Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Lingüística y Literatura]]> vol. num. 82 lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[ELE ANTE EL RETO DIGITAL: DESAFÍOS, PRÁCTICAS Y PROPUESTAS INNOVADORAS]]> <![CDATA[TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE MATERIALS: DESIGN OF THE E-BOOK <em>SE HABLA COLOMBIANO</em>]]> Resumen: Este artículo aborda el diseño de un libro digital interactivo que desarrolla la competencia cultural a través del léxico colombiano y la innovación tecnológica. Los datos se recolectaron a través de análisis documental, grabaciones y diarios de los investigadores. Los hallazgos resaltan la importancia de la experiencia, la comparación, la reflexión y la acción como estrategias para el desarrollo del componente cultural al aprender una lengua extranjera y también subrayan lo significativo de los contenidos culturales en el diseño de materiales. Asimismo, se evidencia que el libro brinda un alto nivel de interactividad, ejercicios con realimentación inmediata y gran accesibilidad.<hr/>Abstract: This paper accounts for the design of an interactive digital book that develops cultural competence through the encounter with the Colombian lexicon and technological innovation. The data was collected through document analysis, recordings and the researchers’ journals. The findings highlight the importance of experience, comparison, reflection and action. Likewise, it was found that the book provides a high level of interactivity, exercises with immediate feedback, and great accessibility. <![CDATA[THE OFFER OF VIRTUAL ACADEMIC TRAINING IN THE AREA OF SPANISH FOR SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES IN COLOMBIA: REALITIES AND CHALLENGES]]> Resumen Este estudio exploró los programas de formación y la perspectiva de profesionales en el área para identificar los desafíos de un nuevo programa virtual. Como resultado de un análisis documental de más de 50 ofertas académicas y un análisis de contenido a 15 entrevistas, los retos principales que se encontraron son, entre otros, la discusión sobre la denominación y sigla del área, y el diseño de oportunidades formativas relacionando teoría, práctica e investigación para el azar de la multitarea en español para hablantes de otras lenguas en Colombia.<hr/>Abstract This study explored training programs and the perspective of professionals in the area to identify the challenges of a new virtual program. As a result of a documentary analysis of more than 50 academic offers and a content analysis of 15 interviews, the main challenges found are, among others, the discussion of the denomination and acronym of the area, and the design of training opportunities relating theory, practice and research for the chance of the multitasking nature of the professions related to Spanish for speakers of other languages in Colombia. <![CDATA[COMPUTER-MEDIATED ACTIVITIES FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ATTENTION AND EMOTION IN THE SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE ONLINE CLASSES]]> Resumen En esta investigación examinamos los resultados de la integración de actividades mediadas por ordenador en las clases de ele en línea. Cien estudiantes italianos de ele tomaron clases basadas en dos protocolos: uno, a través de videoconferencia y, otro, en el que las actividades eran interactivas. Las variables atención y emoción las investigamos mediante cuestionarios y otros datos objetivos, como la ausencia del micrófono o la webcam, y las triangulamos con las puntuaciones de un examen de certificación. El protocolo modificado fue mayormente eficaz para mantener el nivel de atención y fomentar la empatía en el grupo.<hr/>Abstract In this research we examine the results of integrating computer-mediated activities into online ele classes. One hundred Italian ele students took lessons based on two protocols: one of them, via videocall, and another one, in which the activities were interactive. We investigated the variables attention and emotion by questionnaires and other objective data, such as the absence of microphone or webcam, and we triangulated it with the scores of a certification exam. The modified protocol was mostly effective in maintaining the level of attention and fostering empathy in the group. <![CDATA[SONGS AND PROVERBS OF MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. INCLUSION IN SPANISH COURSES AS A SECOND LANGUAGE AND FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN CANADA]]> Resumen En este artículo destacamos la relevancia lingüística y cultural de los refranes y canciones populares de México y Centroamérica para incluirlos en cursos de ele institucionalizados, concretamente en Canadá, así como para conciliar el desarrollo de las competencias intercultural y lingüística. Analizamos 30 refranes y 10 canciones y los clasificamos según los niveles y léxico temático del Plan Curricular (pc). Los resultados indican la presencia de rasgos lingüísticos -por ejemplo, nahuatlismos- y culturales propios de México y Centroamérica que normalmente están ausentes de los cursos y manuales de ele, cuya inclusión permitirá formar hablantes interculturales y ciudadanos globales.