
ISSN 2215-910X
printed version

ISSN 2027-5692
online version



Scope and policy

Suma de Negocios Journal is a semiannually publication, open to different disciplinary and methodological perspectives on marketing, business, administrative sciences and quantitative methods applied to these issues. The specific topics within the area of administrative sciences from the international business approach are:

    • Business administration, commercial, tourism, financial, banking, public systems.
    • Economy.
    • Marketing.
    • Public accounting.
    • International Commerce.

The journal is aimed at teachers, researchers and the general public interested in the areas of publication. The contents of SUMNEG are freely accessible, non-profit, financed by the same institution and manages editing formats such as PDF, EPUB and XML


Suma de Negocios Journal, publication of the Business School of the Fundación Univeristaria Konrad Lorenz , aims to publish in the national and Latin American academic field the different disciplinary and methodological perspectives on marketing, business, administrative sciences and quantitative methods applied to these topics..


To be national leaders in the academic scientific field, with a projection in the Latin American market, in such a way that its main axes, such as quality, transparency and knowledge management towards the community, allow reaching the goals, in order to become known and position itself as one of the best Latin American journals in its category.

Suma de Negocios Journal publishes original papers of both theoretical and empirical nature, which can be of two types:

    Research Paper: A document with presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. The structure utilized generally contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and / or discussion and conclusions..
    Review article: A document wherein qualitative or quantitative systematic reviews on a field of science or technology are presented, so as to account for relevant progress and development trends. Reviews are characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references..
Los trabajos deben ser inéditos y no deben estar sometidos a consideración simultánea en otras publicaciones.

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform on the following website https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/sumneg, the information necessary for submittals is included there. The use of this resource facilitates tracking the status of the manuscript through the website. Upon submittal of the manuscript, the author will receive a notification of receipt.

Within a week the Editor will pass the manuscript through Turnitín and decide if the article can continue in the assessment process. In a period of 45 days on average will be reported on the result of evaluation of the article (rejected, accepted, require minor revisions or require major revisions).

The decision will be informed from the concepts of at least two anonymous peers (experts in the field), they could be national or international reviewers. Regardless of the concept of pairs, the final decision on the inclusion or not of the article in the journal will be borne by the Publisher. Once issued the judgment on the acceptance of the work, authors will have 15 days to make changes, if necessary. In the event of major changes, the article will be forwarded again to the peer review.

When the article is approved, the author gives the publishing rights to SUMNEG, so you will be sent a form of copyright, without which you cannot advance in the publishing process.

The best paper of the edition shall be selected in each issue. The members of the Editorial Committee shall be in charge of said appointment, and the winning paper shall receive a special mention in the issue.

For the avoidance of doubt, submitting an article does not oblige the editorial board to publish it.

Papers for Suma de Negocios Journal shall be published under a Creative Commons (4.0 International Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs) license, which allows the free dissemination of the work, without changes to the final version and attributing credit to the original authors (by way of the relevant acknowledgement) and for non-commercial purposes. This implies the free movement of unadulterated work without economic benefits. In addition to the fact that the journal has interoperability protocols, it is managed simultaneously in self-archiving systems and institutional repositories.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Norms for authors
Suma de Negocios journal Publication of the Business School, Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz , requests those who are interested in publishing articles in the journal, carefully read the Editorial Policy and take into account the following guidelines so that the articles are not rejected immediately:

    Language: The journal publishes articles in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.
    Abstract: 4. Authors shall in all cases submit an abstract in Spanish and English – even if the paper is submitted in another language. The abstract shall have a maximum of 150 words, and it shall include the main theme of the study in a brief and succinct fashion, as well as the question or hypothesis, the methodology utilized, the results and major conclusions.
    Format and extension: All original papers shall have a maximum length of 6,500 words (including title, abstract, summary, references, figures, tables, appendices and ancillary materials).

    The manuscript submitted shall be double-spaced (except tables), and it shall be written in Times New Roman 12 font type and size. Margins shall be 1” on all sides, and page numbering shall be placed in the upper right corner.

