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Universitas Psychologica

Print version ISSN 1657-9267


HURTADO, F; N CARDENAS, Melissa Andrea; CARDENAS, Fernando  and  LEON, Laura Andrea. Parkinson Disease: Etiology, Treatments and Preventive Factors. Univ. Psychol. [online]. 2016, vol.15, n.spe5, pp.1-26. ISSN 1657-9267.

Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative motor pathology worldwide, the causes of which are still unclear. Currently there is no cure, but it is possible to have different treatments that allow to alleviate some of its symptoms and slow its course. Due to the large amount of information, sometimes contradictory, about the so-called "risk factors" (understood as situations that may exacerbate the possibility of the onset of the disease, from family predisposition to prolonged exposure to exogenous substances), in this review aims to provide a current overview of factors associated with the occurrence of PD. We also review some treatments that seek to counteract the loss of the dopaminergic function of the substance nigra (SN) and some of the therapeutic approaches both pharmacologically, by deep brain stimulation (DBS) or by cellular implantation. Also reviewed investigations on the therapeutic potential of compounds with high specificity to cholinergic receptors (nAChRs) and adenosine receptor antagonists, specifically the A2A subtype. Possibly, during the next decades, our knowledge in epigenetics may shed new light on this interaction, as well as on the relationships between certain lines of intestinal microbes and onset of PD. At this time, the most effective therapeutic alternative is DBS; however, in the future it is expected that the development of new brain implant strategies may offer a real cure for PD.

Keywords : Parkinson Disease (PD); Deep brain stimulation (DBS); substancia nigra (SN); subthalami nucleus (NST); globo pálido interno (GPi).

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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