ISSN online: 2256-3202
Printed ISSN: 1794-192X


Scope and policy

Journal sections

Editorial/Editorial. Text with an extension of no more than five pages, on topics assigned to the disciplinary guidelines of the journal or current affairs. They can write in this section: the editor, a dean, a member of the editorial or scientific committee, an editor or visiting researcher.

Original papers/Artículos originales.
This section has the essential role of publishing the original research results obtained in research projects. Four types of contributions are considered in this section:

  • Empirical paper. These are reports about original research results. They consist of the following sections:
    Introduction: Presents the purpose of the research from a conceptual or theoretical development, including a historical background and an explanation of the research purpose.
    Method: Describes the procedures used to conduct the investigation.
    Results: Reports the research results in detail.
    Discussion: Discusses the implications of the research results.
    References: A minimum of thirty.
  • Review Paper. This is the systematization, analysis and assessment of the research on a particular problem. It is designed to account for their conceptual, methodological and epistemological references, as well as for developments and trends in the field researched. It presents an analytical review of at least fifty references. From these, the author should:
    Summarize previous research to inform the reader of the state of the research.
    Identify relations, contradictions, gaps and inconsistencies in the literature.
    The components of literature review may be arranged in various ways. For example, by the similarities of the concepts or theories of interest, methodological similarities among the studies reviewed, or the historical development of the field (APA, 2010, p. 10).
  • Theoretical paper. This is a document on which the author supports their research in the literature reviews to advance on a theory. These papers are expected to expand and refine theoretical constructs, analyze a theory, indicate gaps or show the advantages of one theory over another. Sections of a theoretical paper, such as a literature review, may vary according to their content (APA, 2010, p. 10-11).

These present advances and contributions to knowledge regarding literature, fine arts and their relationship to other kinds of knowledge.

Brings the reader closer to the field and the hardships of the people or entities that make a daily contribution to the development of science and culture.

Book Reviews/Reseñas
These offer a reflexive reading of recently published books (two years), which contribute to build a scientific and cultural way of thinking about humanity.

These last three sections are not subject to research processes. However, in selecting articles, the editorial committee will consider the same criteria in terms of quality and relevance, and they may be submitted as a work or as an interview.

Evaluation of papers and editorial process

Papers taken into consideration for publishing in the scientific Journal Guillermo de Ockham must be original and unpublished. Papers that have been previously published in other media, either written or online, will not be accepted. For purposes of the selection process, original papers obtained from research projects will have priority.
Firstly, each paper will be assessed by an editorial team that will decide whether the paper meets the Journal’s requirements in terms of subject relevance, organizational structure, and fruitfulness of the references used.
Secondly, each paper will be assessed by two judges (experts in the appropriate field), who will give their opinion about the paper’s inner strength, relevance to the field of knowledge, state of the art, conceptual rigor, and bibliographical sources.
Peers are afforded a 30-day period for each assessment. If they fail to complete a review within such period of time, the papers will be submitted to a different team until they are reviewed. The authors will be informed every time their papers are submitted to any new peers.
If no answer is received from peers twice consecutively, author(s) will be asked to submit a list of 5 potential reviwers.
Peers who evaluate must have a PhD and a publication –no more than a year old– related to the paper to be evaluated.
The peers required to complete the assessment will be chosen according to the list of five randomly selected evaluators.
If a paper is not assessed by any of the peers, it will be rejected for its publication in the journal.
Comments from both the reviewers and the Editorial Board should be taken into account by the author, who will make any changes as requested. Such changes and corrections to the manuscript should be made within no more than 10 days. After each amended paper is received, it will be subject to review and the author will be informed of its approval. The Board reserves the right to accept the papers that will be published in each issue.
The Journal reserves the right to proofread papers. Corrections will always be discussed with authors. During the editing process, the authors may be required by the editor to address any questions during either the evaluation or the editing process.
Papers will be published in the following issue of the Journal.

Open access policy

Revista Guillermo de Ockham is an open-access publication:

  • We don't impose any article processing charges (APCs)
  • We don't charge for article submission.

Revista Guillermo de Ockham provides immediate, open access to its content, based on the principle of offering the public free access to research in order to provide a global exchange of knowledge. Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this Journal have a license from Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

  • Attribution. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • Noncommercial. You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • No Derivatives. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you are hereby prohibited from distributing the modified material.
  • No additional restrictions. You may not apply any legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Note: The authors are recommended that once the manuscript is published in Revista Guillermo de Ockham, it be disseminated and shared through academic social networks and institutional repositories.

