ISSN 0124-0137
printed version

ISSN 2027-212X
online version



Scope and policy

Psicogente only publishes unpublished articles (Articles or original research results, of reflection, review and book reviews) following the latest guidelines style for publication of the American Psychological Association (APA), Psicogente, may eventually launch issues which develop special topics (monographies), and in any case, all writings will be evaluated previously by proofreaders focused on the fulfillment of the following conditions: unpublished writings, pertinence, relevance, current events, bibliographic specialization, among others; and the editors' publishing with all rights reserved.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Psicogente publishes the following type of articles:

Scientific and Technological Articles; or reports of empirical or original studies. These will express with detail original results of finished scientific researches, and as content it should have the following chapters or sections: Introduction (problem posing, background development, objectives, purposes and fundamentals of investigation); Method (methodology, participants, tools, procedure); Results (report about the obtained information from the application of the instruments, , establishing a complete statistical analysis based on charts and figures with their respective titles and sequential numbering, according to their order of apparition -it will be assumed as figures the graphics, drawings, pictures, for diagram effects, should be separated from the article’s text in an attached form at the moment of sending it to the journal) Discussion, (findings should be evaluated from the theoretical fundamentals of the research and from its meaning in the context itself, from which its implications or importance were obtained, as well as its range and limitations, and possible investigations derived from them). Furthermore, it will be accepted an integration, between the results and its discussions, and on the other hand between the conclusions and its recommendations. If necessary, a section entitled Conflict of interests should be opened where the author or authors provide sufficient number of conflicts, whether these are economic, political, and religious or any kind. Finally, the references for any type of article, will be presented in a rigid alphabetical order, in strict correspondence with the text and according to the structure established based on the editorial style of American Pshychological Association, commonly known as APA rules, this will be required for any type of paper.

  • Reflection articles. They will present results about finished researches from an analytic, interpretive or critical author perspective, about a specific topic, working on original sources. Doing analysis under other researches, which can exchange views and strengthen, establishing line of thought that allows the reader to know more about the topic researched.

  • Revision articles. Product of completed researches that will analyze, systematize and join the results of investigations, whether published or not, in a science or technology field, to account for the advances and development tendencies, characterized for a strict bibliographic revision from at least 50 references. Updated and specialized on the topic covered.

  • Blibliographical outlines or editorial revision. These will be analytical or critical reviews of published books that are relevant and real in psychology. We do not accept simple descriptions or summaries of books. In its structure they should include: Title (which must be original, other than the title of the analyzed book), author or authors of the outline, book review information (name of the author or authors, book title, number of edition, place where published, publisher and number of pages), development of the review.

  • “Conflict of interest” should be a paragraph opened in case of in the publication any conflicts of interests, where the author or authors give sufficient evidence of this matter, be they economic, political, religious or any nature., in any type of articles, before the references.


For application process of any article, Psicogente required to follow the rules of style publication of the American Psychological Association (APA) contained in The Publishing Manual of the American Psychological Association

The articles sent to Psicogente must be structured as follows:

On page 1 you should write the title of the article (in the case of reviews, it will be included the reference book under review following the rules of the APA in effect, established for this purpose); the name of the author or authors of the article; or institutional affiliation of the authors; the contact address and the email address of the author or from the first author if more than one (the authors’ contact information must be strictly institutional); line or short title of not more than 50 characters, appearing at the top of each of the pages of the article; possible thanks to the support received for the construction of it. If the article is part of a research project, it must be indicated along with the starting and ending dates, as well as the implementing organizations and funders.

Page 2 will include again, the title of the article (in the case of reviews, will include the reference of the review book); the summary of the report itself, which should have between 150 and 250 words, showing the type of article if it is (Original, research, reflection o revision article, and so forth); the abstract in articles about results, will have to contain in a summary and not exceeding the number of words established, the aim of the investigation, the method, the results and the discussions; keywords may not be more than 6 or less than 3, expressing the precise content of the work and having the thesaurus as a guide. From the third page, the presentation of the work itself to the relevant sections will start, with the sections already presented in the articles of scientific and technological research, or reports of empirical or original studies. These articles, such as reflection, revision, progress reports, case studies and methodology cannot exceed 25 pages, including the 2 aforementioned pages, charts, graphics and references. The reviews and documents referred above as Other, will have a minimum length of 3 and maximum 5 pages, excluding the list of references; theoretical articles or reviews of topics will not exceed 15 pages, double spaced with letter size 12,. In these last articles, from page 3 onwards, the author or authors should take into account in his writings the following sections: Introduction, development and conclusions, besides the references; it should be noted that these will not be the designation of the chapters or sections, therefore not necessarily they will be their names, only the structure to comply within these articles.

