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Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología

Print version ISSN 0120-0534


CORRAL-VERDUGO, Víctor; TAPIA-FONLLEM, César; ORTIZ-VALDEZ, Anais  and  FRAIJO-SING, Blanca. Virtues of humanity, justice and temperance and their relationship with sustainable behavior. rev.latinoam.psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.45, n.3, pp.361-372. ISSN 0120-0534.

Abstract Based upon the idea that sustainable (prosocial, proenvironmental) actions are a kind of virtuous behavior, this study explores the relationship between three universal virtues -Humanity, Justice, Temperance - and four instances of sustainable behavior (SB) -altruistic, proecological, frugal and equitable actions - which are considered necessary for achieving the ideals of sustainable development. The responses of four hundred individuals, living in a northwestern Mexican city to the Inventory of Strengths and Virtues (VIA Survey, Peterson & Seligman, 2004), as well as an instrument assessing sustainable behavior, were processed within a structural equation model. This model produced first-order factors for the three analyzed virtues and the four types of sustainable behaviors. In turn, the group of virtues generated a second-order factor (Virtue) and the group of sustainable behaviors produced a secondorder factor (SB) as well. The covariation between the Virtue and SB factors was salient and significant, which seems to indicate that prosocial and proenvironmental behaviors have a virtuous nature, at least in regard to Humanity, Justice, and Temperance.

Keywords : humanity; justice; temperance; sustainable behavior.

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