ISSN 0123-921X
printed version

ISSN 2248-7638
electronic version


Scope and policy


Tecnura journal is an institutional publication of the Faculty of Technology from the University Francisco José de Caldas. It is a scientific and technological publication, which issues quarterly (January, April, July, and October). The first issue appeared in the second semester of 1997 and up to now has maintained its regularity.

The areas of interest of this journal is focused on all engineering fields such as electronics, telecommunications, electricity, systems, industrial, mechanics, cadastral, civil, and environmental, among others. However, it is not restricted to those; it has also room for education and health issues, as long as they are related to engineering. The journal will only publish concerning scientific and technological research, reflection, and revision. Accordingly, during the initial editorial evaluation, short articles and case reports will be rejected.

Tecnura Journal is aimed at professors, researchers, students, and professionals interested in permanent update of their knowledge and follow-up of scientific-technologic processes in the field of engineering. Tecnura Journal has as mission to disseminate results of research projects in the areas of engineering, through the publication of original and unpublished articles, conducted by academics and professionals accredited by public or private national or foreign institutions. Articles submitted to Tecnura journal must be unpublished works written in Spanish or English. Nevertheless, preference will be given to articles that show innovative concepts of great interest related to the objective and scope of the journal.

Tecnura is an academic publication indexed in the Regional Index Scielo Colombia (Colombia) and Redalyc (México), as well as in the following bibliographic databases: INSPEC of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (England), Fuente Académica Premier of EBSCO (United States), CABI (England), Index Copernicus (Poland), Informe Académico of Gale Cengage Learning (México), Periódica from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (México), Oceanet (Spain), and Dialnet from the University of La Rioja (Spain). Additionally, it is part of the following directories: Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Latindex (México), Bibliographic Index Actualidad Iberoamericana (Chile), e-Revistas (Spain), DOAJ (Sweden), and Ulrich of Proquest (United States).

Tecnura is a journal arbitrated by a revision process among double blind peers. The schedule of the conformation of its scientific and editorial committee is subject to the publication of articles in internationally indexed journals by their members.

The District University Francisco José de Caldas, its directors, the editor, the editorial, and scientific committee are not responsible for the opinions and the criteria expressed in the content of the articles; they are published under the exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the ideas of the editorial committee.

In addition to the printed version, Tecnura journal also has a digital version available in its web page:


According to the classification of the National Scientific and Technological Publications Index (Publindex-Colciencias), Tecnura journal receives nominations of unpublished articles on the following topics:

  • Scientific and technological research articles: document that presents in a detailed manner the original results of research projects. The structure generally used contains the following main parts: introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
  • Reflection articles: document that presents research results from an analytic, interpretative or critic perspective from the author, dealing with a specific topic and adopting original sources.
  • Review article: document that results from a research where the results of published or unpublished research on a science or technology field are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to state the advances and tendencies in development. It is characterized for presenting a careful bibliographical review of at least 50 references.

Form and preparation of manuscripts


3.1 About the appropriate language and style for articles writing

  • Authors must use simple sentence structures, avoiding those too long or complex.
  • The vocabulary used must be basic and common. Technical language must be briefly explained; also, the meaning of the acronyms must be given the first time they appear in the text.
  • The authors are responsible for their work to be conducted in a professional and ethical manner.

3.2 About the length of articles

The articles should not exceed 25 pages in letter size and double space, with symmetric margins of 3 cm. Only in the case of review articles, these 25 pages do not include references.

3.3 About the presentation format

Submitted articles must be unpublished works written in Spanish or English and must be typed in Microsoft Word (2003 and beyond), complying with the following indications:

  • Times New Roman letter, 12 point (except when it is required for some sections).
  • One column, double-spaced.
  • All the margins must be 3 cm.
  • Paragraphs should be justified without spaces between consecutives and without cutting words.
  • Do not include page breaks or section finals.
  • If you want to emphasize words or phrases from the text, do not use bold letters but italic.
  • Decimals should be pointed with comma (,) and not with period (.).
  • Thousands and millions should be pointed with a fine space.
  • Avoid footnotes.
  • Arabic nomenclature must be used only until the third level.

