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Acta Neurológica Colombiana

Print version ISSN 0120-8748On-line version ISSN 2422-4022


DUQUE MONTOYA, Daniela  and  OSPINA RIOS, Jenny Paola. Chagas disease and its neurological manifestations. Acta Neurol Colomb. [online]. 2021, vol.37, n.1, suppl.1, pp.154-162.  Epub May 26, 2021. ISSN 0120-8748.

Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) is a potentially fatal zoonosis caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, transmitted by vectors found mainly in Latin American territory, although it has other less common transmission routes. The acute phase may be asymptomatic, present with nonspecific general symptoms or with complications such as myocarditis or meningoencephalitis; additionally there are chronic forms including cardiomegaly and its complications, gastrointestinal disease and peripheral neuropathy. Thromboembolic events are frequent, with cerebral infarction being the most common. Specific anti-trypanosomal treatment has a greater impact on the acute forms. Chronic forms should be treated according to their complications, except in selected cases. The pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, as well as the diagnosis and treatment, are according to the presentation of the disease.

Keywords : Chagas disease; cerebral infarction; megacolon; meningoencephalitis; myocarditis; Trypano-soma cruzi (MeSH).

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