<hr/>Abstract This article highlights the linguistic and cultural relevance of proverbs and popular songs from Mexico and Central America to include them in institutionalized SL2 courses, specifically in Canada, and to reconcile the intercultural and linguistic competences development. We analyzed 30 proverbs and 10 songs and classified them according to the levels and thematic lexicon of the Plan Curricular (pc). Results of the analysis indicate the presence of linguistic -for example, nahuatlisms- and cultural features specific to Mexico and Central America that are usually absent from SL2 courses and manuals, whose inclusion could help to train intercultural speakers and global citizens. <![CDATA[IMPLEMENTATION OF DIDACTIC UNITS ON CRITICAL READING AND PRAGMADIALECTICS ARGUMENTATION IN GEOLOGY]]> Resumen En este artículo se abordan prácticas educativas de lectoescritura y argumentación pragmadialéctica en cursos universitarios de geología en dos universidades argentinas. Se emplearon encuestas, entrevistas, un grupo focal, unidades didácticas y relatos de prácticas docentes en la recolección de la unidad de análisis. Se concluye que fue enriquecedor que los docentes disciplinares se formen en lectura y escritura, pues redunda en la comprensión y producción textual disciplinar, acentuándose los procesos participativos, críticos y reflexivos.<hr/>Abstract This article addresses educational practices of literacy and pragmatic argumentation in university geology courses in two Argentine universities. Surveys, interviews, a focus group, teaching units and stories of teaching practices were used in the collection of the analysis unit. It is concluded that it was enriching that disciplinary teachers are trained in reading and writing, because it results in understanding and disciplinary textual production, emphasizing participatory, critical and reflective processes. <![CDATA[VALIDATION OF A COMPUTERIZED TEST FOR ASSESSING AUDITORY AND VISUAL PERCEPTIVE PROCESSING]]> Resumen En esta investigación se valida la prueba PRAVI como instrumento para medir las habilidades perceptivas auditivas y visuales en estudiantes de Educación Primaria. Para ello, se analizaron las variables: fiabilidad, validez de constructo, validez externa y pendientes de crecimiento en función del grado. Los resultados presentaron alfas de Cronbach adecuados para la tarea JOT y la tarea id en el factor visual lingüístico (.76/.77, respectivamente), auditivo lingüístico (.77/.75, respectivamente), auditivo no lingüístico (.75/.76, respectivamente) y visual no lingüístico (.75.71, respectivamente). Se concluye que PRAVI muestra pendientes de crecimiento adecuadas revelando sensibilidad a los grados escolares.<hr/>Abstract This research validates the PRAVI test as an instrument to measure the perceptual auditory and visual abilities in primary school students. To do this, the variables were analyzed: reliability, construct validity, external validity and pending growth according to grade. The results presented adequate Cronbach alphas for the jot task and the id task in the visual factor linguistic (.76/.77, respectively), auditory linguistic (.77/.75, respectively), auditory non-linguistic (.75/.76, respectively) and visual non-linguistic (.75.71, respectively). It is concluded that PRAVI shows adequate growth slopes revealing sensitivity to school grades. <![CDATA[SOME BELIEFS AND LINGUISTIC ATTITUDES OF SPANISH SPEAKERS OF SPAIN TOWARDS HISPANIC VARIETIES]]> Resumen Este trabajo amplía el estudio de las creencias y actitudes lingüísticas de los hablantes nativos del español de España con respecto a las demás variedades hispánicas. Para ello, treinta y seis hablantes nativos participaron en una encuesta sociolingüística de carácter mixto. Según los resultados, los participantes privilegian el español europeo frente al americano. así como manifiestan diferencias actitudinales con respecto a las variedades americanas. Estas creencias lingüísticas, además, motivan actitudes lingüísticas en los hablantes, como su preferencia por el doblaje audiovisual en español de España y la supremacía del castellano como variedad lingüística de prestigio.