ISSN 0120-5552
printed version



Scope and policy

SALUD UNINORTE is the official Journal of the Health Sciences Division at the Universidad del Norte in which original articles are published on topics of clinical medicine and biomedical sciences. Each manuscript is peer reviewed and publishes original research articles, reviews and clinical case descriptions from scientists, physicians and medical students from both the Universidad del Norte and other universities, hospitals and institutes.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Details concerning the type of manuscripts that will be considered for publication, and preparing the same, can be found in, "Information and Instructions for Authors". These can be sent by E-mail or fax to anyone asking for them in writing, or can be obtained at the following web-site:


Sending of manuscripts

Manuscripts may be submitted to SALUD UNINORTE( in original and two copies including the graphic material along with an electronic copy to: Salud Uninorte - Universidad del Norte, Km 5, Antigua Vía Puerto Colombia, Barranquilla, Colombia. A.A 1569. Phones: 575-3509280 - 575-3509287. Manuscripts must be double-spaced throughout, including title page, abstract, text, references, legends for illustrations, and tables. Start the title page, abstract, text or body of the manuscript, references, legends, and tables in sequential order on a new page, numbered consecutively, beginning with the title page. Use preferably standard 10- or 12-point font size, Microsoft Office Word. Ample margins of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) in paper bond and printed on one side of a page should be used. Check manuscript spelling prior to submission. SALUD UNINORTE is published twice annually.

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© Fundación Universidad del Norte

Decanatura de Ciencias de la Salud, Kilometro 5 Vía Antigua a Puerto Colombia
A.A. 1569 Barranquilla Colombia
Tel.: 57 5 3509509 ext 4280
Fax: 57 5 3598852 ext 153