    The document should be written in its entirety strictly following APA rules - 6th ed. in Anglo-Saxon style. This includes all aspects, ranging from writing style, sections and subsections, tables and figures, as well as references.

    Footnotes shall be exclusively for clarifying or explanatory purposes, and shall include no references.

    When using acronyms, their full meaning should be written the first time they appear, followed by the abbreviation in brackets; only the acronym should be used thereafter. Example: World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); then only WIPO. Should any technical terms or acronyms be used, they should be defined upon their first citation.

    Visual aids: All tables and figures should be in their original editable format (Word, Excel, etc.) and have references thereto within the text.
    Título: The title of the article should have a maximum of 12 words; it should be explanatory and convey the essence of the work.
    Copyright: Should any copyrighted material be used, the authors shall be responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright holders.

    Papers must be unpublished and must not be subject to simultaneous consideration in other publications

    Symbols and Equations: When using equations, these should be numbered consecutively and using brackets (e.g. [1], [2], [3] ...). Mathematical symbols shall be clear, legible and match the equations.
    Bibliography: The minimum number of references to research papers is 25 (30% thereof over the last 2 years) and 50 references for review papers within the last 5 years (30% of which must have been published no later than 2 years before).

How to quote?

    Author, A. A. (Year). Article's title. Title of the journal, volume(number), pages.
    Author, A. A., Author, B. B. & Author, C. C. (Year). Article's title. Title of the journal, volume(number), pages.
    Otero, M.C., y Giraldo, W. (2019) Antecedentes y consecuencias del valor de marca. Un estudio centrado en los consumidores jóvenes, Suma de Negocios, 10(23), 81-88.
    •Authors Information: The first page of the document or cover (author note) shall be submitted separately from the rest of the manuscript and shall contain the full names of the author/s, each with a footnote containing:
        1) Type of article: Research article or review article.*
        2) Level of education*
        3) Full institutional affiliation*
        4) Email*
        5) Mailing address (including city and country)
        6) Identity document or passport*
        7) Country of birth *
        8) Nationality *
        9) Date of birth *
        10) Contact author *
        11) ORCID ID* (if you don't have one, sign up at orcid.org)
        12) H5-index*
        13) Source of the H5-index* (Google Scholar, Scopus, POP (Publish or Peris), etc...)
        14) • Origin of the article: indicate whether the article is a product of research, thesis, among others, and whether or not it was funded. In case of financing, indicate the name of the sponsoring or financing institution, modality, code, period and partial or final product status.


Envío de manuscritos

Authors can submit their manuscripts to the Editorial Committee of Suma de Negocios creating a user through the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform https://editorial.konradlorenz.edu.co/2018/03/envio-de-manuscritos-suma-de-negocios.html or in case the platform is being maintained by email sumadnegocios@konradlorenz.edu.co

Declaration of ethics and transparency

Suma de Negocios (SUMNEG) journal shall not publish papers of any works conducted without the necessary permits, or which have been illegally collected. The opinions expressed in the papers are those of the authors and do not compromise the scientific and political opinion of the Journal. The authors shall be responsible for obtaining the copyright of any material presented in their work.

The authors shall acknowledge all the organizations that funded their research in the “Acknowledgements” section of the manuscript – including grant numbers as applicable. Furthermore, the authors shall describe any financial or personal relationship with other people or organizations which could potentially give rise to a conflict of interest in connection with matters related to the manuscript submitted for publication.

The manuscript shall not have been previously published (neither in whole nor in part), unless the new work is an extension of previous work. Please exercise transparency in the re-use of material, so as to prevent text recycling or “self-plagiarism”. The same study shall not be divided into several parts to increase the number of manuscripts submitted, or to submit them to one or more journals over time. Data should not be manufactured or manipulated to support the conclusions presented.

No data, text or theory presented by any other authors may be presented as appertaining to the authors; for this reason, the corresponding citations or acknowledgments must be included. The editorial board over at SUMNEG uses Turnitín to detect plagiarism and if this happens, the authors will be notified and the article rejected.