<hr/>Abstract This work expands the study of the beliefs and linguistic attitudes of native Spanish speakers of Spain with respect to the other Hispanic varieties. Thirty-six native speakers participated in a mixed sociolinguistic survey. According to the results, participants prefer Spanish of Spain over American. They also manifest attitudinal differences with respect to American varieties. These linguistic beliefs also motivate linguistic attitudes among speakers, such as their preference for audio-visual dubbing in Spanish of Spain and the supremacy of Castilian as a prestigious linguistic variety. <![CDATA[«BRAVA GENTE <em>BRASILIANA</em>» (II): THE BRASILIANIST DISCOURSE AND ITS LEXICOLOGICAL MISUNDERSTANDINGS]]> Resumo Este trabalho analisa os argumentos lexicológicos adotados por movimentos ufanistas e separatistas do Brasil para distinguir os adjetivos brasiliano e brasileiro e defender a adoção daquele em detrimento deste último: i) o sufixo -eiro denota profissão ou ofício, não formando gentílicos e possuindo conotação pejorativa; II) o sufixo -ano é, por excelência, o formador de gentílicos em língua portuguesa, homologamente ao que ocorre em outras línguas. Para tanto, discorremos sobre a formação do adjetivo pátrio brasileiro e seu emprego como signo de nacionalidade, bem como investigamos os valores morfossemânticos dos sufixos -eiro e -ano.<hr/>Abstract This paper analyzes the lexicological arguments of ufanist and separatist movements in Brazil to distinguish the adjectives brasiliano and brasileiro and defend the adoption of the former one: i) the suffix -eiro denotes profession or trade, not forming gentiles and having a pejorative connotation; ii) the suffix -ano is, by excellence, the one that forms gentiles in Portuguese, similarly than in other languages. To do so, we discuss the formation of the adjective brasileiro and its use as a sign of nationality. We also investigate the morphosemantic values of the suffixes -eiro and -ano. <![CDATA[TRANSLATION OF THE CHINESE FEMININE POETRY TO CATALAN: ANTHOLOGIES]]> Resumen En este artículo se realiza un estudio sobre la traducción de la poesía femenina china al catalán, a partir de las antologías publicadas, las composiciones seleccionadas y sus traducciones. Este trabajo pretende alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: sintetizar la evolución de dichas antologías desde el siglo XX, revelar sus características en diferentes períodos, analizar las diferentes estrategias adoptadas por los traductores, y formular posibles líneas futuras de investigación.<hr/>Abstract In this article, a study on the translation of Chinese female poetry into Catalan is carried out. Based on the published selections and translations of Chinese female poetry, this paper studies the Catalan translation of Chinese female poetry in order to synthesize its historical evolution from the 20th century, reveal its characteristics of different periods and the various strategies taken by translators, and find out the possible research prospects in the future. <![CDATA[«ED IO CHE LASCIAI GIÀ L’AGO E LA GONNA». GENDER ISSUES IN LAURA BATTIFERRI]]> Riassunto L’articolo studia Laura Battiferri e analizza alcuni aspetti del percorso vitale e letterario della poeta, come i suoi spostamenti da Urbino a Roma e poi a Firenze, la sua presenza nell’Accademia degli Intronati, il ruolo e l’influenza nell’opera del marito lo scultore Bartolomeo Ammannati, e lo scambio epistolare con Benedetto Varchi. Oltre alle sue capacità di inserirsi ed affermarsi nel contesto sociale e culturale del suo tempo, emergono chiaramente all’interno della sua produzione alcuni dei temi che caratterizzano il dibattito letterario-accademico della Querelle des Femmes.