ISSN: 0120-1751 (print)
ISSN: 2389-8976 (online)


Focus and Scopey


The theoretical section publishes original articles of theoretical, methodological and educational kind in any branch of Statistics. Purely theoretical papers should include illustration of the techniques presented with real data or at least simulation experiments in order to verify the usefulness of the contents presented. Informative articles of high quality methodologies or statistical techniques applied in different fields of knowledge are also considered.

Applied statistics

The section of applied statistics covers the whole range of interdisciplinary fields, for example applications of statistical methods as well as data analytics in agriculture, genetics, industry, medicine, economy and physical sciences. In this section, original or innovative applications that make a novel contribution to statistics by adapting or developing methodology, or by applying it for the first time in a field will be considered.

The Editorial Committee assumes that the works submitted for evaluation have not been previously published and are not being given simultaneously for publication elsewhere, and will not be without prior consent of the Committee, unless, as a result of the assessment, decides not publish in the journal. It is further assumed that when the authors deliver a document for publication in the Revista Colombiana de Estadística (Colombian Journal of Statistics), they know the above conditions and agree with them Only articles in English are published

Peer Review Process

All articles are first reviewed by the Editorial Committee and afterwards assigned to specialized referees, which follows a double-blind process. The authors do not know the identities of the reviewers, and the referees do not know the names of the authors. Yet the editor is not blinded. Authors are solely responsible for removing clues about their identities, including references to unpublished work and sources of funding, from their manuscripts and supporting documents. The Editorial Committee decides whether to accept or deny articles, based on the review process. Number of reviewers: 2, if the concepts are opposites is assigned a third party. Review Criteria: content and form of article. average review time: 8 weeks. Principles to select peer reviewers: mastery of the subject and language.

Publication Frequency

Revista Colombiana de Estadística (Colombian Journal of Statistics) is a biannual (January and July) publication

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle of making research freely available to the public and support a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

The articles should be submitted in PDF format via the online submission or email, following the basic structure of articles that is in In addition, authors must add a version of the article without names or information from the authors, which will be used for arbitration.

The manuscript is in PDF format and author names and affiliations have been eliminated to assure a blind reviewing process. The manuscript is written in English and follows the basic structure including principal title, abstract, key words, introductions, materials and methods, result and conclusions. Title and abstract in Spanish are not mandatory for submission. We encourage authors to prepare the manuscript using our latex template. Nevertheless, a revision can be done with the commitment to adapt the manuscript once it is accepted.

To facilitate the review and publishing process, it is recommended to useMiKTEX, with the file template and the style revcoles, that are in the Journal Web page, and following the instructions given there.

All articles must include:

1. An English title and its Spanish version.
2. Full name, mailing address, electronic address, and institutional affiliation for each author.
3. An Abstract both in the original language and in English (Abstract ). The Abstract in the original language must have at most 200 words and its contents must highlight the new contribution of the manuscript to the state of the art. If English is the original language a Spanish Abstract (Resumen) must be included.
4. Key words and key phrases (Key words and phrases). Provide three to six key words, in the original language and in English. Keyword selection must allow the Current Index to Statistics (CIS) recommendations.

5. A list of References.
6. The origin of the research and any institutional or financial support must appear in the Acknowledgments section. In particular: (a) Manuscripts derived from a dissertation or thesis must provide a complete bibliographic reference to the original work; (b) manuscripts derived from sponsored research should disclose the institutional/financial support and any relevant bibliographic references.

In addition the authors must submit a blinded paper version for reviewing, without author names, job titles, affiliation, their addresses, or any information that could reveal their identity.

For manuscripts accepted for publication, the authors must submit to the Editorial Committee the electronic files: source in LATEX.

References and Footnotes

Bibliographic references within the text should keep the author-year format, with the author’s surname first, followed by the publication year between parenthesis. The revcoles style uses the BibTEX and the Harvard4 programs. It is also desirable to reduce the size of footnotes, especially those referring to other notes within the manuscript and those used in bibliographic references.

Tables and Figures

Numbered Tables and Figures, with Arabic numbers, must be referenced within the text using their numbers. All tables must be designed to fit into the printing area of the journal. In that sense, authors must consider the length and width of all tables, representative digits, titles and headlines. Figures must be visually clear
and its size must be modifiable.

For articles accepted for publication, it is the authors responsibility to present the final version to the Editorial Committee according to the guidelines. All elements as bars, segments, symbols and numbers must be printed in black color.

Legal Responsibility

All authors are responsible for the use of any copyrighted material including figures, tables, and  photographs.


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