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versão impressa ISSN 0122-6339versão On-line ISSN 2248-6798


LENCINA, José Daniel. Biopolitics of Communication, a Field to Reflect Upon. Enunciación [online]. 2023, vol.28, n.1, pp.146-159.  Epub 24-Nov-2023. ISSN 0122-6339.

Contemporaneity constitutes a scenario for the circulation of various discursive objects that question certain forms of life, practices, and, ultimately, the production of subjectivities. These discourses are the result of power dynamics that are not always evident, which requires an effort for deciphering, understanding, and explaining them. According to Foucault’s ideas, all this is an ontology of the present moment or of ourselves, that is, of what we individuals are as subjects under specific historical conditions. In order to maintain coherence between ontology and methodology, such an analysis requires the use of tools consistent with a genealogy that allows tracking such power games and, simultaneously, approaching those experiences that, as hermeneutic trajectories, trace routes outside the norm in the communication field. As a result, an exploration emerges which involves the so-called critical experimental communication/journalistic trajectories, concluding in the existential need of a biopolitics of communication as a field of reflection that responds to the singularity of a discursively configured present moment. Thus, the relationships between discourses, media, and techniques are presented as a field of politics and reflection for the creation of new worlds from communication.

Palavras-chave : communication; journalism; critical thinking; ethics.

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