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Revista de la Facultad de Medicina

Print version ISSN 0120-0011


HERNANDEZ JARAMILLO, Janeth. Thought disorder: a view from the language. [online]. 2008, vol.56, n.4, pp.353-362. ISSN 0120-0011.

Psychopathological profiles, such as schizophrenia, personality disorders, autism and mood disorder are often accompanied by: language, working memory, executive function and episodic memory disorders. One of the most striking symptoms is the irregularity of thought, derived from illogical or confusing mental models. In cases such as schizophrenia, the absurd language may impeding communication. Two critical issues presented in this paper are related to how and why these disturbances occur and what is its nature, in terms of a semiological difference between a disorder of thought and language disorder. A perspective from cognitive neuroscience useful for answering these questions.

Keywords : thinking; schizophrenic language; memory; cognition disorders; speech disorders.

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