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Revista MVZ Córdoba

versión impresa ISSN 0122-0268versión On-line ISSN 1909-0544


CANISSO, Igor F et al. EGG YOLK AND LDL: POSSIBILITIES FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN EQUINES. Rev.MVZ Cordoba [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.3, pp.1514-1521. ISSN 0122-0268.

The world horse industry exerts an important role as a job and income generation source. Reproductive technologies arises as an important tool in the service of world equine growth. Artificial insemination (AI) is perhaps the biotechnology with greater impact on equine breeding; a stallion can leave hundreds of offsprings over his reproductive life if AI is efficiently used. In some countries, egg yolk is frequently used as part of equine seminal extenders. The egg yolk provides the spermatozoa "resistance factors'' when it is added. The protective fraction of the egg yolk probably is the low density lipoproteins (LDL). Several studies have reported successful results with the addition and replacement of egg yolk by LDL. There are many citations about the use of egg yolk in seminal extenders for stallion's cooled and frozen semen, and in the equine reproduction practice. The egg yolk dilutors are used with good fertility results. New research is needed for the better understanding of the protective effects of egg yolk and the LDL for stallion semen. The LDL would be a great solution for dilutors to artificial insemination in horse. This review discusses the use and the advantages of egg yolk and LDL as constituents of equine semen extenders.

Palabras clave : Egg yolk; LDL; semen; equine.

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