Regardless of the language in which any article is presented, you need to include in the first page in Spanish and English, the following: the title, the abstract, and the key words.

All the articles must be in Word format;, one column, double-spaced, including the references; with Arial font, size 12, with left margin of 3 cm, and others no less than 2cm, italics should be used but quotation marks are not used, to highlight text; the bold only in the case of titles that are within the text. Also, keep in mind, that in the case of an article includes tables or figures, these should be located in the exact place and never annexed.

As mentioned above, the articles presented to Psicogente should continue in its presentation with the international standards of the APA. Here are some examples of these standards, applied to the case of references:

The referrals will be established only from what is quoted in the article. The general elements are:

A. Reference citations within the article. This method quoted by author-date (the author’s surname should be written with the initial capitalization, punctuation coma, the year of publication of the text or cited document), allows the reader to trace the source of information in alphabetical order in the list of references at the end of the article. These can be written as indicated by the following examples:

Gravini (2005) found that learning styles ... In a recent study on learning styles…(Gravini, 2006) ...

Thus, when the surname of the author mentioned is part of the narrative of the article (1st example), includes only the year of publication of the document cited in parentheses. In the 2nd example, the surname and date of publication of the document cited are not part of the narrative of the article; as a result both are included in parentheses, separated by a comma.

B. Works with multiple authors. When a document has two authors, both must cite every time that the reference is in the article. But when a document has more than two and less than six, cite all authors the first time that you use the reference in the article. In subsequent appointments of the same document, the first author’s last name, followed by the phrase et al. joined by the symbol of the ampersand & (with no cursives any of the 2 options and with period to the end of al.) plus the year of publication. The option chosen will be maintained throughout the article. For example:

Duran, Romero & Vasquez (2006) found that students...(the first time the article is cited). or Duran et al. (2006) found that... (Next time the article is mentioned).

When there are six or more authors who sign a document, from the first date write only the surname of the first author followed by the phrase et al and the year of publishing (see example above); however in the list of references you will report the names of all the authors, using the symbol the ampersand (&) to join the penultimate and the last author.

When citing two or more different authorship of documents in the same reference, the authors’ last names and respective years of publication will be written, in order of dates, from the oldest to most recent, separated by a semicolon in the same brackets. For example:

In several investigations (Gravini, 2005; Duran, Romero & Vásquez, 2006; Marin, 2007) it was concluded that...

C. Bibliographic listing. This list will be called as References and is closely related to the documents cited in the article, that is to say, it includes only those that were used in its preparation. Avoid including references which are not cited. In addition, it will be prepared in strict alphabetical order at the end of the article, always in line with international standards of the APA. In its elaboration, the following aspects must be taken into account:

It is written double spaced. In addition to the last names, the initial capitalization of the first names of the cited authors should be included. The titles of the books are written in italics. In the case of journals, the italics includes from the title of the same until the volume number.

D. Overview (Examples of citations listed below were performed at single space to save space in the writing of this guide. They must appear to double space in the list of references of its work). It is also clarified that these examples are the most common types of publications; in order to know how to elaborate the references of other types of publications it is necessary to consult the APA Manual of Publications the latest one)

Periodicals publications (journals) The last name of the author (s), initial capitalization of their first names. (Year). Title of the article. Journal’s title, volume, pages.

Examples of references according to APA:

1. Professional magazines or journals.

Article with a single author (paging continued): Ronald F. (1993). In search of the typical Eyewitness. American Psychologist, 48, 574-576.

Article with two authors (separated paging):
Paez, Y. & Gonzalez, S. (2003). Hermenéutica del cuerpo. Segunda parte. Psicogente, 9(15), 135-145.

