ISSN 1909-9762
Printed version

ISSN 1909-9991
Online version



Manuscripts submission

They must be sent via email to the address Articles are accepted both in Spanish and English.


Peer Review Process

Every article goes through an initial revision process by the Editorial Board, with the technical advice of the International Scientific Committee when required. Approved articles will be sent to evaluation by two experts from the relevant field and external to Antioquia School of Engineering and CES University, which will decide if the manuscript is suitable for publication. Once the author receives the comments from the reviewers, it will have to proceed to answer every item and incorporate the corresponding modifications in the text.

Revista Ingeniería Biomédica reserves the right to accept or reject manuscripts under evaluation and it may suggest modifications that aim to improve the clarity of the article. Once the manuscript is accepted, the authors will receive the proofs of the article, which should be carefully reviewed and returned to the Editorial Board within a maximum of 48 hours.


Articles Classification

The main three types of manuscripts considered include: original research, review, and personal experience articles. In addition, articles in the following categories considered by the Índice Bibliográfico Nacional Publindex (governmental institution for indexing issues in Colombia) are accepted. A brief explanation of mentioned article types is given below:

Original research article: Shows the results of a concluded research conducted in some field of biomedical engineering or preliminary results when their prompt diffusion is relevant.

Review article: Shows the state of the art and new developments in some biomedical engineering area, which has great dynamism and has shown considerable growth during in recent years. The review could be the result of research experiences of the authors by referencing their work, but should also include a critical review of the available literature (which may include gray literature such as technical reports and white papers).

Personal experience article: The author highlights his/her experience or those from others regarding the technical-scientific and social development of biomedical engineering. This type of article seeks to enrich the labor of the biomedical engineer in the scientific, professional and community contexts.

Reflection article: The author presents research results (or not directly derived from research) on a specific topic (which arises controversy or new interpretations) in Biomedical Engineering from an analytical, interpretive, educational or critical perspective, drawing on original sources or gray literature.

Case report: The author presents results of a study on a current situation relevant to Biomedical Engineering, with the purpose of communicating the technical and methodological experiences considered for this specific case. It is recommended to include a critical review of the available literature on similar cases.

Letter to the Editor: The author presents critical arguments with an analytical, interpretative, educational, and social perspective on articles published on the journal, should the Editorial Board consider it an important contribution to the discussion and development of a particular topic.

Translation: Translation of classic and contemporary literature of great relevance to the Biomedical Engineering field.

Technical note: Short article that describes in detail a novel laboratory technique or modifications to an established technique, emphasizing the advantages of the procedure or innovation developed.


Preparation of Manuscripts

In this section the principal details regarding the edition and structure of the article are presented. For those authors who desire more orientation regarding the technical content of the article, a special guide was developed by the Editorial Board, which is available online at

Length: The unformatted article should be prepared using Microsoft Word with the font Times New Roman, size 12, and margins adjusted to 3 cm. The manuscript may not exceed 20 letter-sized pages with one and a half line spacing (1, 5).

Sections: All original research articles require title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (optional) and references. It should be noted that the presented structure may change significantly for other types of articles, where the sections may be defined by the authors for the best comprehension of the manuscript content.

The title may not exceed 15 words. In addition, an abbreviated title that best defines the work without the specificity needed in the complete version is required. As mentioned, both the complete and abbreviated title must be translated to Spanish. The authors listed below the manuscript title must be in the order as they wish to appear and indicating their highest academic title, institutional affiliation, and research group (if applies). The email address of the corresponding author is required.

The abstract and resumen should not exceed 250 words, and should cover the methodology, most significant results, and conclusions derived from the work.

For the keywords and palabras clave, around 4 words or short sentences that describe the work are recommended. They must be cited in alphabetical order and with the first letter of each word or sentence in upper case.

Images: Should be delivered in digital format (JPEG), embedded within the text and in corresponding places. The legend will be included under the figure, starting with "Fig. #." (The symbol "#" represents any natural number), in bold, followed by two spaces to start its description. Figure legends should be self-explanatory. Similarly, tables are called with "Table #". Table legends should be placed above the table, in bold. If figures or tables are reproduced or modified from and article, book or web page the original reference must be cited.

High-contrast line figures and tables (processed as images) should be prepared with 600 dpi resolution, 1 bit per pixel. For photographs and grayscale a minimum 220 dpi, 8 bits per pixel resolution is required and 400 dpi (8 bits per pixel) for color images. However, the lasts are mainly used for the electronic version of the journal, and their use in the printed version will only be considered by the Editorial Board in extraordinary cases. So the graphs, diagrams, maps or similar should be interpretable without a reference to the full color image if possible.

References: Authors should distinguish between references and bibliography (which is not accepted). A minimum of 15 references for original research articles is required, and 50 references as minimum for the review type are recommended. Number the citations in square brackets, using a single one in the case of multiple references [1, 5, 10-13].

[1] Guyton A.C., Hall J.E. Tratado de Fisiología Médica. McGraw-Hill, 2001. Capítulo 10, 129-136.

Scientific articles in journals:
[2] Stieglitz T., Gross M. Flexible BIOMEMS with electrode arrangements on front and back side as key component in neural prostheses and biohybrid systems. Sensors and Actuators B: chemical, 83, 8-14, March 2002.

Scientific articles on events:
[3] Kelly S., Burke D., Chazal D., Reilly R. Parametric models and classification for direct brain interfaces. Proceedings of the Irish signal and systems conference, Cork, Ireland, June 2002.

Thesis dissertations
[4] Lamus C., Meza C.B. Diseño y construcción del prototipo de un sistema electrónico intraoral como apoyo a pacientes con discapacidad de miembro superior. Tesis de Grado, Ingenieros Biomédicos, EIA-CES, 2005.

Web pages:
[10] Asiaín J.L. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Encoders: Construcción, montaje y programación (2000). Consultado el 1 de julio de 2006 en: temas/micros/doc/encoders.pdf.

Equations: Should be numbered on the side of the equation with the number in parentheses. To make the reference it should not say, "as in the Eq. 1" or "in the Equation 1", just refer it as "(1)", except when is used at the begging of a sentence. This should be prepared with an appropriate editor, and a font size of 10 points.

Units and decimal points: The International System of Units must be used. To separate composed units the central point is used, as in the example "A·m2". To express a range write "7 cm - 9 cm" or (7-9) cm. Decimal fractions should be given after a point and use comma for thousands.

Abbreviations and acronyms: The first they appear in the text it should be in brackets and accompanied by a complete explanation of its meaning in the original language.

Footnotes: They will be used for presenting the corresponding author's information in the final version of the article. Although not prohibited to clarify concepts or extend information poorly mentioned on the main text, their use is not encouraged.

Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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