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Revista de Salud Pública

Print version ISSN 0124-0064


HERNANDEZ-FLOREZ, Luis J. et al. Contaminación del aire y enfermedad respiratoria en menores de cinco años de Bogotá, 2007. Rev. salud pública [online]. 2013, vol.15, n.4, pp.552-565. ISSN 0124-0064.

Objectives Determining the relationship between indoor and outdoor air pollution caused by particulate matter PM10 and respiratory symptoms in children aged younger than 5 years-old in three locations in Bogota. Methods This was a cohort study, involving 315 children in kindergartens located in the area of greatest exposure to PM10, and 304 in kindergartens located in an area of less exposure. The cohort was followed-up for 19 weeks considering respiratory symptoms. Particulate matter was intramurally and extramurally measured in the kindergartens. Prevalence and association between variables were determined. Results There was a difference regarding average intramural PM between higher and lower exposure (85.6 ug/m3cf 61.8 g/m3; p<0.05); 74.3 % of the children had suffered wheezing during the last year, difference between greater and lesser exposure being 79.6 % cf 69.0 % (p<0.05). Wheezing and coughing were associated with greater exposure to PM10 (RR 1.39 and 1.30). Factors associated with respiratory symptoms concerned passive smoking, having a history of low birth weight, a history of wheezing, a child's kindergarten or home being within 100 meters of (industrial) chimneys, high traffic flow routes, roads in disrepair and bed-sharing. Discussion A child aged less than 5 years-old exposed to PM10 had a 1.7 times higher risk of truancy due to acute respiratory illness; a decrease in PM10 reduced such truancy by 41.1 %.

Keywords : Particulate matter; air pollutant; respiratory tract disease; asthma.

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