Article on the Internet.
Belbase, S. (2013). A Unified Theory of Mind-Brain Relationship: Is It Possible?. Open Journal of Philosophy, 13(4), 443-450. DOI:

Note that in the last two examples, it is included both the volume and number since each edition number its pages separately; italics extends to the volume of the journal and the numbers 15 and 4 correspond to the number of the edition. In case of articles taken from internet, these should always provide the DOI, nevertheless if the text do not have the DOI include the link, website or URL where the article was taken

In the case of an article extracted from a database it will be placed the name of that base after the colon.

2. Newspaper articles.
Vásquez, O. (2010, septiembre, 24). Causas de la deserción escolar. El Heraldo, p. 4B.

In newspaper articles the abbreviation p. is used when the quotation is on a single page. In excerpts of two or more pages we use the abbreviation pp.

Non-recurrent publications (books)
Last name of the author (s), initial capitalization of their first names. (Year). Title of the work. Place of publication or city: editor or publishing house. If you have handled a translated book after the original publication, it will be added at the end in brackets name of the author and its abbreviation trad, after the title, and finally, the text Original work published in. in parentheses, as well as the year with a period at the end.

1. Books.
Restrepo, M. F. (2006). Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas: Estudio sobre la personalidad, vulnerabilidad, sexualidad y criminalidad. Barranquilla: Universidad Simón Bolívar.

Sternberg, R. J. (1996). Investigar en psicología. Una guía para la elaboración de textos científicos dirigida a estudiantes, investigadores y profesionales. (L. Harrison, trad.) Barcelona: Paidós. (Trabajo original publicado en 1988)

Books with new edition.
Pinel, J. P. (2001). Biopsicología. (4th ed.). Madrid: Prentice-Hall.

Books with collective authors.
(Government agencies, associations, scientific institutes, universities, etc.). Universidad Simón Bolívar. (2004). La investigación en la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Barranquilla: Author.

Note that when the author and publisher are the same, you use the word Author to identify the publishing house.

2. Collectives Book chapters or groups of records. Author (s); year; title of the work, and then introduced AT, the director or the directors, editors or compilers (initial letters of first and last names ) followed in parentheses by Dir., Ed. or Comp. adding an s for the plural; the title of the book in italics and in parentheses the page of the chapter quoted; the city and the publisher. Example:

McGuigan, F. J. (1979). El experimentador: un objeto de estímulo descuidado. En J. Jung (Comp.), El dilema del experimentador (pp. 194-206). México: Trillas.

Publication ethics and publication malpractice statement


Authors who suggest articles to Psicogente, must guarantee that the procedures and methodologies are adjusted to the international ethical codes of scientific research in psychology and related sciences; the above mentioned guarantee will consist in both copyrights transfer and conflicts of interest statement, being the author or authors responsible for ethical violations which they could have incurred inside the research wherefrom the article was taken. In the same way the author is forced to inform in case of there are conflicts of interest in his work

Psicogentewill reject all those articles that implicitly or explicitly contain experiences, methods, procedures or any other activity which follow unethical practices, discriminatory, offensive, aggressive, and so forth. For those ones which do not express clearly any type of conflict of interest, would be subject to the Publishing Committee criteria.


Through the expression retracted articles, Psicogente has the right to report and/or alert the scientific community and readers in general about the voluntary or involuntary mistakes done in its publications, as well as evident frauds committed by the authors of the articles. The retracted ones, will be given back for the following cases: alteration of the results of a research, misrepresentation and manipulation of the discussions and conclusions, total or partial plagiarism, fictitious demonstrated authorship, not recognition of co-authorships, duplicated publications (that the same article already is published in another way), other demonstrable situations in which affects the ethics and the good practices of the publications. In all the cases Psicogente will be able to retract the article by means of a faith of misprint that will be published in the following editions.

All the Psicogente’s publications are based on the beginning of transparency and good practices on academic publications established for COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).


Sending of manuscripts


The way to bring the articles to Psicogente is sending to the following email address: with a copy (compulsory) to: It Will be revealed the reception of an Article 10 days after its reception and the author will be informed about it (or to the first if signed by various authors) about the state of the same within a maximum of 2 months. The journal is permanently receiving articles or receptions. The order of arrival or entry of the articles to the journal, the overall assessment process, as decisions to either take the Editorial Committee shall be as determined by the number that they will be published.

