ISSN 0122-9354
printed version

E-ISSN 2389-8256
online version


Scope and policy

Authors who wish to publish their papers in this magazine must submit them to evaluation by peers, national or international and anonymous, so as to ensure both the quality and transparency of the editorial process before they can be published.

Keep in mind that neither La Salle University, the Department of Agricultural Sciences nor the Revista de Medicina Veterinaria are responsible for the content or concepts included in the articles submitted for publication, for which the author(s) will be solely responsible.

None of the papers submitted for publication in this magazine must have been published in any other publication outlet.

Authors must fill out the authorization form for publication by La Salle University, which does not entail any commitment or economic retribution by the university for this contribution.

Revista de Medicina Veterinaria publishes papers in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

The types of publication are as follows:

1. Technologic and scientific research article. This paper presents the original results of a research.

2. Reflection article. This paper presents the results of a research from the author's analytic, interpretative or critical perspective and uses original sources.

3. Review article. This paper is the outcome of a finished research where the results of a research about a specific area are analyzed, systematized and integrated with the purpose of giving an account of the progress and the trends in the area. It is known for showing a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references cited in the article.

4. Short article. Brief document presenting the original preliminary or partial results of a scientific or technological research and which generally require early dissemination.

5. Case report. It presents the results of a study about a specific situation with the purpose of sharing the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented, systematic review of literature about similar cases.

6. Subject review. Result of a critical review of literature on a particular subject.

7. Editorial. Written by the editor, a member of the editorial committee or a guest researcher about the guidelines of the magazine's thematic issue.

Style for Submission of Papers

Papers should be submitted in Word, with 12-point Arial font type, double spacing, and consecutive numbering of the pages at the bottom right corner of the page. It should include, if any, pictures, figures and tables, after being mentioned in the text. This should be sent to the following e-mail:

The information should be presented in the following order:

1. Title. In Spanish (or main language in the article). Short, to the point, hopefully no longer than 15 words. In bold, 14-point Arial font type. Title should also be written in the secondary language of the article (English or Portuguese). Any acknowledgements of subsidies or support granted for the research should go here, preceded by an asterisk and at the end of the title.

2. Authors. First and middle name, with both surnames. Every author should include their professional title and academic qualifications, as well as the name of the academic institution to which they belong and e-mail.

3. Abstract. In Spanish, no longer than 250 words, summarizing the objectives, study methods, results, discussions and conclusions. It should not include any references, tables, equations or figures. It should be written in a single paragraph.

4. Keywords. Between 4 and 6, MeSH type, included in the National Library of Medicine ( ), DeCS type ( ), or other descriptors according to the research topic.

5. Resumen or resumo. The same abstract, but in English or Portuguese. Same content as in the abstract.

6. Introduction. It should include the purpose of the research and the main theoretical foundation of the subject, together with the corresponding citations. Neither results nor conclusions may be included.

7. Materials and methods. It should include: materials, methods, equipment, animals, experimental procedures, type of study, environmental and geographical conditions, statistical design, accurately so that other researchers can replicate the study.

8. Results. Expressed in the past tense, defining the level of statistical importance in parenthesis (e.g. p<0.05). Results can be presented by using tables and figures, the title of which should be located at the top, centered and with Arabic numbers. Tables should not use vertical lines and horizontal lines should only be used to separate the title from the content and to separate the source. The metric system should be used as measurement units.

9. Discussion. Based on the contributions of the authors, the results of other works are explained, analyzed and compared.

10. Conclusions. They should be very concrete, clear and accurate.

11. Acknowledgements. To institutions and/or people who supported the research, if necessary.

12. References. They should follow the parameters established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver System).


They should be numbered consecutively, in the same order they are first mentioned within the text. Tables and captions should be identified in the text with Arabic numbers in parenthesis.

References cited only in tables or captions of figure should be numbered according to the order in which they are first identified in the text of each table or figure.

The following examples are based on the method used by the United States National Library of Medicine in the Index Medicus. Magazine titles should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus, for the purposes of which the List of Journals Indexed may be consulted. The list is published every year as a specific publication and in the number corresponding to the month of

January in the Index Medicus. The list can also be found online:

Magazine articles

Taylor L, Dixon PM. Equine idiopathic cheek teeth fractures: part 2: a practice-based survey of 147 affected horses in Britain and Ireland. Equine Vet J 2007;39(2):322-6.

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura. Evaluation of the long-term oral consequences of equine exodontia in 50 horses. Vet J 2008;178(11):419-24.


Sánchez Klinge ME, Venegas Cortés CA. Manual de electrocardiografía canina para estudiantes de medicina veterinaria. Bogotá: Ediciones Unisalle; 2009.

Book Chapters

Sisson S, Grossman JD. Sistema digestivo. In: Anatomía de los animales domésticos. 5a ed. Filadelfia: W. B. Saunders; 2000. p. 387-405.


Mosquera S, Díaz BG. Cuidado del animal doméstico en casa luego de una cirugía. Document taken from Primeras Jornadas de Medicina para Animales Pequeños; 2005 oct 24-27; Manizales, Colombia.


Torres TF. Complicaciones vasculares posoperatorias del caballo [undergraduate/graduate/doctorate thesis]. Caracas: Universidad de los Andes; 2009.

Online documents

Cervantes Sánchez JM, Román de Carlos A. Evolución de las asociaciones gremiales relacionadas a los médicos veterinarios zootecnistas mexicanos. REDVET [internet]. 2011 [cited Oct. 31, 2011];12(5b). Available at:

Aparicio CE. Neuropatía trigeminal idiopática en un poodle. Rev Med Vet [internet]. 2010 [citado 2011 oct 31];(20):95-100. Available at:

Sánchez MA, Venegas CA. Aprendizaje del examen clínico de los equinos, bovinos y caninos [internet]. Bogotá: Ediciones Unisalle; 2009 [cited Nov. 1, 2011]. Available at:

NOTE: There is no defined format for the review and reflection papers, but citation should be very strict within the text, and all mentioned references should be included in the bibliography, and vice versa.

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Universidad de La Salle
Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias
Programa de Medicina Veterinaria

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