ISSN 0120-4807
Printed version



Scope and policy

The academic journal Universitas HumanÌstica is a communication tool that reaches out to the academic community and distributes research results from the departments of anthropology and sociology of the Social Sciences faculty of the Pontific Javeriana University in Bogota, Colombia.

The journal's first issue was published in 1971, and today it is issued once per semester. Its intended audience consists of everyone interested in the work areas of the mentioned disciplines. The periodical publishes articles based on theoretical or empirical research that have been reviewed by a committee of peers.


Form and preparation of manuscripts

Recommendations for authors:

The submitted articles must be unedited and have not been previously submitted to any other publication. The articles must clearly state the title and subtitle (if applicable), as well as the name(s) of the author(s), institutional affiliations and email address. A copy of the author's resume or CV must be included. The text must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 150 words in English or Spanish. It is recommended that the abstract include the purpose of the study or research, the basic procedures used, the most important results and the principal conclusions. The author should present and identify 3-6 keywords for the test in English, Spanish and portuguese.

Text that specifies the format and the forms of original shipment for the journal, establishes the standards of presentation of the journal and for bibliographic references of the journal, etc.

Rules for the Presentation of Texts

The text can include quotations, footnotes, tables, legends and bibliographical references. It should be digitally presented, clear and clean, in Arial 12 pt font, doublespaced on lettersized paper, 21,5 x 28 cm. Left and right margins should be 2,5 cm, top and bottom margins should be 3 cm. Articles should have a minimum of 15 and maximum of 25 pages; reviews should be maximum 7 pages long. All pages must be numbered consecutively. No other formatting than the one mentioned here is allowed.

Tables and Figures

All graphic material must be referenced in the text, either directly or in parenthesis. It must be presented separately from the text and be numbered consecutively (Figure 11, Map1, Image 1, etc.). It must include the source and the title. It must be presented in a graphic program (such as Photo Editor, Photo Impact, PhotoShop, Corel, etc.) and not in Word. If any authorizations/copyrights for images are required, the author of the article must obtain those.

Titles and Subtitles

The title of the document should synthesize the principal idea and avoid words that are not carrying a useful purpose, extend its length or confuse the reader. The title should be brief. Subtitles should indicate principal subdivisions of the text and should orient the reader about the topics that the text covers. There should be no more than three hierarchies of subtitles, which should precisely represent the organization of the document.

First Subtitle

First subheading related to subtitle

Footnotes and Quotes

Notes (footnotes) should always be located at the bottom of the page. They serve to comment, complement or deepen important information from the text. They should not be bibliographical notes, unless they refer to quotes from newspapers, magazines or judgments – such as from the Constitutional Court or State Counsel, among others. Textual quotes of more than three lines or others that need to stand out should be presented in a separate paragraph. Quotes within the text should be placed in Latin quotation marks (« and »; alt+174 and alt+175).

Bibliography and Bibliographical References

Bibliographical quotes should be referenced within the text and must include the author's last name, the year, and – if necessary – the page number(s), as follows: (Rodríguez, 1978: 424427); for two authors, use the following: (López y Arango, 1970: 33); for multiple authors, use: (López y Arango, 1970: 33); for more than two works of the same author in the same year, use: (Díaz, 1998a, 1998b): for works of several authors of different years in the same quote, use: : (Rodríguez, 1978; López y Arango, 1970:33; Uribe et al., 1997). A detailed bibliography or bibliographical references must be included at the end of each work. It must be presented in strict alphabetical order, with ful first and last names. Using continuous capital letters is only permitted for abbreviations and acronyms. This journal follows the APA rules for publications, not for institutional works.


Books and articles included in books

Aisenson, A. 1989. Corporalidad y persona. México, Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Barta, R. 1997. El salvaje artificial (2ª ed.). México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y Era.
Bonfil, G. (Comp.). 1976. Etnocidio y desarrollo en América Latina. México, Clacso.
Bonfil, G. (Comp.). 1976a. México profundo. México, Editorial Grijalbo.
Chaumeil, J.P. 1991. «El poder vegetal», en G. ReichelDolmatoff (ed.), Rituales y fiestas de las américas. 12:11-77.
Bogotá, Ediciones Uniandes.
Levinas, E. 1994. Dios, la muerte y el tiempo. Madrid, Cátedra.
Ministerio del Interior. 1998. Situación actual de los indígenas colombianos. Bogotá, Ministerio del
Niño, S. 1994. «Tres barrios populares de diferente origen», en J. Arturo (comp.), Pobladores
urbanos. vol. I: 317341.
Bogotá, Tercer Mundo EditoresICAN.
Peñalver, P. 1985. «J. Derrida: la clausura del saber», en J. Derrida, La voz y el fenómeno. 534.
Valencia, Pretextos.
Pinzón, C. et al. 1993. Cultura y salud en la construcción de las américas. Bogotá, Instituto
Colombiano de Antropología.