Preservation of digital files Policy

Revista Guillermo de Ockham, through its OJS platform, has a LOCKSS system (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) in place that guarantees the preservation of a permanent, secure archive.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Editorial criteria

The text of the paper should be submitted in Times New Roman font (size 12 and spacing 1.5), and a maximum of twenty pages. Textual and bibliographic citations are the established guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA, Seventh Edition).

Title. It must be directly related to the topic being developed. It is recommended that it not exceed twelve (12) words. The footnotes inform about the paper’s referrals, the organization conducting it, and the project’s starting and end dates. Where appropriate, indicate the name of the organization carrying it out and the code of the project.

Authors. Author(s)’’ full name(s) and institutional membership. Footnotes should include the following: academic titles, name of the attached research group email address. Furthermore, the postal address of the main author must be statd.

Abstract. Only one paragraph containing no more than two hundred words. It must be in both English and Spanish. The abstract is to be written according to the type of publication:

  • Abstract of an empirical paper: Introduces the problem, describes the participants in the research, mentions the essential characteristics of the research method, shows the main results (with the corresponding levels of statistical significance), outlines the conclusions and points out the major implications for other empirical papers.
  • Abstract of a review paper: Introduces the problem, mentions the criteria for selecting the study, specifies the organizational criteria of the review, shows the main findings, summarizes the contributions. and indicates the implications of the research on the theory.
  • Abstract of a theoretical paper: Describes the theory or the collection of models on which the research is based, presents the author’s thesis, introduces the fundamental concepts of the discussion, outlines the method from which the concepts are addressed, and presents the conclusions of the research.

Keywords. These are words that describe the content of the paper and should not exceed five in number. It is recommended that the UNESCO Thesaurus be used.

References. At the end of the paper, the complete references of the texts cited must be given. References are shown in alphabetical order, taking as reference the last name of the author, and they must meet the following guidelines:

  • Serial publications: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Name of the Paper. Name of the journal, X(n), pp-pp. doi: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Books: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the book. Location: Editorial.
  • Chapters of books: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter. En A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. xx-xx). Location: Editorial.
  • Internet: If the cited document does not meet one or more of the requirements for the reference of a serial publication, the URL should be provided so the reader can locate the source (date of recovery is not included).
  • Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Name of the paper. Name of the journal, x(x), pp-pp. Obtained from http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Basic Editing Guidelines

Abbreviations: they must be in parentheses following the complete formula the first time they are used. After that, only the abbreviation is to be used, without parentheses. For example: Unión de Trabajadores de Colombia (UTC). Henceforth, , UTC.

Reference Citations in a Text: A citation is necessary where the author is supporting his paper on a theory, the results of other research, or methodological approaches devised by other researchers. Citations enable the reader to locate the source of information in the references section at the end of the work. The APA style requires the author to document the consulted sources in order to conduct the research using the author, year scheme.

Short quotes. They should have less than forty words and should be included in the text being written using double quotation marks. The author, the date, and the page numbers that contain it must be stated in parentheses at the end of each quote.

Long quotes. They should have more than 40 words and should be written in a new paragraph without quotation marks, while using the same spacing of the general text. Long quotes should not be used unless they are essential to develop a thesis statement, or to support the paper’s main idea. They should include the author’s name, year, and page number or numbers when the citation is in only one page, e.g., (author, year, p. xx). For more than one page, citations should include the author’s name, the year, and the page numbers in parentheses, e.g., (author, year, pp. xx-xx).

Footnotes. They are to be used only in exceptional cases. If the material is worth including in the paper, it should be incorporated into the text using the same manuscript writing style.

Artwork. It includes tables, charts, figures and/or images. These will be referenced in the texts using the words Table, Chart, Figure, and/ or Image (low or high) and will be identified using cardinal numbers in the same order as they are mentioned in i.e., (Figure 1). They should include a text or caption which provides the reader an idea what the author is attempting to illustrate. Figures and/or images must be submitted in black and white formats, and framed, if required.

