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Print version ISSN 1900-3803


QUINTERO-FLOREZ, Víctor Manuel; HERNANDEZ-BONILLA, Claudia Milena; GIRALDO-MEDINA, Darío  and  URIBE-ANTE, Diego Fernando. Modeling and simulation of radio resources schedulers for a LTE Network. Entramado [online]. 2016, vol.12, n.2, pp.230-245. ISSN 1900-3803.

One of the main features of LTE is the ability to perform the dynamic allocation of radio resources available in the system using different scheduling algorithms. This paper describes the modeling of the three basic radio resource scheduling algorithms in LTE downlink known as Round Robin, Proportional Fair and Maximun Rate, its implementation in the Basic System Level Simulator and simulation on a specific scenario to evaluate the performance of each algorithm in capacity (throughput) for a LTE network. To accomplish this purpose a sequential linear method is used, beginning with a brief description of the LTE technology to contextualize the reader then the phases of design and implementation are described and finally simulation and testing processes are performed on two specific scenarios LTE, in order to evaluate the performance of each radio resource scheduling algorithms modeled and to determine the impact of these techniques in the capacity (throughput) that can reach a LTE network.

Keywords : lTE; throughput; simulator; scheduler; radio resources.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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