<hr/>Abstract The article studies Laura Battiferri and analyzes some aspects of the poet’s life and literary path, such as her movements from Urbino to Rome and then to Florence, her presence in the Accademia degli Intronati, the role and the influence in the work of her husband, the sculptor Bartolomeo Ammannati, and the exchange of letters with Benedetto Varchi. In addition to her ability to fit and assert herself in the social and cultural context of her time, some of the themes that characterize the literary-academic debate of the Querelle des Femmes emerge clearly within her production. <![CDATA[SAILING WITH ERENDIRA ON THE SANDS OF THE REAL AND THE MAGICAL]]> Resumo O trabalho analisa o conto «A incrível e triste história da Cândida Erêndira e sua avó desalmada», de Gabriel García Márquez, revelando como se dão as relações dialógicas. A pesquisa bibliográfica e hermenêutica apoiou-se no conceito do fantástico, para explicitação do realismo mágico e daí percorreu um caminho até a análise da ideologia. O realismo mágico caracteriza-se pela inclusão de elementos do fantástico ou mítico na ficção aparentemente realista. A palavra do emissor endereçada ao receptor mostra uma relação social carregada de ideologia. A narrativa em apreço constitui-se na sobreposição de dois parâmetros: o real e o irreal.<hr/>Abstract The work analyzes Gabriel García Márquez’s «The Incredible and Sad story of Candida Erendira and Her Soulless Grandmother», revealing how dialogic relationships occur. The bibliographic and hermeneutic research was based on the concept of the fantastic, to explain the magical realism and then followed a path to the analysis of ideology. Magic realism is characterized by the inclusion of elements of the fantastic or mythical in apparently realistic fiction. The sender's word addressed to the receiver shows a social relationship loaded with ideology. The narrative in question is constituted by the superposition of two parameters: the real and the unreal. <![CDATA[<strong>Marques Valverde, A. G., Cavalieri Fetzner, N. L. & Tavares Junior, N. C. (2018). <em>Linguagem e Argumentação Jurídica</em>. <em>Peças Processuais: Estrutura e Argumentação</em>. Forense, 496 pp.</strong>]]> Resumo O trabalho analisa o conto «A incrível e triste história da Cândida Erêndira e sua avó desalmada», de Gabriel García Márquez, revelando como se dão as relações dialógicas. A pesquisa bibliográfica e hermenêutica apoiou-se no conceito do fantástico, para explicitação do realismo mágico e daí percorreu um caminho até a análise da ideologia. O realismo mágico caracteriza-se pela inclusão de elementos do fantástico ou mítico na ficção aparentemente realista. A palavra do emissor endereçada ao receptor mostra uma relação social carregada de ideologia. A narrativa em apreço constitui-se na sobreposição de dois parâmetros: o real e o irreal.<hr/>Abstract The work analyzes Gabriel García Márquez’s «The Incredible and Sad story of Candida Erendira and Her Soulless Grandmother», revealing how dialogic relationships occur. The bibliographic and hermeneutic research was based on the concept of the fantastic, to explain the magical realism and then followed a path to the analysis of ideology. Magic realism is characterized by the inclusion of elements of the fantastic or mythical in apparently realistic fiction. The sender's word addressed to the receiver shows a social relationship loaded with ideology. The narrative in question is constituted by the superposition of two parameters: the real and the unreal. <![CDATA[<strong>Jugando a la guerra. Vergara Aguirre, A. (2018). <em>Jugaremos a la guerra.</em> Editorial Universidad de Antioquia, 207 pp.</strong>]]> Resumo O trabalho analisa o conto «A incrível e triste história da Cândida Erêndira e sua avó desalmada», de Gabriel García Márquez, revelando como se dão as relações dialógicas. A pesquisa bibliográfica e hermenêutica apoiou-se no conceito do fantástico, para explicitação do realismo mágico e daí percorreu um caminho até a análise da ideologia. O realismo mágico caracteriza-se pela inclusão de elementos do fantástico ou mítico na ficção aparentemente realista. A palavra do emissor endereçada ao receptor mostra uma relação social carregada de ideologia. A narrativa em apreço constitui-se na sobreposição de dois parâmetros: o real e o irreal.<hr/>Abstract The work analyzes Gabriel García Márquez’s «The Incredible and Sad story of Candida Erendira and Her Soulless Grandmother», revealing how dialogic relationships occur. The bibliographic and hermeneutic research was based on the concept of the fantastic, to explain the magical realism and then followed a path to the analysis of ideology. Magic realism is characterized by the inclusion of elements of the fantastic or mythical in apparently realistic fiction. The sender's word addressed to the receiver shows a social relationship loaded with ideology. The narrative in question is constituted by the superposition of two parameters: the real and the unreal.