in mediating the molecular mechanism of action of vitamin A. In: Zempleni J, Daniel H. Molecular nutrition. London: CABI Publishing; 2003. p.135-50.

Parts of a whole (Chapters and presentations)

Carlson T. Laboratory data in nutrition assessment. En: Krause's food, nutrition and diet therapy. 10a ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2000. p.380-414.

Alcaraz López G, Restrepo Mesa SL. Qualitative research and its practical contributions to food and human nutrition. In: Memoir 11° national symposium of human nutrition: a vision for the future. Medellín: School of nutrition and dietetics from the University of Antioquia. Nutritional care center; 2006.

Studies in degrees, manuscripts and theses

Alzate SM, Acevedo Castaño I. Description of the anthropometric indicators and consumption of kilocalories, macronutrients and fibre, of people with diabetes mellitus type 2 attending Antioch society of Diabetes. [Specialist thesis in human nutrition]. Medellín: University of Antioquia. School of human nutrition; 2004

Electronic Archiving

Kasper DL, Braunwald E, Fauci AS, editors. Harrison's online [Internet]. 16th ed. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill; 2006 [cited November 2006]. Available in:

National Academy of Sciences. Developing a national registry of pharmacological and biological clinical trials: workshop report [Internet]. Washington: National Academies Press; 2006 [cited August 2006]. Available in:

Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet journal]. 2002 [cited August 2002];102. Available in:

López E, Vélez B. The staging of the male and female The staging of the male and female corporeality in the urban school: Linda as a strong doll and a champion. Rev Gender Studies [revista en Internet]. 2001 [citado junio de 2007];14:83-101. Available in:

Poole KE, Compston JE. Osteoporosis and its management. BMJ [Internet].2006 [Citado enero de 2007];333:1251-6. Disponible en:


Submission of manuscripts

The author must submit the following documents:

Article without the authors' names.

Presentation page (Format 01).

Letter of responsibility of authorship (Format 02), signed by all authors and scanned, consisting of proof of prior knowledge of the article and mutual agreement of its content; and, that the manuscript has not been published previously or submitted for publication in another journal. Likewise, affirm that there is no conflict of interest in the publication of the article and that all have complied with copyright regulation guidelines.

Resume author curriculum vitae format (Format 03), completed by each of the authors.

Authors are able to register and submit items to the journal directly through the journal's web site:, which uses Open Journal System (OJS). To facilitate the submission of contributions, we recommended:

  • Register in the journal, if you already have a password, simply identifies and initiates the entry of the article. As a user, in any of the journals of the Universidad de Antioquia, you can receive each time we release a number, access to all articles and communicate with authors, editors and other staff of the publications.
  • Before submitting the article, conform to the rules in this document.
  • Before uploading your paper, remove the data from the authors to ensure peer review in the form double-blind, making explicit the anonymity that is used in the evaluation. Keep a copy of the documents sent, because the Journal is not responsible for damage or loss.
  • For input of a manuscript follow the five steps in the OJS:
    1. Beginning. 2. Enter the submission's metadata. 3. Upload shipping. 4. Upload supplementary files. 5. Confirming the submission. To avoid problems, these steps can be taken consecutively in a single session (see detailed guide on the website, information for authors section).
  • The system prompts, separately, the metadata: the section to which it belongs, language, data from the authors, title, abstract and key words in English and Spanish.
  • Before you upload the article, remove authors' information to ensure the peer review by double-blind anonymity of reviewers, which is used in the evaluation. Save a copy of the submitted documents, as the Journal does not assume liability for damages or loss.


Universidad de Antioquia

Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética

Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana

Carrera 75 No. 65-87

Telephone (57)(4) 2199230, 2199216

Fax (57)(4) 230 50 07



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© 2011 Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética

Universidad de Antioquia - Escuela de Nutrición y Dietética
Perspectivas en Nutrición Humana
Cra 75 N° 65-87, bloque 44, oficina 102B, Medellín-Colombia
Teléfonos: (57-4) 2199230. Fax: (57-4) 2305007 Nit:890.980.040-8