Journal Ethical Statement

Revista Guillermo de Ockham conducts a thorough process of arbitration of any papers submitted for consideration by taking into account the basic principles of compliance with copyright law and information rules. Furthermore, editorial processes are designed to comply with the most appropriate guidelines and policies concerning the indexes, databases and bibliographic directories.
One of the most important aspects of this process is carried out by an editorial board that meets regularly and is responsible for reviewing compliance with the minimum requirements of each of the papers submitted, which are subsequently submitted to a team of anonymous, external judges. Such judgements are supported by an updated database of recognized experts in their appropriate research fields, most of whom have a PhD, and publish permanently in indexed journals. Accordingly, the commitment of the entire editorial staff is to provide accurate, timely, innovative information, thereby contributing to the development of universal scientific knowledge.
The Journal considers the ethics of publishing a fundamental mission designed to protect both copyrights and information, to which end the editorial and selection processes use formats and electronic programs to avoid the possibility of plagiarism. Moreover, authors who submit papers certify that their submissions are the result of their own original research. To ensure this, a paper submission form is filled in order to show that each text is the result of a research project and that the author is the intellectual responsible for it.

Identifying unethical conduct

If ethical misconduct is detected, the ensuing complaint must be supported by sufficient evidence to allow the investigation process to begin. Due process must be followed, and the the information’s confidentiality criteria must be observed. The journal’s editorial committee will end the process with a decision that will be informed to the author or authors involved and the appropriate action will be taken to settle each case. In any case, due process will be mediated by the protocols of the Publications Ethics Committee - COPE

Minor: Minor offenses will be dealt with directly with the author so that they may answer to the accusations within a set period.
Serious: Serious violations may require some of the following actions:

  • Reporting misconduct and taking steps to avoid future mistakes.
  • Publication of formal notice describing the misconduct.
  • Editorial posting describing the unethical behavior.
  • Sending a formal letter to both the author and the funding institution.
  • A formal retraction and/or withdrawal of the article, after informing the author, the indexing services and readers of the reasons for the decision.

Reporting the case and the outcome to a professional organization or higher authority for further investigation and action.

Author's responsibilities

Where an article is the result of a piece of research funded by an institution, the author must enter the relevant information in such article (funding body, institutional membership, participants, etc.) that authorizes its publication in any repositories or other forms of storage, if required. Furthermore, the author should field the following forms and present them with the article.

  • Statement of originality. Use the information as required by copyright law. Where necessary, the author must ensure that any studies conductedin humans or any other species meet national and international regulations. To this end, the author must present proof of informed consent.
  • Statement of compliance with ethical principles. The author must certify that they have complied with the ethical principles set out in both the APA and in the Code of Ethics and Bioethics of the Practice of Psychology in Colombia in connection with the research and publication of information.
  • Statement of conflict of interest. The author must advise the editorial committee of any significant errors in the published article in order that any such errors may be amended by means of an errata, addendum, letter to the editor, or withdrawal of the publication.

In the event that plagiarism were detected, theft of information or omission of the same, the author is obliged to publicly retract and depending on the seriousness of the fault, the withdrawal or correction of the publication will be estimated.

Editorial committee responsibility

The Journal’s editorial committee acts objectively in the performance of its duties, while avoiding any type of discrimination based on authors’ gender, sex, religion, ethnicity, or geographical location. The committee has set clear, transparent processes for cases of ethical complaints and/or or conflict of interest.
All complaints will be examined, and the authors will be allowed to answer to them within a reasonable timeframe. The committee further ensures the confidentiality of information and editorial processes. Likewise, it avoids publishing any articles that display any of the following irregularities:

  • Conflict of interest.
  • They are not original.
  • False and/or doctored information.
  • Fragmented publication.
  • Plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism.
  • Excess self-citations and uncited references.

Responsibility of the publishing institution

The University of San Buenaventura Cali will ensure the implementation of best ethical and editorial practices in all its publications.

Sending of manuscripts

All proposals, as well as the documents required for the submission of articles, must be uploaded to the OJS platform, from there the entire process will be followed.
A letter requesting the publication of the paper in the journal must be attached, as well as the paper submission form signed by all authors. Also, please fill out the form for submission of papers, which you will find in the journal’s website.
Together with the manuscript, the lead authors must send the following forms: Statement of originality; Statement of Compliance with Ethical Principles and Statement of Conflict of Interest. These must be correctly filled out and signed.


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© 2003 University of San Buenaventura Cali

Revista Guillermo de Ockham
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences
University of San Buenaventura Cali, Colombia
Carrera 122 No. 6-65, road to Pance
PBX: (57-2) 488 22 22 - (57-2) 318 22 00, Exts. 274 y 341