Lastly, no requests shall be received in terms of requesting changes of the authors included in the manuscript, after acceptance thereof.

Responsibilities of the Editor

The editor must always act in a balanced, objective and fair manner, without discriminating against authors based on sexual, religious, political or regional grounds, according to the norms established by the Colombian Political Constitution of 1991. Likewise, the editor must consider, edit and publish academic contributions based only on their academic merits and without consideration of any commercial influence or secondary interest. The editor of the Suma de Negocios journal, with the help of the editorial committee, is responsible for deciding which papers will be published. The editor must make all decisions according to the editorial policy. The editorial and scientific committees must take into account all up-to-date legal aspects in terms of libel, copyright and plagiarism.

Additionally, the editor and the editorial committee must follow the appropriate process to resolve any complaints or misunderstandings of an ethical nature, or any conflict of interest. They must also act according to the regulations, policies and procedures established by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Authors will always be given the opportunity to respond regarding possible conflicts of interest. Any kind of complaint must be substantiated with documents to prove the alleged misconduct.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers

Reviewers must evaluate in an objective manner the papers submitted to Suma de Negocios journal, collaborating appropriately to improve the scientific quality of the original research results.

Reviewers must protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the editor, the editorial committee, or the authors, making proper use of such information. However, they are free to decide whether to keep or reject the text during the evaluation process.

Reviewers must promptly inform the editor and the editorial committee when the content of an academic contribution shows signs of plagiarism or significantly resembles other research products, whether published or part of a publishing process.

Reviewers must know relevant published works that the authors do not cite. Observations, derived ideas or previously used arguments must be properly cited. Reviewers must also notify the editor of Suma de Negocios journal if they have evidence of similarities or overlaps between a reviewed paper and other published works.

Reviewers must always report possible conflicts of interest between the reviewer and the authors of academic contributions due to financial or institutional collaboration or any other reasons. In that case, and if necessary, reviewers must withdraw their services concerning the evaluation of the paper. Evaluators who do not feel qualified to review a given paper, or are aware that they will not be able to meet the reviewing deadline, must notify the editor as soon as possible, justifying their withdrawal from the evaluation process. Reviewers may also ask for a deadline extension, which the editor will evaluate according to the publishing timeline of the journal.

Responsibilities of the Authors

Authors must state that the paper has never been published and that it is not being considered for publishing anywhere else. They must also state that the paper does not violate copyrights or any other right concerning the intellectual property of any person or organization, and that it does not contain abusive, defamatory, obscene, or fraudulent declarations, nor any other statement considered illegal in any way.

Authors must keep documents and meticulous records of the data and data analyses related to the manuscript submitted to Suma de Negocios journal. If, on reasonable grounds, the editor or the editorial committee request such information, authors must provide it or facilitate access to it. When requested, original data will enter a custody chain where confidentiality and protection of the information will be ensured by the journal.

Authors must confirm, by means of a copyrights release and conflict of interests statement, or with an originality certificate (a pre-established format used by Suma de Negocios journal) that they agree to submit their paper to an evaluation process involving different committees, that the paper is original and unpublished, and that it is not being evaluated nor accepted for publishing anywhere else. 

When part of a contribution’s content has been published or reported in another media, authors must acknowledge and cite all corresponding sources and academic credits. Authors must declare any possible conflicts of interest that might exert inappropriate influences at any time during the publishing process.

Authors must carefully review the last version of the paper before it is published in Suma de Negocios journal. They must report errors or necessary corrections. If significant errors are present once the academic contribution is published, authors must promptly notify the editor and the editorial committee, and they must cooperate with the journal in the publishing of an errata sheet, appendix, notice, correction or, if necessary, in the withdrawal of the paper from the published issue.

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All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

© 2019 Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz

Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Centro de Investigaciones de la Escuela de Negocios (CIEN)
Escuela de Negocios.
Carrera 10 No 64-61 Piso 6
Tel: (+57 1) 347 2311 ext. 284 o 253
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
