ISSN 1909-4450
printed version

ISSN 2256-5027
online version



Scope and policy

The Republican Journal, is a scientific, peer-reviewed, indexed, international, continuously edited and open access publication, which intends to disseminate unpublished material, related to all fields in the Law and the social sciences.

Research articles are received through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform. Authors are required to comply rigorously with editorial policy endorsed upon the principles defined by the Ethics Publications Committee COPE.  

The editorial policy of this journal acknowledges the necessity to make visible the scientific production insofar as it has an impact for the social, economic legal and cultural needs in the world, specially the Colombian society, in terms of equity, equality, justice and sustainable development.

As a serial and scientific nature publication, the Republican Journal has an editor, an Editorial Committee and Scientific Committee, composed of top-notch experienced scholars, ensuring appropriate editorial procedures and scientific quality in the articles, regardless the theoretical or methodological approach that have been undertaken.

The Journal reserves the right to reproduce in other electronic or print media the articles that have been accepted for publication. 

As a semi-anual scientific publication in the Law and the social sciences, is addressed to scholars (Professors, lecturers, researchers and students); social, union and political leaders; public servants, or anyone interested in legal and social issues and proposals thereof.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Instructions for the authors:

The Board of the Republican Journal takes into account the tipology of articles established for Colciencias (Colombian Higher Research authority) for the nomination, evaluation and publication of the articles. Such guidelines are found in the document Guía del Servicio Permanente de Indexación de Revistas de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Colombianas (available in Spanish only).

Articles must meet the following elements for their receipt, evaluation and publication:

a. Components:

    1. Abstract in English (compulsory)
    2. Key-words in English (compulsory)
    3. Abstract in the original language of the article (Spanish, French or Portuguese)
    4. Key-words in the original language of the article (Spanish, French or Portuguese)
    5. Introduction
    6. Research problem
    7. Working hypothesis (if possible)
    8. Methodology
    9. Results
    10. Conclusions
    11. Bibliography/ References  

If the original language of the article is English, the abstract and keywords must be in Spanish.

The articles must have a sufucient theoretical or/ and empirical ground. Bibliography sources must be referenced upon international and national rules for publications of such kind. The usage of American Psychological Association (APA) rules are highly recommended. The journal accepts articles in english, french, portuguese and spanish.  

References to academic and research qualifications of the author shall be made on the footer of the first page. A mention of the research project and its sponsor institution shall be indicated likewise.

Maximum lenght 20 pages, word format, on US letter paper , in font Arial of number 12, 1.5 spacing.

Envío de manuscritos

Articules can be submitted through the OJS platform The author or the authors must certify the origin of the article, the research project and the institutional endorsement with a letter or a note. This article must be unpublished and authorized for publication under editorial procedures of the Republican Journal.

Articles evaluation process.

Peer-review, corrections and edition: the Journal shall publish the articles that complied with the requirements and has thereby a favorable evaluation by external or internal academic peers.

Once the article has been received, the Editor in chief along with the Editorial Commitee will examine the formal requirement and will make an assessment report regarding the typology of the article. Articles must be returned if any flaws or omissions were found. Article will be transmited to a peer specifically through a double-blind process (restriciting the name of peers and authors to be seen). The peers assessments will be sent to the authors for their knowledge. According to the final score and the evaluation criteria, articles may be approved, rejected or approved with modifications. If some changes are suggested, the author or the authors might have 8 calendar days for making the necessary adjustments. The Editor in chief might verify thereon so as to produce a final decision for the publication.

Approved articles will be subjected to a spelling, editing style, grammar and text review.  The authors shall respond to the recommendations or suggestions made regarding these matters.

Authors might request and receive a proof over the submission and the status of the evaluation of the article. Peers or external evaluators might receive a written acknowledgement for their collaboration with the Journal. Likewise, they might receive a print hardcopy of the Republican Journal.

Declaration of ethics and transparency

The articles submitted must be unpublished and a product of a research project developed according to evidenced-base pertinent methodological and theoretical standards regarding the object of the study. Such standards must be also acknowledged by the academic community.

The authors must consider principles and practices curtailing or eliminating  risks that might arise regarding source management. Particular attention must be paid to respect informants, confidentiality and the political, personal and legal usage to the conclusions made and their affection of rights or any conflict of interest.

The social responsability for the researchers implies the acknowledgment  that research results are aimed to contribute in new knowledge, to make headway in social or community issues or to provide judgement elements for making decisions.

Once texts are submitted, the authors must acknowledged and considered the current rulens regarding originality, copyright and plagiarism.

An author whose article was already submitted, is entitled to withdraw his article for evaluation. He shall communicate the grounds for withdraval. Once the article will be published or edited in hardcopy version, the author must assume all academic and legal consequences stemmed from the conclusions and approaches mentioned in his article.

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Corporación Universitaria Republicana, Centro de Investigaciones
Carrera 7° No 19-39, piso 4°. 
Teléfono (57) 2862384 Ext 114