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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


DAZA URREGO, Alexander; BURITICA ARBOLEDA, Clara Inés  and  GARZON RODRIGUEZ, Yaqueline. Experimental study of powers, power factor and energy in industrial loads by reference to IEEE STD 1459-2010. Tecnura [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.spe, pp.41-54. ISSN 0123-921X.

Electric power and power factor (PF) are electric variables affecting industrial level for the calculation of the cost of electricity consumed; generally for its securing digital meters or quality analyzers (PQA) are generally used, applying different algorithms or methodologies for calculating electric power, finding significant differences when comparing the obtained records to each of the measured variables. This article takes an experimental study for electrical variables from the provisions of the methodology outlined by IEEE Std 1459-2010, which is taken as a reference to compare values for reactive power ranging up to 40% and apparent power factor to 20%. Error attributed to the fact that some digital equipment do not analyze the measurement phase as the only and real system, but as the sum of three independent and ideal systems.

Keywords : Electric Power; miscalculation; industrial loads; Power Factor; PQA.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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