ISSN 0123-3769
printed version

ISSN 2500-8684
online version



Scope and policy

Perspectiva Geográfica is a journal specialized in geographic studies, edited and funded by the Graduate Studies Program in Geography (EPG, for its acronym in Spanish) in the framework of the inter-institutional agreement of scientific collaboration between the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) and the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC) since 1997, with biannual periodicity since 2013. It is aimed at academic, research and territorial development communities interested in geographic and related sciences. It is published only in online version since the first semester of 2019. All publications are available in digital format.

The journal publishes original and unpublished articles of reflection, review and research, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, on the spatiality of social, economic, political, cultural and natural phenomena, from different perspectives and theoretical approaches. Likewise, studies on technical and methodological aspects of geographers' work are welcome, as well as works on applied geography in the fields of geomatics and territorial planning and frontier research that contribute to the development of geographic science. Other types of texts such as expert interviews and descriptive or analytical reviews are also accepted.

Prospective authors of Perspectiva Geográfica should refrain from simultaneously submitting their scholarly contributions to other journals and adapt their manuscripts to the specifications described in the "Guidelines for Authors" section of this guide. The journal's Open Journal System (OJS) is enabled to receive submissions. The reception of articles is subject to the calls for papers scheduled by the journal. For further information, please write to


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Typology of articles

Based on the parameters of the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, articles can be classified according to the following types:

- Scientific and technological research article. A document that presents in detail the original results of research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

- Reflection article. A document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author(s), on a specific topic, using original sources.

- Review article. A document that analyzes, systematizes and integrates the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology, in order to report on progress and development trends. It is characterized by a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

Other text typologies are:

- Reviews. They can be of two types: a) descriptive, which inform the eventual reader of a book about its content and some of its characteristics, or b) analytical, where the content of the text is evaluated to point out its scope and limitations. In both cases, the documents should not exceed 3000 words, 12 point Times New Roman font, and contain: information about the book reviewed (including publisher and number of pages), name of the author(s) of the review, last title obtained, institution that awarded it, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail, ORCID and CvLAC registration. The file must be in .doc or .docx format and must be sent through the journal's OJS.

- Interviews. They seek to inform readers about topics of general interest based on interpretative or opinion texts. They are directed exclusively to researchers, editors or outstanding academics whose testimony is of great value to the geographic discipline. They can be between 4 000 and 7 000 words, Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced and half-spaced. Its structure is not fixed, but it must be logical and coherent: statement of the topic, exposition and argumentation based on a text dialogued between questions and answers. It is suggested, if necessary, to include a bibliography with a minimum of 10 sources (it is not a condition). The document should include on the initial page the title of the interview (maximum 20 words) and footnote information of the person conducting the interview (name of the author(s), last degree obtained, institution that granted it, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail, ORCID and CvLAC registration), as well as the header section, which contains the name of the interviewee and a description of the contributions and reasons for his or her importance. The file should be in .doc or .docx format and sent through the journal's OJS.

Section Policies:

Preliminary pages
Guide for authors
Review articles

Peer Review Process

The papers are assessed initially by the editorial board. In this first stage the relevance of the theme and the editorial quality of the article is determined. After this evaluation, the contributions are subject to arbitration in the form of double-blind, so that confidentiality and anonymity of both authors and referees, and fairness in the arbitration is ensured. The editorial board selects national and international referees, for their lifetime of research related to the topic of the papers, who do not belong to the Graduate Studies in Geography-EPG.

The referees are responsible for assessing the formal, methodological and conceptual aspects of each article in order to ensure scientific rigor. These may recommend: a) to publish the paper, b) Return the article to the author to apply suggested corrections c) reject the paper for publication. Should one referee recommend the publication and the other one rejects it, the evaluation will seek a third party to resolve the tie. If the manuscript is recommended for publication with corrections, once done by the author, this would be sent back to the referee for verification. When arbitration results are obtained, the Editorial Board informs the author about the decision on the paper and the steps to be followed, according to the results. The Journal Editorial Board reserves the right of publication. This process takes on average six months. However, this period may be affected by the availability of referees and other factors that impact on the treatment of the articles.

Once the documents are accepted, it is understood that the author or authors will yield the economic rights to the journal Geographic Perspective, i.e., to authorize the publication of the paper in any format or medium. This will be published in directories, databases and indexing systems. The publication of the articles do not have any type of compensation.

Publication Frequency

Refereed academic journal, published every six months, since 2013.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides open access to its content , based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed storage system among participating libraries and permits the creation of permanent records in the journal for conservation and restoration.

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement

- In the editorial process for each issue, the editorial committee will keep strict vigil over each step of the process, from the reception of articles until the publication of the issue.

- Perspectiva Geográfica journal commits to safeguarding the ethics of a scientific publication and the persons implied therein: readers, authors, committee members and peer reviewers.

- If any ethical publication parameter is violated, Perspectiva Geográfica journal will inform the implied person and the community in general of the reasons for the violation, in written form.

- The archive, data bases, and complete academic file of the journal will be kept in reserve, and its integrity will be guaranteed.

- The journal commits to complying with the intellectual and ethical standards of a scientific publication, placing the publication's entitlement to open access over any business transaction.

- Perspectiva Geográfica journal, its committees and editor commit to publishing corrections, clarifications, recantations and excuses whenever necessary.

- The journal commits to promoting the absence of plagiarism and fraudulent information in its issues. Although the legal responsibility falls upon the author, the journal promotes transparent and honest information management, by means of its ethical and editorial policies.


Sending of manuscripts

- The author must register as user of Perspectiva Geográfica's Open Journal System platform (OJS) in the following link:; from this platform, within the dates set for each call for papers, the author may submit his article. The author may also submit his article through the journal's e-mail address: The journal offers a set of guidelines for authors, that may be consulted in the printed or electronic version of the journal.

- The author accepts his/her article to be subject to evaluation by external and internal peer reviewers, in order for it to be approved or declined, and accepts responsibility for the contents of the text; additionally, he/she agrees with the suggestions made by the peer reviewers and/or editorial committee in order to adjust the article to the academic, scientific and editorial criteria suggested. The author may be consulted during the evaluation and editing process in order to clarify form and content aspects of his/her article.

- To the same extent, the author commits to respecting third party copyrights, given that any copyright violation is under his/her own responsibility. The author is obliged to ask permission for the use, reproduction and publication of bibliographical information, pictures, graphics, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc., used in the article. The journal, editor, editorial committee and Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia will hold the sender of the article responsible for violations in the case of a copyright lawsuit.

- If an article is declined, the editorial committee will inform the author(s) in written form of the reasons for non-approval: likewise, it will request the authors of approved articles to assign rights to Perspectiva Geográfica, by completing a copyright release form, in which the author authorizes Perspectiva Geográfica journal and Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia the use of his/her patrimonial rights (of reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution). Having completed this authorization, the journal and university are able to publish the text of the article in printed and electronic form. As soon as the author signs over the rights of his/her article to Perspectiva Geográfica, the journal possesses the legal attributes to use and disseminate it, according to determinations of the editorial committee.

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Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, UPTC

Programa de Estudios de Postgrado en Geografía - EPG
Convenio UPTC - IGAC
Cra. 30 No. 48-51, Oficina 108 Edificio CIAF
Bogotá, Colombia, Suramérica
Teléfono 57-1 3694000, 3694100 ext. 91631