ISSN 2145-8987
printed version

ISSN 2145-9045
online version


Scope and Ethical Policy

Perífrasis. Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica publishes both in its printed and digital (open access) versions research articles, interviews and reviews in Spanish and English. It has a wide scope and is open to research about different literary manifestations, new objects of study, and the multiple perspectives that have emerged within the panorama of literary studies and their transdisciplinary variants.

Perífrasis is geared toward professors and researchers of literature and related areas, as well as to undergraduate and graduate students. It has a scientific and editorial board, as well as a group of evaluators —which comprises active national and foreign researchers—, who abide by the principles of academic rigor and pluralism that are characteristic of Universidad de los Andes.

Ethical Policy

Both in its printed and digital (open access) versions, Perífrasis. Revista de Literatura, Teoría y Crítica publishes research articles, interviews, and reviews in Spanish and English and allows the total or partial sharing and adapting of its contents according to Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. Since 2022, the journal is published triannually (January, May and September). Perífrasis does not have article processing charges (APCs) because it is entirely sponsored by the Departamento de Humanidades y Literatura of the Universidad de los Andes.

The structure of Perífrasis is as follows: it has an editor, an assistant editor, an editorial board, and a scientific board, which support the quality and pertinence of the journal’s content. The journal’s editorial process is public and transparent, and, for this reason Perífrasis has an ethical policy for all the actors involved in the publication. The journal subscribes to the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in order to avoid misconduct in the publishing process.


Perífrasis considers as author and co-authors those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, execution, and interpretation of the research that is the basis for an article. Consequently, all authors must take responsibility for the paper and ensure that questions related to its accuracy or integrity are properly checked and resolved.

For co-authored articles, the order of appearance of authors will be alphabetical, according to their first surname.

Originality, Plagiarism, and Acknowledgment of Sources

Authors must sign the “Responsibility Form.” In this form, authors take responsibility for the content of the article and declare that their papers are original works, that they have obtained the permission necessary to reproduce materials that are not their property, and that they have acknowledged its source.

Multiple or Redundant Publication

Articles, interviews, and reviews submitted to Perífrasis must not be previously published (redundant publication) or simultaneously under evaluation, as a whole or in parts, by any other publication or medium (multiple submission).

If the author would like to include the article or the interview in a different publication, they must wait at least six months from the publication date of Perífrasis to do so. The author must request written authorization from the Editorial Board and the journal editor and declare Perífrasis as the original publication.

Conflicts of Interest

All sources of financial support for the preparation of the article should be disclosed.

If applicable, the author must declare the title of the project of which the submitted manuscript is a part.

Authors should not include personal statements in their manuscript. Likewise, including inaccurate or false statements constitutes editorial misconduct and is unacceptable.

Publication Errors

If the author finds inaccuracies or errors in their article after it has been published, they must publicly announce it. Otherwise, Perífrasis will make the pertinent correction and will make this information public as well.

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines and Editorial Process

Manuscripts will only be received within the time frame set by the journal, and they must meet the Submission Guidelines criteria.

To ensure impartiality in the evaluation, the author’s name must not appear in any of the manuscript’s pages, nor in the name of the file sent.

If an article or interview is accepted and changes are requested, the authors will have two weeks to work on them. Once a paper is accepted for publication, the author must sign a consent form to Universidad de los Andes authorizing the publication for both the printed and the digital version of the journal. In this authorization form, the author must specify the article authorship and certify that all the intellectual property rights of third parties are respected.

Authors should perform a final reading of their article prior to publication and indicate errors if found.


Originality, Plagiarism, and Acknowledgment of Sources

Impersonation, defamation, falsification of documentation and information, multiple submission and plagiarism are considered misconduct and reasons for immediate rejection of a manuscript. Therefore, once the manuscripts are received, the Editorial Board will evaluate their basic compliance with the editorial requirements of Perífrasis and will submit them to a plagiarism check (Turnitin). If partial or total plagiarism is detected, the article is not sent for evaluation and the author will be notified of the reason for rejection.

Editorial Decisions

Considering the importance, originality, clarity and relevance of the work, the editorial team will send articles and reviews that comply with the editorial requirements of Perífrasis for double-blind, external peer review.

The editorial team must assure the anonymity of reviewers and authors’ identities throughout the review process. The editorial team will also select reviewers according to their expertise in the manuscript field.

