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Revista Salud Uninorte

versión impresa ISSN 0120-5552versión On-line ISSN 2011-7531


BETANCURTH LOAIZA, Diana Paola; VELEZ ALVAREZ, Consuelo  y  JURADO VARGAS, Liliana. Validation and adaptation of the Fantastico questionnaire by Delphi technique. Salud, Barranquilla [online]. 2015, vol.31, n.2, pp.214-227. ISSN 0120-5552.

Objective: To carry out validation and content adaptation of the "FANTASTIC" questionnaire trough the Delphi technique to characterize lifestyles among adolescent students. Materials and methods: Validations and adaptation studies with 12 experts, which used consensus Delphi technique, into three rounds; an Cronbach’s Alpha > 0,80 was considered as an optimum value of pertinence, worthiness, relevance, usefulness, writing composition, and clarity. Results: The 30 items included in the questionnaire test behaviors on ten dimensions of life style, as: relatives, friends, associate content, physical activity, nutrishment, toxicity, alcohol, sleepiness, stress, personality sort, and activities, inner image, health control, sexuality, and order. The scores obtained from the Cronbach’s Alpha were: pertinence 0,932; relevance 0,904; usefulness 0,948; writing composition 0,846 and clearness 0,800. Conclusions: The "FANTASTIC" questionnaire can be adapted like a useful and brief tool to approach the schooled adolescents’ lifestyle from a holistic focus. It is a reliable instrument to study this population.

Palabras clave : validation studies; factor analysis; adolescents, and lifestyle.

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