ISSN 0122-7238
versión impresa


Scope and policy


History of LatinAmerican education journal (HLAEM, RHELA in Spanish) is a scientific journal related to History of Latin American Education Society (HLAES, know as SHELA in Spanish) and to the Sciences of Education Doctorate Porgramm. HLAEM aims researchers of History of Latin American education field. Professors, Sociologists, Politicians and profesional people related to Human, Social and Educational Sciences.

HLAEM publishes new and innovative research articles, results of long Research processes,  a brief and a review in spanish, portuguese and english.  The journal is composed by five main parts an Editorial note, Articles (new and original), internet documents, book & Magazines’ reviews and events reviews. From edition 18 it will be published an online version in English

  • Scientific and technological research article: This document presents a detailed result of the original research projects, the main structure is usually contains four important assets: Introduction, Methodology, Results and Conclusions.

  • Opinion Article: This document presents the results of finished a research Project and approach into analytical perspective, to infer or criticize the author about a specificall subject by quoting original authors.

  • Revisión Article: Resulting document from a completed research in which the performance of published an unpublished studies are analyzed, joint and integrated on one specific area related to science’s or technological fields in order to  present the advance and current tendency in development, the main feature presents a deep review on author’s bibliography of at least 52 references.

The article that were already enlisted in the procurement process, or in evaluation and prior editing must not be presented to other journals (either press or online). Opinions that authors present in their works are on their own private will and concern and do not affect this journal’s policies. The feature article may be joint with a copyright letter in order to stand the original work upon it.

Mission: History of Latin American Education Magazine- HLAEM, has the mission of pormoting of the results of research Works of Latin American education history context internationally. Collaborate in constituting the academy and research community approaching the education of new researchers and editors of other journals as a commitment.

Visión: In 2018, History of Latin American Education Magazine- HLAEM  will be recognized and globally known by its excellency in research on History of Latin American Education top level works published in english, spanish and portuguese. Thus it will be on top of main indexes of publication field and so it will cooperate in constituting  the academy and research community committing to educate  top quality History experts.  

Form and preparation of manuscripts

Original work’s presentation and sending Guideline:

1. All articles must been original and unpublished. Must have a maximum of 20 pages that include in all: charts, graphs, editing notes, subject related images, appendixes and references. Document must be in Microsoft Word, letter sized with double spaces and Times New Roman Font, 12 sized. Top and bottom borderlines of 3 cm y left and right borderlines of 2.5 cm. All Works must include: Introduction, Content development (on the specific topic), conclusions and references

2. Reference son page bottom must be in Times New Roman font sized 10 and simple space.

3. Title of work must have a maximum of 15 words it must not also formula or abbreviation of words.

4. Author must present the background of the article (Funds and location of research)

5. Author or authors’ names located immediately after title. If there are many authors it must be named also in a bottom reference note in order to address all correspondence. Present in bottom reference note the authors latest academic degree, institution in which is located, address of institution, research group name and e-mail of all authors.

6. Analytical abstract in Spanish with 150 to 250 words, in order to indicate, stablsh hypothesis, purpose, methodology and conclusion.  

7. Key words: At least five key words that help establishing article’s main idea, article may include History of Latin American Education as key words, key words are chosen from the databases of UNESCO’S Thesaurus.

8. Title, abstract and key words must be also presented in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

9. Footnotes: this notes are numbered one to the other in consecutive order in the bottom of pages, they may be used in order to identify the institution’s relation, author’s address, to add unpublished information, or explain important aspects. These statements are based in "Chicago Manual of Style", in its "Humanities Style" version.   

10. Articles can be addressed in one of both official languages of the magazine (Spanish or Portuguese).

11. Accepted articles for MUST be sent by their authors in english version in order to be included in the Magazine’s OJS. Missing this item may cause the cancelation of the article’s publication. 

12. Each article may be preceded by a blank sheet in which an abstract of the Author’s CV will be included. It will highlight: Name, place of work, address, e-mail, telephone, fax, Professional degree, Research line and five year latest publications (books or magazines if available). Author must include ISBN, ISSN or DOI of every publication.

13. Bibliography References: In order to quote original sources, Research text’s reference technique, studies and experiences. Quoted in numbers according "Chicago Manual of Style", in its "Humanities Style" version.   

14. Charts, Graphs and pictures: Will be presented in an understandable way. Drawing’s title will be accurate and clear for reading, quoting source even if author is the very same author of article. Photos will include origin source and date; these documents may be sent in JPG with hight resolution. 

15. Chart’s note, schemes, graphs and other images will be numerated separatel from footnotes. Symbols such as * or numbers as Roman are used in chart notes, schemes graphs and other images.

2 Quoting guidelines  

History of Latin American Education Magazine uses "Chicago Manual of Style", "Humanities Style"15th edition of 2003 version.   

As an example it will be shown the giuideline to footnotes and bibliography.

2. 1. Quoting example and footnotes:  

2.1.1 Books

  • Solo author:

Name Last Name(s), Title (City: Publishing house, year), page.

Diana Elvira Soto Arango, La universidad en el periodo Colonial. Educadores Criollos Neogranadinos (Tunja: Doce Calles, 2011), 68.

  • Two authors:

Name Last name(s) and Name Last name(s) , Títle (City: Publishing House, year), page.

Diana Elvira Soto Arango y José Rubens Lima Jardilino, Políticas Universitarias en Latinoamérica, tomo III (Sao Paulo: Centro universitario Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, 2011), 34.

  • Four or more authors:

Name Last name(s) and others Title (City: Publishing House, year), page.

