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Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica

versión impresa ISSN 0123-4226


MORENO HENAO, Jhusty Meliza; BOHORQUEZ PEREZ, Yanneth; AYALA SANCHEZ, Leidy  y  VALENZUELA REAL, Claudia. Effect of pH on mechanical, physicochemical and morphological properties in multicomponent edible films. rev.udcaactual.divulg.cient. [online]. 2020, vol.23, n.1, e1457.  Epub 30-Jun-2020. ISSN 0123-4226.

pH is a fundamental parameter to be considered when designing multicomponent films, because it intervenes in the compatibility and interactions that are generated between the components of the matrix, determines their functionality and as demonstrated in this study the pH has a significant influence on the mechanical, physicochemical and morphological properties of films. With this objective, films based on gellan gum, gelatin, calcium caseinate and canola oil were subjected to four levels of pH T1 = 6.6 T2 = 6.2 T3 = 5.8 T4 = 5.4 to evaluate and determine the influence of pH on the final properties of the films. As a result obtained in the properties there were significant differences (α = 0.05) influenced by the modification of the pH so that in the films subjected to a pH of T4 = 5.4 a better compatibility of the components was generated by the conditions of the medium that allowed to obtain interactions by electrostatic forces between the polymers and the oil, being evident in the best mechanical behavior with an elongation of 10.6 ± 1.8%, greater water vapor permeability, solubility of 51 ± 0.02% and a moisture content of 9 ± 3.0%; unlike the T1 films in which the interactions through hydrogen bonds predominated, affecting their permeability and mechanical behavior. Finally, as a conclusion in multi-component films based on polymers and lipids to ensure greater compatibility and interactions that are reflected in better mechanical, physicochemical and morphological properties between the components, films at pH 5.4 or otherwise in the which properties should allow greater interactions between polar groups of the components to use more basic pH such as pH 6.6.

Palabras clave : biopolymers; compatibility; interactions; permeability; elasticity.

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