The editor will determine, based on the result of the peer review process, whether an article will be published or not. Furthermore, the editor is free to request a third review if it is necessary.

The editor determines which articles can be published in future issues. They also reserve the right to make decisions on copyediting when they deem it necessary.

As soon as an issue of the journal is released, the editorial team has the responsibility of making it available to the authors, the institutions with which exchange agreements have been established, as well as national and international indexation systems, repositories, and databases.

Confidentiality, Conflicts of interest and Corrections

The editorial and peer review processes must be made based on the content of the manuscript, without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, or political adherence of the authors.

Unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in editor's or Editorial Board's own research without the consent of the author. The ideas in an unpublished article must remain confidential and not used for personal advantage.

The editor should disclose conflicts of interest and how they were resolved if they occurred after publication of a manuscript. If an author is found to have made and error, the editor will issue a corrigendum. If the journal is found to have made an error, it will issue an erratum. Only if the article evidences a serious case of editorial misconduct will it be publicly withdrawn from publication.

The editor’s examination of misconduct must focus not only on the error or omission, but also on the intention of the author or reviewer involved. It is for the editor to decide what sanctions to take.

Journal Metrics

The editorial team must not attempt to increase citations or performance indicators by artificially changing any journal metric. Perífrasis does not request that the contents of the journal be cited and included in the references of manuscripts, nor does it request that editor’s or Editorial Board´s own articles be included in the references of its manuscripts.


Perífrasis submits manuscripts, interviews and translations, received both in the calls for papers and in the programmed dossiers, to double-blind, external peer review.

Commitment, Objectivity and Confidentiality

Reviewers who are unable to make a timely evaluation, or who do not feel able to make an objective evaluation of an article, should promptly notify the editorial team.

Reviewers should provide speedy, accurate, courteous, unbiased, and justifiable reviews. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.

Reviewers must treat documents received for review as confidential. They should not be shown to others.

Acknowledgment of Sources

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. If the reviewer finds any source in the manuscript that has not been properly cited, they should report it in their evaluation. The reviewer should also report if they find a substantial similarity between the manuscript and any other published document of which they are aware.

Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished information disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in the reviewer’s own research without the consent of the author. The ideas in an unpublished article must not be used for personal advantage.

In the review form, reviewers must declare that they have no conflict of interest with the evaluation.


The Universidad de los Andes, as publisher, supports its own publications and ensures that the best editorial practices are followed in them. It also respects the principle of editorial independence, and consequently, the responsibility to publish or not publish a given manuscript falls on the editorial teams of the various journals of the university. If it finds that a published text has errors, it coordinates with the editorial team for a prompt correction.

Perífrasis is located at Carrera 1 18A 12, of. Ñd. 202, telephone number: (571) 3 39 49 49, ext. 4783. Perífrasis’s web site is:, and its e-mail address:

Form and Preparation of Manuscripts

Articles and interviews length must be between 5000 and 8000 words, including footnotes, abstracts, keywords and the list of works cited. Charts, tables, and images are also part of an article’s length; in order to use them, the author must make sure all copyright issues have been cleared.

Abstracts must clear the thesis, methodology and conclusions of the article. The keywords must adress the author, discipline, period, and regions. Do not use phrases.and keywords. The Unesco Thesaurus can serve as a guide (

On its first page, the articles and interviews must include an abstract in English, Spanish and Portuguese no longer than 150 words, and eight keywords.

In order to ensure impartiality in the evaluation, the author’s name must not appear in any of the paper’s pages or in the file name. Contact of the author (name, adress, email) as well as institutional affiliation must be cleared in the OJS author's profile.

Once a paper is accepted, the author must send by e-mail his or her updated CV (degrees, current position, institutional affiliation, a list of all publications in books and journals for the last three years), and the research project from which the article derives.

Review length must not exceed 4 pages, and reviews must comply with the same editorial requirements as articles. Moreover, reviewed texts must not exceed four years of antiquity in relation with the issue’s projected date of publication.

Perífrasis bases its editing style on the eighth edition of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers and all articles must comply with the previous rules and the Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins format.

Sending of Manuscripts

Articles, interviews, and reviews will be received in Spanish and English. Manuscripts submitted to the journal’s call for papers must not be published (redundant publication) or simultaneously under evaluation (multiple publication) by any other publication or medium in print or electronic format.

Papers will only be received throught the site for online manuscript submission and review in OJS:

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Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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Bogotá, Colombia

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