3.4 About the article structure

The papers must have the following structure and comply with the following requirements:

Composition of an article
All the articles submitted for evaluation and possible publication by the Tecnura Journal must have at least the following components:

  • Title in Spanish and English.
  • Information about the authors.
  • Abstract in Spanish and English.
  • Key words in Spanish and English.
  • Introduction.
  • Conclusions.
  • Future work (optional).
  • Acknowledgements (optional).
  • Bibliographical references.

If the article is related to scientific and technological research must also have the following components:

  • Methodology.
  • Results.
  • Financing.

The title of the article must be short or divided in title and subtitle, attractive for the potential reader, and written in capital letters. It should appear centered between the margins, written in Times New Roman, bold, font size 18. The title of the article has to be in Spanish and English separated by double space. Maximum 20 words.

After the title the complete name(s) of the author(s) must be written along with their basic biographical data: undergraduate degree, graduate degree, occupation or position, institutional affiliation (institution where they work), dependency, city, country, and e-mail. The above information must be immediately below the author's name.

The scope and purpose of the work must be established giving a clear and concise description of the methodology, results presented, and the conclusions obtained. Maximum of 250 words.

Between three and ten keywords must be chosen, written in English in Times New Roman, bold and italic.

Key words must be written in alphabetic order and must be as standard as possible, for which it is suggested the use of international databases according to the area of knowledge. For example, in the area of Electrics and Electronics it is suggested to use the IEEE thesaurus and World Bank thesaurus that can be accessed from the following Web pages, respectively:

Abstract in Spanish
Translation to the Spanish language of the text that appears in the abstract, it must be correct and precise.

Keywords in Spanish
Translation to the English language of the keywords in Spanish, they must be correct and precise.

Keywords must be written in the order of the English version and must be as standard as possible, for which it is suggested the use of international databases according to the area of knowledge. For example, in the area of Electrics and Electronics it is suggested to use the UNESCO thesaurus that can be found at the following Web page:

The general idea of the work must be described, along with its context, backgrounds, state of the art of the topic, objectives, and possible scope of the work.

The writing of this part must allow any specialized professional in the topic to replicate the research.

Explanation and interpretation of the findings. If necessary, a brief discussion focused on the interpretation of the results can be presented.

Implication of the results and their relation to the proposed objective.

Mention of the associated research from which the article was derived and the entity that endorsed and financed the research.

They should preferably be brief and include the essential contributions for the development of the paper.

Equations must appear centered in relation to the main text. They must be referenced with consecutive numbers (written in parenthesis close to the right margin). Equations are cited in the main text employing the word equation, and followed by the number in parenthesis. Equations must be made in an appropriate equation editor and compatible with "InDesign" software, as for example the equation editor of Windows.

When using tables, it is recommended that these are not inserted as images, considering that an image cannot be modified. The title of each table must include the word table (in italic) followed by the corresponding consecutive number, and a brief name of the table. The heading must be written in Times New Roman, italic, font size 9.
Charts are not allowed, just tables; and they should be automatically raised from the text processor. Tables should be named and referenced in the article, in strict order. Every table must have at the bottom the source from which it was taken, or to mention self-authorship if it is the case.

All the figures or pictures have to be sent in JPG or PNG format with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI, adapted to gray scale.

The footnote or name of each figure must include the word figure (in italic) followed by the corresponding consecutive number and a brief description of the content of the figure. The footnote of the figure must be written in Times New Roman letter, italic, font size 9. Figures must be named and referenced in the article, in strict order. Every figure must have at the bottom the source from which it was taken, or to mention self-authorship if it is the case.

The symbols of the constants, variables and functions in Latin or Greek letters –included in the equations– must be in italic; the mathematical symbols and the numbers do not go in italic. The symbols must be identified immediately after the equation. Units, dimensions, and symbols of the international system must be used.

When using acronyms or abbreviations, the complete equivalence should be written first, followed by the corresponding acronym or abbreviation in parenthesis and from there it is only written the respective acronym or abbreviation.

Bibliographic references
The adopted reference citation style by Tecnura journal is APA sixth edition. Cites, bibliographic references, and infographics are included in the last part of the article. The bibliographic references must be alphabetically ordered according to the author's first surname, without numbering.