–Magazines and periodic publications:

Le Mouël, J. 1997. «Lo eficaz es justo». Cuadernos de economía. 26: 1729.
Lozano, F. et al. 1997. «El modelo Arrow.Debreu es un modelo estático». Cuadernos de economía.
26: 2145.

Mahecha, D. y C. E. Franky. 1997. «Los makú del noroeste amazónico». Revista Colombiana de
Antropología. 35 (1): 85133.

«Se desplomó el dólar». El espectador. 15 de julio de 1999, pp. B1B2.
Zambrano, C.V. 1997. «Remanecidos. Vírgenes y santos en el macizo colombiano». Revista
Colombiana de Antropología. 35 (1): 271299.

Articles, thesis and texts that are not published or were presented in seminars,
symposiums, etc.

Hernández, E. y M. López. 1993. «Etnobotánica de la medicina páez en el Cabuyo, Tierradentro».
Tesis de pregrado no publicada, Universidad del Cauca.

Jordán, D. 1990. «Matrimonio, perversión y poder». Disertación doctoral no publicada, Universidad
de Nueva York.

Scoppetta, O. y J.C. Velásquez. 1997. «Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes de
carreras técnicas en Bogotá, 1998». Investigación no publicada. Bogotá, Secretaría Distrital de

Vargas, J. 1992. «Paradojas de la identidad política». Ponencia presentada en el Primer congreso de
etnoantropólogos, Choachí, 26 de noviembre.

Electronic articles

This part is referenced from the APA Style Guide to Electronic References (© 2007) and the fifth
edition of the Publication Manual (© 2001).

Periodic Publications

Internet articles based on a written source:

If you have only reviewed the electronic version of a journal or article, place [electronic version]
alter the title, as follows:

VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. 2001. «Role of reference elements in the selection of resources
by psychology undergraduates» [Electronic version]. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5:117123.
If your are referencing an online article that you think has changed from its original version (for
example, the format is changed from the printed version or page numbers are not referenced) or that
includes additional data or commentary, you must include the date you have retrieved the document
and the corresponding URL, as follows:

VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. 2001. «Role of reference elements in the selection of resources
by psychology undergraduates». Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5:117123.
Retrieved October
13, 2001, from

Articles in electronic publications

Fredrickson, B. L. 2000, March 7. «Cultivating positive emotions to optimize health and wellbeing
». Prevention & Treatment, 3, Article 0001a. Retrieved November 20, 2000, from

Articles in Internet newsletters and magazines

Glueckauf, R. L., Whitton, J., Baxter, J., Kain, J., Vogelgesang, S., Hudson, M., et al. 1998, July.
«Videocounseling for families of rural teens with epilepsy» Project
update. Telehealth News, 2(2).
Retrieved from

• Use the date of the publication in which the article appears
• If necessary, make a note that there are no page numbers
• In an Internet magazine, volume and numbers are often not relevant. However, you should
note the complete reference, including the URL and type of document.

NonPeriodic Internet Documents

Documents without author references or date

GVU's 8th WWW user survey. n.d.. Retrieved August 8, 2000, from

Documents that are available on the website of a University department or program
Chou, L., McClintock, R., Moretti, F., Nix, D. H. 1993. Technology and education: New wine in
new bottles: Choosing pasts and imagining educational futures. Retrieved August 24, 2000, from
Columbia University, Institute for Learning Technologies Web site:

• If a document is contained inside a big and complex website (such as of a University or
Governmental agency), identify the host of the organize and the appropriate program or
department before giving the URL of the specific document.

Other Electronic Sources

Electronic copy of a magazine article, 35
authors, obtained from a data base
Borman, W. C., Hanson, M. A., Oppler, S. H., Pulakos, E. D., & White, L. A. (1993). «Role of early
supervisory experience in supervisor performance». Journal of Applied Psychology, 78: 443449.
Retrieved October 23, 2000, from PsycARTICLES database.

When you are referencing material obtained from a database, follow the appropriate format of the
obtained work and add a declaration about when the material was retrieved. Give the date and the
complete name of the database.


Sending of manuscripts

Leonardo Montenegro (editor):
Universitas Humanística (revista):

[Home] [About the journal] [Editorial Board] [Subscription]

Creative Commons License All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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Bogotá - Colombia
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