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Revista de Medicina Veterinaria

Print version ISSN 0122-9354On-line version ISSN 2389-8526


GUERRA-INFANTE, Fernando Martin et al. Detection of Chlamydia spp. In Peripheral Blood Leukocytes in Ewes without any Previous Abortion. Rev. Med. Vet. [online]. 2022, n.44, pp.61-69.  Epub May 26, 2022. ISSN 0122-9354.

The Ewes Enzootic Abortion is a disease caused byChlamydia abortus. It is deemed a zoonosis and one of the leading causes of financial losses in this type of business. This article focuses on using the culture of leukocytes from animals without any abortion symptoms and antibody detection to determine the potential presence ofC. abortusin backyard exploitations. Forty-two samples of peripheral blood were obtained from ewes in different populations. The detection ofChlamydia abortuswas carried out by using the Giemsa dye and PCR technique. Anti-C. Abortusantibody detection was performed through a commercial ELISA technique. Results showed 21 positive samples using the PCR, and only ten were positive according to the Giemsa dye, while 22 serum samples showed anti-C. abortusantibody. In this study, 38.1% of the samples were positive for theC. abortusinfection, as verified with the PCR and serology. In conclusion, peripheral blood leukocytes can be helpful to detect an infection caused byChlamydiaspp. Animal exploitation without any previous abortion allows knowing the real prevalence of ewes’ enzootic abortion in Mexico.

Keywords : abortus; leukocytes; seroprevalence.

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