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Print version ISSN 0366-5232On-line version ISSN 2357-3759


POMPA-CASTILLO, Eduardo Fernando; LUNA-CAVAZOS, Mario  and  GARCIA-MOYA, Edmundo. Structure and composition of associated communities of pine-izote (Pinus pseudostrobus-Nolina parviflora) from Puebla, Mexico. Caldasia [online]. 2021, vol.43, n.1, pp.65-79.  Epub Mar 25, 2021. ISSN 0366-5232.

The analysis of the structure and flora of the plant communities allows knowing the interrelations of the community with the environment. In Puebla, Mexico, there are plant communities composed of pine and izotal that suggest the following question: What is the similarity or floristic difference between both types of vegetation found in nearby areas? The objective was to analyze the richness, diversity, and floristic similarity in the pine forest and izotal to contribute to the knowledge of the diversity of this type of plant communities. Sampling units (SU) of 1000 m2, 16 m2, and 1 m2 were established for the high, medium, and low strata, respectively. Species were recorded, and density, dominance, and frequency were estimated to calculate the Importance Value Index. Diversity was calculated with the Shannon-Wiener index and the true diversity indexes. Cluster analysis was applied to assess floristic similarity and the species-SU association through ordination Bray-Curtis index. The floristic richness in the pine forest was 79 species and 86 in the izotal; the Shannon indices were 1.47 and 1.34, respectively and these indices were significantly different; the true diversity indices were 4.34 and 3.81, respectively. Both communities share 53 species, and they have a floristic similarity of 49 %. Pine forest and izotal showed significant differences in the density and coverage of species. This study contributes to the understanding of the structure and exchange of species in the flora of communities in dry areas of Mexico.

Keywords : Flora species exchanges; floristic similarity; floristic structure.

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