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vol.14 número especial 29SIMULAÇÃO E AVALIAÇÃO ECONÔMICA DE UMA PROPOSTA DE IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DO MÍNIMO VITAL DE AGUA POTÁVEL índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Semestre Económico

versão impressa ISSN 0120-6346versão On-line ISSN 2248-4345


SANCHEZ ALZATE, Marcela. DO NATURAL RESOURCES CONDITION ECONOMIC GROWTH?. Semest. Econ. [online]. 2011, vol.14, n.spe29, pp.117-128. ISSN 0120-6346.

This article explains the relation between natural resources and economic growth using a bibliographical review, in which the roll that these resources have played in the economic theory development are analyzed together with their inclusion in growth models as well as the different perspectives that explain the possibility or impossibility of maintaining high economic growth levels taking into account the environmental limitations. This review leads to the conclusion that there is not just one correct thesis for the incidence that natural resources have over economic growth, based on the idea that countries with abundant natural resources have not experimented a fast and sustainable economic growth, while developed economies that have limited natural resources have.

Palavras-chave : Natural resources; economic growth.

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