ISSN 1657-4702
printed version



Basic Information

1. Mission

The LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS publishes original articles from research in Bioethics, and from this discipline in interdisciplinary dialogue with other disciplines, in order to disclose them to the university community and all the people interested in knowing its new advances and applications to  different fields and necessity from the contemporary society.

2. Basic Information

The Latin American Journal of Bioethics, is the organ of scientific spreading of the  Humanities Department of the  “Nueva Granada” Military University, is published with ISSN 1657-4702 in its printed version.

The Latin American Journal of Bioethics publishes papers of bioethics and applied ethics. The papers on important bioethics subjects for Latin America and the Caribbean will have priority.

The Journal  has a pluralistic, interdisciplinary and non confessional character. The Journal is directed to professionals of the following disciplines: human and social sciences, health sciences, sciences of education, exact and applied sciences and for  another professionals interested in the applied ethical theme of bioethics.

Nowadays Latin American Journal of Bioethics is visible in LILACS (Latin American Literature in Health Science) and it is in process to index in other national and international data bases.

3. Precedents

The Latin American Journal of Bioethics was created on the initiative of the Rectory of the “Nueva Granada” Military University within the framework of the International Congress of Bioethics celebrated in Bogotá, at the facilities of the Military University between the 18 and the 21 of November of 2000.

Some outstanding national and international lecturers, participated in this Congress we met in the room of Rectory of the University and concluded in the urgent necessity to create this informative organ to express and to spread in Latin American bioethics thought and the one of bioethicists outstanding of other latitudes. In this session participated: Jose A. Mainetti from Argentina, Salvador Bergel from Argentina, Jose Acosta Sariego from Cuba, Maritza Padrón from Venezuela, Luzmila Florez from Peru, and Juan Mendoza Vega in representation of Colombia.

The Rector of the University in that moment, the MG Manuel Sanmiguel Budenaventura, taking in account the consensus offered the total institutional and economic endorsement for the edition and production of the Journal and offered the “Nueva Granada” Military University and Bioethics Area as a guarantee and head office of this publication.

The decided support of the different University departments has allowed that to date the Latin American Journal of Bioethics comes publishing without interruptions and that in agreement with the development plan of the Department of Humanities for period 2004-2008, would design for this publication a program of renovation and qualification, combined to the academic and scientific efforts of the different Bioethics institutions from Latin America. So, the Journal takes more than 8 years of uninterrupted work, and in November of 2006 beginning to the inclusion of Latin American Journal of Bioethics in different national and international indices. The Journal counts on a semester regularity.

Its abbreviated title is rev.latinoam.bioet., and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.


Information Services

The articles published in Latin American Journal of Bioethics are indexed or summarized by:

  • Indice de la Literatura latinoamericana en Ciencias de la Salud - LILACS
  • Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal - Redalyc



"Nueva Granada" Military University
Department of Humanities



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© 2010 "Nueva Granada" Military University

"Nueva Granada" Military University
Department of Humanities
Carrera 11 No 101-80, Torre D
PBX (571) 2757300 Ext. 347
Fax (571) 2159689 - 2147280
Bogota, D.C. - Colombia