ISSN 2389-993X
Online version

DOI: 10.25100/prts


Basic Information

PROSPECTIVA is a journal of Social Work and social intervention, published biannually and financed by Universidad del Valle (Colombia) since 1994. It focuses on the development of social thought and contemporary social work, in particular that of Latin America, as well as on the dissemination of knowledge contributing to the processes of social transformation. It is peer reviewed. It is intended for scholars, professionals, and the participants in social intervention. It publishes original articles in Spanish and English resulting from research projects -including the systematization of experiences- in the social and human sciences, as well as theoretical reflections in the social field, specifically about social work; it also publishes book reviews.

Information Services

Papers Publisher in Prospectiva are Abstracted/Indexed in:

Impact Indices

ESCI. Emerging Science Citation Index.

Quality Indices

MIAR. Sistema para medir cuantitativamente la visibilidad de las publicaciones periódicas en Ciencias Sociales.

CIRC. Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas.

ERIH PLUS. European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences. índice de referencia para las revistas científicas europeas.


Bibliographic Databases

GALÉ. Informe Académico.

EBSCO. Fuente Académica Premier.

DIALNET. Servicio de alertas sobre Publicaciones de Contenido Científico.

CLASE. Citas LatinoAméricanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.

BIBLAT. Bibliografía Latinoamericana.

REDIB. Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico.


DOAJ. Directorio de Revistas de Acceso Abierto).

ULRICH'S. Base de datos bibliográfica de publicaciones periódicas.

LATINDEX. Sistema Regional de Información en línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal.

CIT. Actualidad Iberoamericana.


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  • Authors are allowed and encouraged to publish their works electronically before and during the submission process, which can lead to productive exchanges, as well as an earlier and larger appointment of published works (See The Effect of Open Access) (in English).

Universidad del Valle. Facultad de Humanidades. Escuela de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano.


The publication of the Journal is sponsored by:

  • Universidad del Valle

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Universidad del Valle
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Escuela de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano. 4to piso Oficina 4033
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