There should only appear the cited references in the main body of the work, in tables or in figures. This means that in the list there should not appear other references although they have been consulted by the authors for the work preparation. We suggest using tools such as: Cites and bibliography from Microsoft Word (for APA sixth edition version 2013 or superior), Zotero, Mendeley, among others.

The call for a bibliographic reference is inserted in the text, at the pertinent point, under certain characteristics:

  • If the sentence includes the author's surname, it should only be written the date into a parenthesis, for instance:

Cuando Vasco (2012), analizó el problema de presentado en ....

  • When the author is not included in the sentence, surname and date must be into a parenthesis.

La investigación de materiales dio una visión en el área (Martínez, 2012).

  • If the document or work has more than two authors, the first cite must include all the surnames.

1990. (Fernández Morales, Villa Krieg & Caro de Villa, 2008) ....

  • In the following mentions, it must only be written the author's first surname, followed by "et al.".

En cuanto al estudio de las aguas, Fernández Morales et al. (2008) encontraron que ...

  • When the document or work has more than six authors, it must be used from the first mention "et al.".

Next it is described a series of examples of the more used references, according to the reference style adopted by the Tecnurajournal:

Periodical Publications:

Basic Form
Surnames, A. A., Surnames, B. B. & Surnames, C. C. (Date). Article's title. Title of the publication, volume (number), pp. xx-xx. doi: xx.xxxxxxx

Basic article
Guevara López, P., Valdez Martínez, J., Agudelo González, J., & Delgado Reyes, G. (2014). Aproximación numérica del modelo epidemiológico SI para la propagación de gusanos informáticos, simulación y análisis de su error. Revista Tecnura, 18(42), 12 -23. doi:

Web article
Rodríguez Páez, S., Fajardo Jaimes, A., & Páez Rueda, C. (2014). Híbrido rat-race miniaturizado para la banda ISM 2,4 GHZ. Revista Tecnura, 18(42), 38-52. Recuperado de


Basic Form
Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. City: Editorial.
Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. Recovered from
Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. doi: xx.xxxxxxxx
Surnames, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. City: Editorial.

Book with author
Goleman, D. (2000). La inteligencia emocional: Por qué es más importante que el cociente intelectual. México: Ediciones B.

Book with editor:
Castillo Ortiz, A. M. (Ed.). (2000). Administración educativa: Técnicas, estrategias y prácticas gerenciales. San Juan: Publicaciones Puertorriqueñas

Book elecronic version:
Montero, M. & Sonn, C. C. (Eds.). (2009). Psychology of Liberation: Theory and applications. [Versión de Springer]. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-85784-8

Technical report:

Basic Form
Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. (Report No. xxx). City: Editorial

Report with authors
Weaver, P. L., & Schwagerl, J. J. (2009). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service refuges and other nearby reserves in Southwestern Puerto Rico. (General Technical Report IITF-40). San Juan: International Institute of Tropical Forestry.

Report from a Government agency
Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. America's Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2009. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Recuperado de


Basic form
Surnames, A. A. (Year). Title. (Unpublished master or doctorate thesis). Institution name, Location.

Unpublished thesis, printed
Muñoz Castillo, L. (2004). Determinación del conocimiento sobre inteligencia emocional que poseen los maestros y la importancia que le adscriben al concepto en el aprovechamiento de los estudiantes. (Tesis inédita de maestría). Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, PR.

Commercial database thesis
Santini Rivera, M. (1998). The effects of various types of verbal feedback on the performance of selected motor development skills of adolescent males with Down syndrome. (Tesis doctoral). Disponible en la base de datos ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (AAT 9832765).

Web thesis
Aquino Ríos, A. (2008). Análisis en el desarrollo de los temas transversales en los currículos de español, matemáticas, ciencias y estudios sociales del Departamento de Educación. (Tesis de maestría, Universidad Metropolitana). Recuperado de

Standards or patents

Basic form
Surnames, A. A. Title of the patent. Country and number of the patent. Classification of the patent, date of official license. Number and date of patent request, pagination.