The author or authors will have to send duly filled out written introduction letter of the article, the resume form and author’s patrimonial rights transfer, in order to formalize the receipt of the article. These documents will be sent back to the author by Psicogente, as receipt or as author previous request proof.


Preliminary assesment process

As soon as an article is received, a preliminary assessment is done; in this stage, publishing quality, structure based on form, presentation guidelines according to the APA rules in general of the article, established by Psicogente , would be considered by the publishing team. If failings are found in the article, it will be given back to the author for its relevant correction, in case the article is returned without any correction it will be rejected, in other case, if the author returns it duly corrected, and it is approved by the publishing team, the text will pass to the revision stage by expertise peers. The successful ending of this first stage does not mean that the article has been accepted for publishing.

Assessment process, second stage, in this stage scientific quality of the article is evaluated based on content by expertise peers. For this purpose, Psicogente publisher and publishing team, will choose and classify the articles that have completed the preliminary assessment satisfactorily, peers would be assigned for its relevant evaluation. All articles are revised anonymously by following a procedure of double-blind; however the author(s) may suggest 3 possible revisers which they consider qualified to assess it, clearly indicating their e-mail; Institutional affiliation and scientific recent publications related to the area of the postulated article; the acceptance of these peers is based on Psicogente Publishing Committee criteria, who will have the legal authority to judge his suitability. In case the peer or peers suggest not to publish, the article will be rejected automatically even if it has complete the first stage satisfactorily (preliminary evaluation), but in the case the peer or peers suggest that the article should be published, but with corrections, the article would be sent to the author for correction, then the author must send back again the work to Psicogente taking into account the suggestions given by the Publishing Committee.

The acceptance of the article will depend on whether the authors consider and respond integrally to Psicogente based on the suggestions or changes proposed by the proofreaders, within a period no longer than 20 days after notification, as well as the processing and timely submission of resume and transfer of economic rights format to the journal. At the same time, the Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce amendments as necessary to bring the text to the rules of the publication, without implying in any way to alter the contents thereof, which are the sole responsibility of the authors.

The Editorial Board of Psicogente will determine the acceptance and subsequent publication of the articles received.

About peers or expertise peers

The peers or expertisees are professionals suitable and specialized in the topic of the area of each article proposed to Psicogente. His suitability will depend, between others, on the following criteria:

  • They must have qualifications, master degree, Phd degree.
  • They must have scientific publications in the area of the article that he would evaluate.
  • They must not have institutional affiliation with the author of the article.

Peers have responsibilities, such as to keep confidentiality with the information that it’s supplied as soon as he or they accept the review; in like manner, they must declare if there are some conflicts of interest with the article that has been received for publishing; in such case, he or they must declare himself/themselves prevented and reject the review; to issue an objective and respectful opinion about the quality of the evaluated article doing clear and precise comments about the text; to inform the publisher about inconsistencies in the evaluated text in case an outrage against the ethical procedure of research as well as cases of plagiarism be committed and finally to give his relevant valuation to Psicogentein an opportune way. In general, the peers are the managers of judging the scientific quality of the articles as based on content checking the relevancy, and originality of the works postulated to Psicogente being his or their criteria fundamental for the articles’ acceptance or rejection.


Psicogente assumes that all persons listed as authors have admitted the possibility of eventual publication of the article and that their opinions or comments within it are the sole responsibility of them. If an article is accepted for publication, the rights of printing and reproduction in any form and means belongs to the publisher, although it is prudent to respond to any request by the author or authors to obtain permission to reproduce their contributions. The removal of an article will be requested with a printed document to the editor, becoming effective after its written reply. To this end the author or authors will send their letters to the editor at the following address: Carrera 54, Nº 58-28, Centro de Investigaciones Científicas, 2do. Piso-Oficina Revista Psicogente, Universidad Simón Bolívar (Barranquilla, Colombia or by e-mail address revpsicogente@unisimonbolí giving answer through this one.

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Universidad Simón Bolívar

Calle 54 # 58-28
Edificio 1, 2do piso
Instituto de Investigaciones
Teléfono: (57) (5) 3444333 Ext. 205
Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia