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vol.14 issue2Latin America at a Crossroads: A Cultural Theory to Address the Wicked Problem of Regional Integration with Clumsy SolutionsRamón Cañas Montalva (1896-1977). Geopolitical Advisor to Radical Administrations in Chile, 1938-1952 author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad

Print version ISSN 1909-3063


FRENKEL, Alejandro. Argentina, Mercosur, and Attempts to Establish a Common Defense Policy. [online]. 2019, vol.14, n.2, pp.59-82. ISSN 1909-3063.

The aim of this paper is to analyze a set of proposals for providing Mercosur with a defense mechanism during its early years, specifically those that were put forward by Argentina. This intends to prove that: 1) despite the commercial nature that Mercosur had during its early years, there were attempts to incorporate security issues; 2) contrary to some studies, Argentina did not conceive of Mercosur in purely economic terms, but also offered to advance "strategic" areas such as defense, even when Brazil was against it. In order to analyze various initiatives, a typology of security integration models, namely, cooperative, integrative and collective security models, is expounded.

Keywords : Mercosur; international security; regionalism; foreign policy.

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