Diana Elvira Soto Arango et al, Educadores Latinoamericanos y del  Caribe Siglo XX al XXI, tomo IV (Tunja: Ediciones Doce Calles, 2011), 45- 78.

  • Book with corporate autor:

Name. Títle (City: Publishing House, year)

Banco Popular de Puerto Rico. Un álbum: una colección de poesía y prosa de la familia del Banco Popular de Puerto Rico. Hato Rey, P.R.: Banco Popular, 1978.

2.1.2 Book Article:

Name Last name(s), "Article’s Title", at  Títle, edition. Name Last name(s) and Name Last name(s) (City: Publishing House, year), 45-50.

Miguel Ángel Puing Samper y María Dolores González, "Criollismo y ciencia ilustrada en Cuba", en Científicos Criollos e Ilustración, eds. Diana Soto Arango, Miguel Ángel Puing Samper y María Dolores González (Madrid, ediciones doce calles, COLCIENCIAS, RUDECOLOMBIA, 1999) ,13 – 28.    

2.1.3 Magazine Article:

Name Last name(s), "Article’s Title", Títle Magazine Edition: Number (year): page.

Felipe de Jesús Prez Cruz, "Raíces históricas del proyecto educativo Martiano", Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamérica Vol: 13 No17 (2011): 208.

2.1.4 Press Article:

Name Last name(s), "Article’s Title", Newspaper Name, City, day and month, year, page.

El Espectador, "Gobierno aún no define  sí va o no  reforma la Educación Superior", El Espectador, Bogotá, 23 julio, 2012, 4.

2.1.5 Tesis:

Name Last name(s), "Thesis Title", (thesis bachelor/Master/PhD at, University, year), pages.

Jorge Arturo Martínez Ávila, "Formación de ingenieros de minas en la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia 1961 - 2001" (Tesis Doctoral en Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Pedagógica Tecnológica de Colombia, 2012),  45-50, 90.                                                                  

2.1.6. Archive sources:

Archive’s full name (Initials), City-Country. Section(s), Fund(s).

Archivo Histórico Nacional de España (AHNE),Madrid- España. Consejo, leg. 21249, f. 3.

2.1.7 Interviews:

Interview to Last name(s), Name, City, full date.

Interview to Orozco, Claudia, Tunja, 04 de mayo de 2012.

2.1.8 Online publications:

Last name(s), Name, and Name Last Name(s), edition. Títle. City: Publishing house, year. DOI information or URL.

Soto Arango, Diana, La expedición botánica en los textos escolares de Colombia 1974-2008.Tunja: Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia – RUDECOLOMBIA- SHELA -  HISULA, 2011.

3. Additional criteria

  • In Chicago’s foot note style is no necessary the use of latin marks such as: op. cit.; id.; idem.; ibid., ibidem) footnote’s may include source only. Last name, short versión of source title, page number. Ex: Soto, "La universidad en el periodo Colonial",56.
  • Colonns ([ ]) are only used in footnotes, it may indicate a translation of a book part written in another language, when occation is valit to indicate by colonns [translation of book part] at the end of footnote just before dot.
  • When translated epilogue or introduction of books, the footnote may be used as shown:

Ben Jowett, "Introduction," in Plato, The Republic, trad. Ben Jowett (York: Airmont, 1968), IIX.

4. Book and Journal review Procedure; Events’ review procedure:

Book and Journal’s review may have at least two pages and máximum three. Cover must be included, review may have full information of the publication. See an example for quotes and references in part B. Reviews must be coherent to the subject of feature or journal edition.

All authors must send their reviews to Rhela Email address  with a preview agreement to dates for issue or web publication in RHELA’S web site

5. Evaluation Process

When an article is recieved, the editor and publication comitee may evaluate if it accomplishes the minimun required by the magazine and the relevance for the journal in the first place.

Second, all articles that fullfil publication criteria will be also evaluated by two anonymus international experts, the result will be communicated to authors in an 8 month term, after the first comitee. Journal’s assistant will communicate when recieving articles in a time no longer tan 10 days. Suggestions, obsevations and details discussed by the international experts and publication comitee must be taken into account by the autor in order to re assamble article and text. Author may have a 8 day term to correct article. All authors will have personal communication from assistan in order to informed their approval.

Publicaton’s comitee will have the last desition about articles and number of participants, also in publication final date. Publication date may be compromised by author’s document delay while sent. Journal may correct minor issues in documents before printing. 

All articles and paperworks must be send by email at: . National authors will get two copies of publication issue, International authors will recieve one pdf copy by email.

Sending of manuscripts


In order to facilitate the edition/printing activities, it is necessary to keep in mind the following guidelines:

1. The paper must be sent via e-mail:

2. The font will have to be Times New Roman, size 12 points, which may vary according to the different hierarchic levels in the text.

3. The use of symbols or signs from sources of alphabetical origin such as Cyrillic, Greek, and in general, those of Eastern origin is not advised. In case of necessity, these kind of texts will be processed as images. In order to enhance words or texts, Italics, neither bold type nor underlining will be used exclusively.

4. In the case of sending images, they will have to be incrusted, not linked, in the document. To this respect, it is recommended the use of format JPEG, the insertion in black and white colors and its grouping in the final pages. Whenever possible, the archives that contain images used in the document must be sent along with it.

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All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

© 2012
Sociedad de Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia - UPTC
Avenida Central del Norte
Edificio Administrativo 2do Piso
Tunja - Boyacá (Colombia)
Telefax: (057) (8) 7448215