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Revista Ciencias de la Salud

Print version ISSN 1692-7273


CASTRO JIMENEZ MSC, Laura Elizabeth; RINCON MORENO, Mauricio  and  GOMEZ RODRIGUEZ, Dustin Tahisin. Health Education: A View from Anthropology. Rev. Cienc. Salud [online]. 2017, vol.15, n.1, pp.145-163. ISSN 1692-7273.

Objective: Based on the review of 577 articles of the highest impact journals in the area of health, present in the Virtual Health Library (LILACS, Scielo, among other) and PubMed database, different emphasis and theoretical trends in health-disease-culture related discussion were presented. Contents: These trends arise from the interaction of a number of complex elements, mediated by the features of the individual, understanding it from an anthropological perspective. From the work developed by Canguilhem for its interpretation, the ontological and dynamic social models are described. In addition, the socio-political situation as a condition for disease to appear and the way the sociological concept rise are discussed. Following this, some contemporary trends are described based on the interpretative perspective of medical anthropology, emphasizing the development of the concepts of health, disease and culture. Conclusion: In the end, a determining fact was found: that several actions in health education emphasize the importance of exploring the cultural beliefs and practices regarding health care. This item becomes a starting point for investigations raised through the health-disease-culture axis

Keywords : Health-disease process; ethnography; anthropology; health education.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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