Hernández Suárez, C. A., Gómez Saavedra, V. A., & Peña Lote, R. A. Equipo medidor de indicadores de calidad del servicio de energía eléctrica para usuario residencial. Colombia., 655. G4F 10/0, 15 de Marzo 2013. 27 de Octubre 2011, 147


Authors must submit their articles through the application Open Journal System in digital format, attaching the cover letter and the article-authors format.

4.1 Cover letter

The article must be submitted with a cover letter addressed to the director and editor of the journal, Engineer Cesar Augusto Garcia-Ubaque, including:

  • Specific request to consider the article to be published in the journal.
  • Full title of the article.
  • Full names of all the authors of the paper.
  • Certification of the originality and unpublished character of the paper.
  • Exclusivity of submission to Tecnura journal.
  • Authoring confirmation with signature of all the authors.

This letter must be signed by all the authors, scanned and sent with the remaining requested documents.

4.2 Article-authors information format

The article has to be submitted with an information format about the article and its authors which can be downloaded from the Web page of Tecnura journal, in the section "Forms and Documents." It is important to complete all the fields of information requested, some of them have comments to clarify better what is being requested. The format must not be scanned.

4.3 Article

The article in digital format (Word 2003 or later editions) that complies with all the presentation rules described in chapter three, "Article structure," of this guide of instructions for authors.


The procedure to be followed by Tecnura journal for the evaluation and possible publication of the papers sent by the authors is the following in chronological order:

  1. Submission of the article with the cover letter and the information format by the authors.
  2. Notification to the author about the reception of the article.
  3. Verification of the presentation rules by the monitor of the journal.
  4. Notification to the author about the evaluation of the presentation rules.
  5. Submission of corrections made by the authors related to the evaluation of presentation rules.
  6. Submission of the articles to the selected arbitrators.
  7. Notification of the beginning of the arbitration process of the article.
  1. Notification to the authors about the decision made by the editorial committee, and about the evaluations made by the arbitrators.
  2. Handing over of the corrections made by the authors in relation to the evaluations made by the arbitrators.
  3. Study of the final version of the article and the evaluations of the arbitrators by the editorial committee.
  4. Delivery by the authors of the letter that surrenders right to the editor of the journal.
  5. Submission of the version with style corrections and diagramed to the authors.
  6. Verification of errors and final approval of the version with style corrections and layout by the authors.
  7. Publication of the article in the corresponding number of Tecnura journal.
  8. Notification to the authors of the number of interest.
  9. Delivery of a copy of the journal to each one of the authors of the published article.


Considering the quarterly periodicity of the journal, the Editorial Committee makes four calls every year for the submission of articles, approximately in the months of February, May, August, and November. The articles are received until the date established in the call.

Once the articles are received, the monitor of the journal will make an initial form evaluation to verify the completion of the elements mentioned in this guide of instructions to authors. After receiving again the article with the requested corrections by the journal's monitor, the paper will be submitted to evaluation by three academic peers (over time it is expected to include more external peers to participate in the process).

Each article sent to Tecnura journal is checked by two expert academic peers external to the institution of the authors, by a process of double-blind peer-review, guaranteeing the anonymity of authors and evaluators. Every paper sent is considered confidential and so it is demanded to evaluators.

There are only three possible conclusions from the evaluation made by the judges: to publish the article without modifications, to publish the article with modifications, and to not publish the article.

Subsequently, the Editorial Committee takes the decision to publish or not the articles, based on the results of the evaluations made by the assigned arbitrators. In case of contradictions in the evaluations with respect to the publication of an article, the editorial committee will send the article to a third peer. On the other hand, it will be inclined for the two evaluations that have the same concept with respect to the publication of the article.

In each call the main author must suggest at least four possible external arbitrators to his work institution evaluators, who must be specialists in the specific topic of the article sent and must have at least a Master's degree, and at least two must to be international. Potential evaluators can belong to a university or industry, public or private; their complete names must be provided, along with their highest academic formation level, institutional affiliation, and e-mail. The editorial committee will analyze these four potential evaluators in order to enrich the database of arbitrators of the journal.

The Editorial Committee of Tecnura reserves the right to print and reproduce total or partially the article, as the right to accept or reject it. In the same way, it has the right to make any editorial modification that considers necessary. In this case the author will receive written recommendations from the evaluators. If accepted, authors must deliver the article with the suggested adjustments within the dates given by the journal to guarantee its publication in the programmed number.

