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Print version ISSN 0123-921X


BECERRA FERNANDEZ, Mauricio  and  HERRERA RAMIREZ, Mauricio Milton. Operational planning capacities associated with profitability of service companies. A system dynamics approach. Tecnura [online]. 2018, vol.22, n.57, pp.32-43. ISSN 0123-921X.


Capacity planning is one of the critical elements in business decisions at any level since it is possible to respond to the fluctuating needs of the market through its correct configuration and allocation. As in most decisions in the field of Industrial Engineering, in the processes of planning and programming of the capacity of the productive systems, there are some aspects that cannot be left aside: the costs related to each configuration, the relationship between the variables of allocation of resources, and the response to the requirements of the clients; these constitute the basis of the models applied in the processes related to the capacities in the organizational systems.


A model was developed using systems dynamics, which allows to determine the number of personnel to respond to changes in demand; the best use of the capacity of the resources assigned to the service provision was sought according to the profitability of the business unit; and the behavior of the demand for services was simulated based on historical data on the behavior of the system.


The proposed model allows to identify the capacities, and their respective calculations, involved in the modeling. In addition, it is possible to contrast the behavior of the model (which seeks to maximize the use of available capacity by seeking the best configuration in the allocation of resources) without neglecting the profitability of the operation. This is of interest for the planning of the system, considering the costs associated with the underutilization of the work force or the insufficient provision of the service to the client.


The model presented in this research is a proposal for the analysis of operational capacities in service providers that have several variables to consider, such as the use of human resources, the demand for diverse services attended by specialized personnel, different work days, and the use of specific facilities. The search for the best configuration of the resources involved in this service provision allows companies to continually inquire about obtaining better rates of use and profitability.

Keywords : capacity planning; financial model; profitability; system dynamics.

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