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vol.32 número1A 'pacificação' e a 'paz territorial' no Urabá como lógicas espaciais de pazHabitats rurais dignos e integrados no território colombiano. Reflexões sobre os fatores que favorecem a sua geração índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Bitácora Urbano Territorial

versão impressa ISSN 0124-7913versão On-line ISSN 2027-145X


TORRES-TOVAR, Carlos Alberto; PEREZ-CARDOZO, Gabriela Stephanie  e  EQUIPO DE TRABAJO. Habitat and Rural Settlements in Colombia from Inclusion and the Post-Agreement. Case study: AETCR Antonio Nariño, Icononzo-Tolima. Bitácora Urbano Territorial [online]. 2022, vol.32, n.1, pp.85-106.  Epub 08-Jul-2022. ISSN 0124-7913.

This text collects some of the results of the investigation with which it hopes to generate inputs for the elaboration of a proposal of guidelines of public policy in the matter of habitat and rural settlements in Colombia, from the inclusion and the post-agreement. It presents a brief analysis of the recent history of territorial conflicts, the Peace Agreement with the FARC-EP and the ways in which rural settlements have been taking place in the country -and, in them, the so-called Ancient Spaces of Territorial Training and Reincorporation -AETCR--. As a case study, we take the AETCR Antonio Narino, in Icononzo-Tolima. These analyzes seek, on the one hand, to identify the new forms of operation, the effects and the impact that rural settlements have on public policies and, on the other, to propose their guidelines.

Palavras-chave : rural settlements; rural habitat; rural land; land use planning; AETCR; peace; reincorporation; FARC-EP.

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