Sending of manuscripts


For any additional information request, please send an e-mail to Tecnura journal, or by mail to Cesar Augusto Garcia Ubaque, Director and Publisher of Tecnura Journal, to the following address:

Tecnura Journal
Journals Room, Block 5, Office 305.
Faculty of Technology
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Transversal 70 B N. 73 a 35 sur
Phone: 571 - 3238400 Extension: 5003 
Mobile: 57 - 3153614852
Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Web page:

Ethics & publication good practices

The editorial board of Tecnura journal is committed to ethics high standards and good practice for knowledge dissemination and transfer, in order to ensure rigour and scientific quality. That is why it has taken as reference the Code of Conduct, which has been established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific journal editors; outlining the following:

General duties and responsibilities of the editorial board
As most responsible for the journal, Tecnura committee and the editorial board are committed to:

  • Joining efforts to meet the readers and authors' needs.
  • Tending to the continuous improvement of the Journal.
  • Ensuring quality of published material.
  • Ensuring freedom of expression.
  • Maintaining the academic integrity of their content.
  • Prevent commercial interests compromise intellectualstandards.
  • Post corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Relations with readers
Readers will be informed about who has funded research and their role in the research.

Relations with authors
Tecnura is committed to ensuring the quality of published material, informing the goals and standards of the journal. The decisions of publishers to accept or reject a paper for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, originality and pertinence of the study with journal editorial line.

The journal includes a description of the process for peer evaluation of each received work, and has an authors guide with this information. The guide is regularly updated and contains a link to this code of ethics. The journal recognizes the right of authors to appeal editorial decisions Publishers will not change their decision in accepting or rejecting articles, unless extraordinary circumstances or irregularities are detected. Any change in the editorial board members will not affect decisions already made, except for unusual cases where serious circumstances converge.

Relations with evaluators
Tecnura makes available to reviewers a guide to what is expected from them. Reviewers' identity is protected at all times, ensuring anonymity.

Peer review process
Tecnura ensures that material submitted for publication will be considered private and confidential issue while being reviewed (double blind).

Tecnura is committed to respond quickly to complaints and ensure that dissatisfied claimant can process all complaints. In any case, if applicants fail to satisfy their claims, the journal considers that they have the right to raise their protests to other instances.

Promoting Academic Integrity
Tecnura ensures that the published material conforms to internationally accepted ethical standards.

Protection of individual data
Tecnura guarantees the confidentiality of individual information (e.g. participant teachers and/or students as collaborators or subjects of study in the presented research).

Tracking malpractice
Tecnura accepts the obligation to act accordingly in case of suspected malpractice or misconduct. This obligation extends both to publish and unpublished documents. The editors not only reject manuscripts with doubts about posible misconduct, but they are considered ethically obligated to report suspected cases of misconduct. From the journal every reasonable effort is made to ensure that works submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.

Integrity and academic rigour
Whenever evidence that a published work contains significant misstatements, misleading or distorted statements, it must be corrected immediately.
In case of any work with fraudulent content is detected, it will be removed as soon as it is known, and immediately informing both readers and indexing systems.
Practices that are considered unacceptable and as such will be reported: simultaneous sending of the same work to various journals, duplicate publication with irrelevant changes or paraphrase of the same work, or the artificial fragmentation of a work in several articles.

Relations with owners and journal editors
The relation between editors, publishers and owners will be subject to the principle of editorial independence.

Tecnura will ensure that articles are published based on their quality and suitability for readers, and not for an economic or political gain. In this sense, the fact that the journal is not governed by economic interests, and defends the ideal of universal and free access to knowledge, provides that independence.

Conflict of interest
Tecnura will establish the necessary mechanisms to avoid or resolve potential conflicts of interest between authors, reviewers and/or the editorial board itself.

Complaints / allegations
Any author, reader, reviewer or editor

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Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

© 2006 Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Journals Room, Block 5, Office 305.
Technology Faculty
Distrital Francisco José de Caldas University
Transversal 70B No. 73A - 35 south, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.
Phone: 571 - 3238400, extension: 5003
Mobile: 57 - 3153614852